Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 390 Another Thing Is Not Available (seventh)

Regardless of the hostile relations between Tubo, Turks, Khitan and Datang, they still have some people in charge of diplomacy in Datang.

Naturally, diplomats are responsible for intelligence collection.

Most of the information they have collected in the past is about a certain official or a certain relative.

Including things in the palace, what the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty likes.

Since last year, the information they have collected has been directed towards Lijiazhuangzi.

Said that Li Yi took out something from Li Nong the day before yesterday, drew the drawings by himself, and sent them back. If he couldn't bring the real thing, he would be stopped.

Saying that Li Yi took out something yesterday, he continued to draw drawings and passed them back.

It is said that Li Yi asked the people to go to cut ice together to make money, as well as tools to stand firmer on the ice and tools to drill ice.

It is said that Li Yi asked the people of Chang'an to knead mud to make money. The people's life is better and they have free money.

It is said that the fireworks made by Li Yi can be used to blow up the enemy in the military.

It is said that Li Yi took the chickens and ducks from Zhuangzi to Henan Province, and there was a locust plague in a large area east of Taihang Mountain, and the chickens and ducks were responding.

It hadn't stopped for two days, when something more scary came out, Li Yi made a big ball that took people to the sky.

How can the envoys sent by various countries not know what the people can think of?

This big ball is killing people, and Datang's army is preparing a lot, how should I respond to it?

The two sides agreed to set up the formation, and then look for opportunities to fight.

As a result, Datang’s flew over, looking for a flag to attack, and commanding a fart.

No, we can't let Datang have it, no, we can't just let Datang have it, we also want it.

The envoys of various countries, whether they want to fight Datang or other people, are thinking about new things.

"It's right for the Baigongs to disband. It's useless to keep it." Yao Chong ran to the heavens and earth to eat. Today, three people, Wei Zhigu did not come.

"Yuanzhi, don't think about it all the time." Lu Huaishen persuaded.

He understands how much Yao Chong has been upset and troubled because of Baigong's affairs.

"Now it's a story in the whole city, I wait until I see the real thing, so I should think of a way." Zhang said, turning the topic to business.

"A ball that can take people to fly must have its drawbacks. For example, a flying lamp can only move with the wind."

Lu Huaishen kept up with the topic.

Yao Chong looked at the lantern light outside: "I don't know how many people can be killed, the old man only knows. Whenever the wind blows on the enemy, the enemy will be afraid.

If the day is okay and the wind blows at night, can soldiers rest at ease? Which one is not afraid of being attacked in the dark? "

Yao Chong discovered that Qiuzi's deterrent power may be greater than the actual combat power.

"It's better not to imitate it, or else I would rather not create and equip the army than let the enemy learn it."

Lu Huaishen said his own idea, he was afraid that the Tubo and Turks would use a hot air balloon to make trouble in Datang.

"The wind is too strong, it blows far, can the ball fly back?"

Zhang said frowning, Kong Mingdeng understood and let it go.

The kite needs a wired connection and the ball is connected to the rope. How long does it need to be?

"I haven't seen anything, I can't talk about it, ask your majesty, take one to the palace and have a look and eat."

Yao Chong found that there was nothing to discuss right now, so he didn't say anything at all.

Zhuangzi was eating, and five hundred Yulin Feiqi went to eat their own food. The topic of discussion was hot air balloons.

"When I went up today, at a height of twenty feet, the wind was blowing eastward, but it rose to thirty feet, which was blowing southeast, and it was blowing westward again at fifty feet."

"I also found out, but when I was ten feet away, the wind went north and fifty feet northwest."

"Does the greater the height difference, the more obvious the direction of the wind changes?"

"Look again tomorrow and fly higher. If that's the case, if we adjust the height, wouldn't it be possible to change the direction."

Feiqi Habayashi discovered the secret in the chat, as long as they master the height and wind direction proficiently.

After the hot air balloon without rope flies out, it can fly back again.

When you get to the enemy, fly over, choose a good altitude, and turn back, the process will be slower, and it can always cause damage to the enemy.

Do not fly when the wind is too strong.

Li Yi, who was eating in the private room, said about his new method.

"Make a batch of Kongming lanterns, a little bigger, put the fierce fire oil in, then light the incense and place them on the rope on the brace inside.

When the incense burned there, the rope was burned, the lamp or candle was tilted, the fierce oil was lit, and the paper was burned by the fire.

The burning canister of fierce fire oil fell from the sky and ignited the enemy camp below.

Many Kongming lanterns fly away and far away, wasting things.

But in a battle, come at a critical moment, if it succeeds, the enemy camp will be chaotic. "

Li Yi came up with a newly figured out method, the two sides fought, and it was enough to succeed once.

"No, if the enemy sees it, the enemy will follow suit. Tubo always likes to attack my Datang."

When Li Chengqi heard it, he had a good idea, and a large number of Kongming lanterns were let off by the wind, and some of them would be considered successful if they fell.

Now everyone doesn't need it, no one thinks of reminding the enemy that the enemy will come up with a Kongming Lantern for an attack.

Waiting for the direction of the wind to release and burn Datang’s army rations and other items, Datang lost more than the cost of making Kongming Lanterns.

Li Longji nodded, "Yes, don't say it, so as not to spread it."

"Ah!" Li Yi thought about it. It makes sense. I don't know how much money there is in Turks. Tubo has artisans, fields, and oil.

Tubo wants to make it and promises to make it.

Nothing happened that night, and the next day, Zhuangzi's craftsmen made two more hot air balloons.

Yulin Feiqi continued to fly up for a test flight. The length of the rope was controlled at two hundred feet, and the rope could only be used up at most.

This time more people came to watch the news. They couldn't get into Zhuangzi, so they just watched outside Bashui.

The hot air balloon is big enough to be seen rising.

Including the envoys of various countries, seeing three balls up and down today, sadness gushed out of their hearts and written on their faces.

The people of Datang cheered when they saw it, as if tomorrow Datang would wipe out all the surrounding forces.

Li Longji ended early, and Yao Chong did not leave.

"Your Majesty, the minister has heard that there is a rumor that Lijiazhuangzi has a new product, which is spherical, with a basket under the ball and a man in the basket. I don't know..."

Yao Chong asked directly.

Before he finished speaking, Li Longji nodded lightly: "Yes, hot air balloons, and Habayashi rides in training. In the future, I will look for suitable weather and opportunities on the battlefield to attack the enemy."

"Is it easy to make?" Lu Huaishen worried.

"It's easy to make, and Lijiazhuang is easy to make. The alcohol used can't be made by others, and the alcohol blowtorch can't be made." Li Longji understood what the veteran was thinking.

Zhang said, "How much does it cost?"

"It's up to me to pay the money, Zhu Qing needn't worry."

Li Longji didn't raise the cost, and he didn't want the treasury to contribute funds. Zuo Zang took the money, and the court wanted supervision.

Is Li Yi's Zhuangzi a place that others can manage? And the cost is divided into material cost and technology cost.

The materials are not expensive, but the technology is hard to come up with by Li Yi.

Oh, it's not easy.

"Your Majesty, we want to see." Yao Chong felt helpless when he heard that Li Longji did not take the court's account.

Before the gunpowder was not under the control of the court, it was such a dangerous thing.

Today's hot air balloons are not yet under the control of the court. The hot air balloons with gunpowder float from Zhuangzi to the imperial city...

"Tomorrow morning, I will send Yulin Feiqi to bring one over." Li Longji agreed and let you see.

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