After eating, Li Yi went to copy books, and the two brothers Li Longji and Li Chengqi couldn't sleep again.

The two went out of Zhuangzi altogether. Bashui has a dock. There are more than 30 large and small docks in the rivers around Chang'an, of which the largest is on the Weihe River.

Two people led the team to the pier in Bashui.

During the day, the dock is lively, and there are fewer people on the dock at night, but there are still many people loading and unloading goods.

It will cost a lot of money to stop the big ship for one day, and the cargo that needs to be loaded on the ship at night will be moved out of the city in half a day and lined up.

The cargo was unloaded on the ship at night, and the cargo was transported into the city waiting for dawn.

A torch swayed in the wind, and the loaders didn't need to look at their feet, carrying the goods, and passing on the springboard with shaking step by step.

There are also large shelves on the pier, and there are open cages under the shelves. The goods are loaded in, hoisted by Calabash, turned again, and landed on the shore.

It’s more convenient if you need a hook. People on board and ashore tie the rope and leave the buckle.

"The hand Calabash made by the craftsmen has become more refined." Li Chengqi saw that the hand Calabash was different.

"The things that Brother Yi brought out, if others use them well, they will inevitably consider and improve them. Now, as long as Datang has a water transport terminal, Calabash will be available."

Li Longji mentioning Li Yi is a good thing designed and invented by Li Yi.

It is still indifferent to the business people who use iron for manufacturing. A good lifting tool can speed up the progress of the project.

When a merchant finds a good thing, it spreads quickly.

There is no pier. When the merchant talked about other piers in the past, the pier immediately went to learn.

Compared with the spread of agricultural tools, the people who work in agriculture are sometimes accustomed to the previous model, and there must be a process of change.

Merchants have a profit in their eyes, and they save two days of transportation in a month, which can add almost one month in a year.

Li Chengqi watched as the gang worker put a sack sheet on his shoulder, and the others went up to the sack with goods.

One sack was piled up one after another, piled high. This person walked on the springboard with one arm and the other, leaning his neck, and trembling a few times.

The cargo was unloaded, and then he turned his head and went to another springboard.

Others, after unloading the goods, wiped the sweat on their faces with their hands, picked up the bamboo tube next to them, and poured water on their heads in a big tank.

Then he scooped up his head and poured the bamboo tube into the boat.

"Tomorrow I will set up an alliance of ready-to-wear shops, first advertise for ready-to-wear shops, and learn from the kind of hard work that Yiyi disciple Zhuangzi does.”

Li Chengqi clenched his fist as he watched the people's suffering.

He said that the clothes on Zhuangzi are waistcoats, the fabric is canvas, and there are no sleeves in the way when working.

At the same time, the opening in the waistcoat was very wide, and when it moved, the wind would pass through it, and it would be cool.

As for the canvas, it is sturdy and can't penetrate through anything sharp.

Of course, the platform carts that Zhuangzi use the most are those who want to carry it, tired.

"Brother, go and handle it." Li Longji supported.

"Brother, look, Brother Yi will solve a small number of people's affairs today, and a small part will be solved tomorrow. Today he will take out a tool for planting seedlings and a tool for harvesting tomorrow.

Seeing that everything is not big, waiting for more and more things to be solved, more and more tools come out.

Looking back, I found that too much has changed. How many people live because of Yi brother? "

Li Longji is not a hard-working people who farms in a step-by-step manner. He sees things from a different perspective.

One point at a time, picking ice in winter to earn some money, kneading mud to earn some, picking tea to earn some, and making throwing guns to earn some.

Together, it is equivalent to the income of an ordinary family for more than a year.

The same is true for agricultural tools, saving energy and time accumulation.

In winter, children in the fields are skating to avoid the children falling into the ice hole of the river.

In the summer, he used money to make a lot of petting balls, and by the way, he solved the livelihood of some people who couldn't work hard.

Port porters, ordinary people only want to find the cheapest thing to boil water to drink, and Brother Yi solves the problem fundamentally.

As long as the advertising fee is enough, dock workers can even drink soup with meat.

Thinking of meat, Li Longji suggested: "Brother, I think someone on the dock can rest for a while, so there is no need for it to be cold soup.

Advertising costs are sufficient. They cook a bone every two days and put in cheap vegetables or wild vegetables. They bring dry food and eat it with vegetable soup. "

"If there is a lot of advertising expenses, I will take care of the food. It is easy for me to make money. With Yi brother, I will keep that many advertising expenses for what to do."

Li Chengqi is even more straightforward. Farming by the sea is now an investment.

The football field and the Union of Craftsmen have been making money.

The Zhuangzi he bought sells vegetables, cantaloupe, and watermelon in winter, but he doesn't miss it.

He is a Song king, if he doesn't rebel, it's useless to ask for too much money.

Besides, more money will be available and spent in the future.

"In that case, brother, you pay for the road. My brother is poor here, and it's almost impossible to open the pot." Li Longji suddenly joked.

"Third brother, when the salt well is drilled out one by one, and the gold from Lantian County is mined, you are the richest man in Datang.

You have to learn how to change your brother, bribe officials, hold your majesty, and donate if you have money. If you keep it, be careful your majesty cleans you up. Hahahaha~~~"

Li Chengqi said and laughed.

"Hahaha, yes, your majesty is careful, oops!" Li Longji followed with a smile.

The next morning, the two hurriedly left Zhuangzi.

Li Chengqi asked someone to set up an alliance of ready-to-wear shops, and at the same time asked who has a good clothes maker, you can invite him.

If it is really good, improve the job position and salary, and become a manager.

He also asked someone to go to the dock to set up an earthen stove, look for coal and firewood to start the fire, and at the same time bring a big pottery pot over.

I saw people setting up stoves at the piers everywhere. It was inexplicable. Who wants to sell food here?

Someone asked, the person who did the job was unclear, and the person who directed it didn't say it.

The waistcoat is easy to make. It can be cut out to different body sizes. It's okay to be a little bigger. You can sew a few pieces and lock the sides.

There is no need for button loops at the front of the placket. You can directly sew the scraps of fabric used to make the clothes and tie them.

Before noon, a batch of canvas waistcoats were finished.

The words are also written in lacquer: Ready-to-wear alliance

For the first meal, Li Chengqi decided to let the dockers have a good meal, and went to Lijiazhuang to buy things at nine o'clock in the morning.

Ask for stewed chicken and wild vegetables, preferably a little tofu.

The chicken is required to be simmered in shreds, without large pieces of meat, otherwise, what should I do if I am afraid that people at the dock will grab it.

So the people in the back kitchen of Zhuangzi directly picked the chicken off, put it in a meat grinder and wrung it.

Soak in cold water again, soak the blood foam out, wait for the hot water over there to boil, pour it in directly, and break it now.

Shave off the fat from the chicken and put it in a large pot to rely on the oil.

Then scoop a spoonful of the mixture of oil residue and oil into the large pot of stewed chicken and stir.

As a result, every bowl of soup is filled with oil, which is called slick oil, which is very deceptive.

There is no tofu, but the dried tofu silk person uses the noodle pressing machine invented by Li Yi, and the noodles are very thin and neat.

At that time, Li Yi's many small shops, such as the dried tofu in the rice noodle shop, were pressed in this way, instead of cutting it.

The dried tofu shreds are scattered in the soup, and it seems that they can be served everywhere.

These dishes were sent away in large wooden barrels and cooked by themselves at the dock.

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