Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 370 Dock Helper Resembling a Dream (first more)

"Stop work for au pair!" shouted a foreman on the Bashui wharf.

After his team unloaded their things, they went to fetch their own food.

Another foreman yelled, "Again, go to work."

A group of people rushed to various positions with sacks and took over.

Organized like this, unorganized, get a lottery for every job, and count the lottery when you don’t do it.

Such people are generally too thin or stronger than others.

Other teams are unwilling to ask for the skinny people, delaying things.

Strong people don't want to join others and delay their own money.

The downside of being organized is to give the organization a portion of the money, and let others take away the money earned through exhaustion.

The advantage of being organized is that the organization will charter a ship, negotiate a good price, and others are not allowed to touch it.

When there are few ships and goods, there is no job.

Work is not only strong, but also requires cooperation. Others throwing sacks to you are stable and comfortable, and it is different from stacking sacks and getting up again.

There are two people here at Bashui Wharf that are the most interesting, one is Xiao Wang Xiaosi, and the other is Li Daniu.

Wang Xiaosi can be more than two meters tall, and he looks all over his body with fleshy bumps.

Li Daniu is two heads shorter than Wang Xiaosi, and he is thin and thin.

In general, when casual workers carry work, Li Daniu is responsible for giving Wang Xiaosi a stack of sacks. Don't look thin, he has the strength to throw them on.

In other words, Li Daniu's explosive power is strong.

Wang Xiaosi couldn't make him throw things, but he could carry many sacks at once.

Others carried sacks on their shoulders, Wang Xiaosi carried a board, and Li Daniu threw it on the board.

A sack of more than one hundred and fifty catties of millet is good for ordinary people to carry two sacks and three sacks.

He can carry six, and he still doesn't move.

Li Daniu usually throws five to Wang Xiaosi, not the sixth one, and then carries one by himself.

Two people unload once, more than others.

With no family members and no land, the two people became refugees.

Just over a month later this year, I originally wanted to join the ranks of migrant workers in Lijiazhuangzi.

When I went to the place, I saw Qianniu guards guarding me. I didn't know if I would be arrested if I fled, and the two of them didn't dare to pass.

So working on the dock, the two cooperated tacitly, Wang Xiaosi ate more, and Li Daniu ate relatively little.

They are waiting for an opportunity, a chance to steal the past.

When it's time to eat again, neither of them knows how to cook. They spend their wages to buy rice and pickles to eat, and drink cold water.

Otherwise, Wang Xiaosi will not have enough to eat.

The money is in Zhang Daniu's hands. He is careful and can save some money. At least the clothes are worn out, and he needs money to buy a new one.

He is small, so he can wear second-hand clothes that others wear.

Wang Xiaosi's figure can't fit in other people's clothes.

"Little Si, I will work for two more hours this afternoon. I will buy you a chicken to eat. You can't eat meat." Li Daniu said to Wang Xiaosi.

"Then Big Niu, you eat too." Wang Xiaosi swallowed when he heard that there was going to be meat.

Two people are going to buy food, and there are people at the dock who provide them with food.

From the worst rice, to all kinds of meat and wine, different people eat different meals.

They eat the worst, but they have pickles.

The rice is old rice, but there is no sand in it.

Selling rice and putting sand to calculate the weight, what's the use of putting sand in cooking? Are you afraid of being beaten?

"Everyone, come over for dinner, don't need money, just eat, there is meat and tofu in the soup, which is dried tofu." The shout came.

Li Daniu and Wang Xiaosi looked at each other, and Wang Xiaosi said, "I heard someone said that they don't need money for food, and there is meat?"

Li Daniu nodded: "I heard it too."

"Is it possible? Someone would be so stupid?" Wang Xiaosi said in a naive way.

"Let's take a look, just in case." Li Daniu didn't believe it, but someone else shouted and took a look without delay.

The two followed the sound, and when they reached the place, several cauldrons were steaming.

The thick chicken broth wafted out of the wooden barrel, making the population water uncontrollable.

There was already a line in front of them, and there were eight rows.

Li Daniu took Wang Xiaosi and found a team with a few people to stand behind.

Li Daniu is also a bit shorter than others. He wants to look ahead and jumps and is very tired.

Wang Xiaosi grabbed his waistband and slipped it on his own shoulder. This height is enough, not everyone is tall.

Li Daniu saw someone putting on handprints there, and then took a shirt without sleeves. He looked at the material, which was made of canvas.

Then I went to the side to get a pottery bowl to serve the rice, and the rice cooker took two spoons of soup from the bucket and poured it on, and at the same time gave a pickle lump.

"Brother Big Niu, it's really for dinner. I saw it in the soup. There is meat froth and a layer of oil on it." Wang Xiaosi's eyesight is obviously good.

"Give the clothes back, just for what the handprints do. Don't sell us. I will look at them later. I know a few words." Li Daniu was thinking about clothes and handprints.

What is for nothing can be said to be porridge, white clothes, or sturdy canvas clothes. Who is so stupid?

Thinking about pressing the fingerprint again, I guess there is a problem.

"Clothing Alliance, what is it?" Li Daniu saw the words on the clothes and was even more puzzled.

After the people in front had finished following the procedure, it was two people's turn, Wang Xiaosi put Li Daniu down.

"Yeah, you were the tallest in the team just now. When you get to the front, it looks like a hill. Don't worry, there is a vest you can wear. Our ready-to-wear league thought of it a long time ago."

The people sitting there stood up and looked up at Wang Xiaosi.

"What's going on with fingerprints?" Li Daniu asked.

"After pressing the handprint, it is to code the number and wear it on the day of work. Everyone has his own number, so you can't wear it in a mess.

If there is a dispute, compare the handprints, who owns it, otherwise some people will wear out more and some will wear out less, how can this be counted? "

The person in charge of registration said.

"Don't look at other things?" Li Daniu asked again.

"Fleeing households, right? We don't care, we just provide food and waistcoats. You must wear them when you work, and you will come back when you leave."

The registrants guessed it as soon as they heard it, but they said they were not government officials.

"Who, who said, it's not an escape, why are you so good to us?" Li Daniu wanted to ask clearly.

"Have you seen the four words on the clothes? The Garment Alliance, this is called an advertisement. People who are literate can understand it, and those who are illiterate will be curious and ask others.

You wear them to work at the pier, and the boats passing by will know about our ready-to-wear alliance and will change the advertisement in the future. "

"I know, I just hire someone to spread it to you. Okay, press your fingerprints, hurry up, and then others will eat up the rice and soup."

Li Daniu understood and urged.

The two pressed their fingerprints and chose the numbers, and Wang Xiaosi got a canvas waistcoat that he could wear.

Turning to serve the rice, and standing there, the person who served the rice smiled: "The big guy can eat it, whatever you want, a bowl of rice, two spoons of soup, a pickle lump, and then serve it again after eating."

"He eats a lot, don't you lose?" Li Daniu always has problems.

"I'm tall and conspicuous. At that station, others can see it, so I'm afraid of eating more."

The other party replied with a smile, pressing hard when serving Wang Xiaosi's rice, and scooped up half a spoon of soup.

The two of them were holding bowls and chopsticks. They squatted down to a place with few people nearby, looked at each other, and didn't know what to say.

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