Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 389 Magical Weapon Flying to Control the Enemy (sixth)

After lunch, a group of people stood around Zhuangzi's square.

Two large boxes were placed in the middle of the square. The craftsmen opened the boxes to assemble the hanging baskets on the spot, and the buckles were combined together.

Yulin Feiqi sent a few clever onlookers in the past, they had to learn.

After the hanging basket is assembled, the next step is to install an alcohol blowtorch in the hanging basket, and an iron can is filled with alcohol.

The craftsman tried to set the fire while adjusting the flame.

Get out of the position, Yu Lin Feiqi came up to repeat the operation, all ten people learned, the craftsman opened another box.

The box contains a folded hot air balloon, which is taken out and unfolded and connected to the hanging basket.

Add sandbags to the hanging basket, hanging to the outside, and put a few inside.

The rope was tied below, and the mouth of the hot air balloon was held by someone. The blowtorch burst into flames and started to inflate the hot air balloon.

The hot air balloon gradually inflated, and before it was fully erected, the hanging basket began to ascending and was held by people.

Until he was fully erected, Li Yi took a single-person aircraft and a knife on it.

Step on the aircraft and put it on, the remote control is on the waist, one hand is holding the knife, and the other is on the alcohol blowtorch controller.

If something went wrong, he chopped the rope and flew out.

Countless pairs of eyes looked at Li Yi, more nervous than Li Yi.

Li Yi took off in no hurry, he controlled the blowtorch to adjust the flame.

It took about a quarter of an hour before he nodded, and the people around let go at the same time, and the hot air balloon went up to the ground. Finally, the rope below pulled the hot air balloon.

After stopping for a while at the height of one foot, Li Yi nodded again, and the people below began to release the rope. The hot air balloon rose higher and higher as the rope increased.

Today's afternoon is very hot and there is no wind.

Li Yi looked down in the hot air balloon and waved.

The people on the ground looked up, and someone next to them reported the count.

"Twenty feet, twenty one feet, twenty two feet... thirty feet... fifty feet... one hundred feet... one hundred eighty feet... two hundred feet, the rope ends."

The rope stretched out to an arc, and there was wind at high altitude, and the hot air balloon was slightly moved by the wind.

The rope deflects with the movement of the hot air balloon, like a kite, except that there are people on it.

Li Longji held his binoculars and saw Li Yi standing in the hanging basket smiling and waving towards the ground.

Suddenly Li Yi made a gesture, and the dealer who was watching with another telescope shouted: "Take the rope, the main party will come down, and will not let go and land today."

The following momentum shakes the potter's wheel, and the rope is entangled.

Li Yi adjusted the flame on it, and the height gradually dropped.

Two quarters later, the hot air balloon stopped at a height of one foot above the ground, and someone pushed a ladder over.

Li Yi put the aircraft down with rope and waited on it.

A Yulin flew up, and the hot air balloon lifted off again and stopped at a height of fifty feet.

He took the rope and landed, this time Li Yi got down, replaced a Yulin Feiqi, and repeated the previous steps to learn to operate the blowtorch.

Li Longji ignored him, pulling Li Yi back to the house, and Li Chengqi followed in.

"Brother Yi, hot air balloons are indeed a military weapon. As long as the wind direction is mastered, soldiers can be sent directly into the enemy's city or camp at night."

Li Longji had seen the physical flight show and knew that his own palace was not safe anymore.

If the wind blows towards the palace and a large group of hot air balloons bring soldiers into the air, who can react?

"It's also easy to pass confidence. For example, if a city is besieged, reinforcements can use hot air balloons to contact people in the city.

As long as the number is large enough, you can bring arrows and food to send, and the morale of the soldiers defending the city will be high. "

Li Chengqi thought about logistics.

Li Yi smiled and nodded. Yes, hot air balloons are used to bully people.

Li Longji thought about it again: "Bring kerosene, even in the daytime, the tent where the enemy camped was flew to the top, lit it and threw it down."

He thought of how the opponent general would feel. The height was more than two hundred feet, no, even if it was fifty feet, don't even want to touch ordinary crossbows.

The bed crossbow stands up and aims at the sky. It needs to calculate the angle, accuracy and speed of the arrow, how to strike it?

When the camp tent has lost the kerosene, put out the fire, and it will be unlucky for anyone who falls on it.

At that time, the generals had no intention of arranging battles, so they could only change into ordinary clothes and hide among the soldiers.

The camps will be lit one by one, along with heavy grain and horses.

"This thing must not be used for civilian purposes, unless it is used by Zhuangzi." After Li Longji discovered the danger, he restricted it like firecrackers.

Li Chengqi smiled suddenly: "The enemy is in the limelight, and the kite is tied with a rope, and the cavalry is ready.

When the hot air balloon troops attacked, the enemy's formation was in a mess, and the cavalry charged.

It is best to fight Tubo and Turks, they are more. If the cavalry does not gather together, there is no fighting power in groups.

If they are put together, the horse is afraid of fire. After throwing it down, the horse runs around, what kind of battle will it fight? "

Li Yi still smiled and nodded. The Air Force suppressed the ground very much.

When fighting on a large scale, the fight is a military formation.

Harmony with righteousness and ‘righteousness’ with a surpassing victory means that the two armies are facing each other and their respective formations are stable.

Whoever drives the formation to charge first will suffer, others can mobilize their own military formation according to the situation.

The generals must be guarded by the flags, relying on the flags to stabilize the military, and the hot air balloons staring at the flags and throwing incendiary bombs...

The three people talked about how to use it, and the people who went up to try it out again and again fell in love with the hot air balloon tool.

Whether the cavalry is chasing the enemy or avoiding the enemy, whoever can see farther is better.

Hot air balloons can be disassembled and assembled, and the balloon itself is bundled.

The Yulin Feiqi can be placed on the horse with maneuvering, and when needed, it can be combined to attack the city and fight against the village.

The guards on Zhuangzi talked to each other and studied whether they would put them up and stare at the situation during the day.

At this time, people on both sides of Zhangjiacun, Huangzhuang, and Bashui found the big ball that rose up for a while and then descended again.

People with good eyes can even see people in the hanging basket and the hanging basket under the ball.

Isn't this just a person flying into the sky? What is that ball?

"It must be something that Dongzhu Li brought out. Isn't this thing flying in the sky? Isn't it afraid of falling?" People passing by across the river saw it.

The person next to him said: "It's useless to fly into the sky, unless you can use it to drive."

Another said: "For warfare, those who fight you in the sky can only fight you, but you can't fight me."

"Indeed, you have to hide when I throw a stone in the sky, and you'll be done by hitting it on the head."

"Oh, then I'm great at Datang, but I don't know if this thing is good or not, how much money can I make? It's too expensive for the army to use."

"No matter how expensive it is, you have to make it, but a lot of people will die less, so save money for pensions to make this ball."

The people soon discovered that the biggest use of flying balls was war, and they were not stupid at all.

Someone enters the city and tells others what they have seen by the way.

Soon the news went viral, and at night, the whole city of Chang'an knew about it.

Dongzhu Li of Bashui has created a new ball that can take people to fly in the sky.

If it is used to fight wars, people from above will fight down, and the people below will stare, very powerful.

In the future, Datang will have fewer dead people, and whoever refuses to accept will send the ball over.

The foreign guests living in Hongshe Temple are scared, and there are things that can take people to fly to the sky and attack the ground?

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