Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 501 What is the reward for the full moon (first more)

A clear and bright jade plate, a fairy in the misty lantern. Suddenly heard of homesickness, people are in peace and the moon is always full.

"Brother Yi can go to accompany Yue Guogong and Princess Jinxian." Li Longji said to Li Yi holding his own son.

He met Ye Fashan with Queen Wang and Li Chengqi at Qiaotou.

Both cupped fist salutes, and Li Longji and others cross the bridge first.

He favored this Little Sister. The other princesses all sealed 1,000 households, and the Golden Fairy princess sealed 1,400 households.

I also specially got a Golden Fairy View, and I don't care about other things.

But when he met Li Yi, he didn't want Princess Jinxian to contact him.

He has decided that today is to play for one day, and he cannot find him in the future.

"No, I have agreed with Lao Ye. He is helping find someone to study chemistry. The students are not attentive and always want to be officials. It's better to be a Taoist priest."

Li Yi didn't want to accompany those two people. There was nothing to talk about. Talk about the Buddhist scriptures? You have to'see' now, and it's hard work.

Anyway, the matter was discussed well, and Ye Fashan asked someone to help make three acids and two bases first, and get white phosphorus by the way.

For the time being as a place where materials are supplied, he pays for it, and then, depending on the situation, teaches better chemistry knowledge to the Taoist priests.

Taoist priests need to be strictly screened, and secrets are not allowed to be revealed.

On the other side, Princess Jin Xian was not very happy, she always thought of Li Yi.

She found that Li Yi was avoiding her, not despising her, nor was she afraid of her, it seemed to be troublesome.

"I know everything I ask, so I just want to ask something. I won't write a poem for me." Princess Jinxian mumbled.

"The princess doesn't have to be like this. Li Yi's policies are all for the benefit of the people. What you ask is a personal matter, and he certainly doesn't want to answer."

Ye Fashan was relieved by the side and watched the performance by the way.

Today, Xin Yan and others were invited by Li Yi, plus the 221 students in Zhuangzi, it was very lively.

Small moon cakes with various fillings are snacks, and the fruits at this time are mainly grapes.

"The third brother doesn't know what to think, and has to hide it. Li Yi is so smart that he can't guess it?"

Princess Jin Xian thinks that Li Yi should be taken to the court, but it is not good now.

Ye Fashan smiled and shook his head. He didn't answer this question. He had already seen and understood many things when he lived this year.

After taking a sip of last year's wine, Princess Jin Xian suddenly smiled.

"Master, let's have fun now, what about three acids and two bases? Isn't this what pill refining can make, but the method given by Li Yi is more detailed."

Princess Jin Xian thought of chemical experiments, and Li Yi gave some simple things.

Various combinations, how to operate.

"Things can't be spread easily, so as not to be learned by others. This is a world-class learning."

Ye Fashan admired Li Yi's talent in ‘pill refining’, he understood it himself, but he didn’t practice it.

Li Yi wrote about what kind of things would kill people if they were eaten, even without eating, often pill refining, smoking, and short life span.

"Master, the printing on his Zhuangzi is good, the paper is good, it is better for us to print some things.

No, I am going to find someone to raise money and also make a set of printed things.

When the time comes, you can print whatever you want, and the paper-making method will be revealed, and we will build another paper-making workshop. "

Princess Jinxian, likes to send other people's books, send it now.

Later, Li Longji felt that Buddhism was almost there, and wanted to integrate Buddhism and Taoism. Princess Jinxian gave many books, but the monks were so happy.

"Yes!" Ye Fashan thought the same, he could contact other people and pay together.

"Yes, we made it ourselves. I have to ask Li Yi how to make it." Princess Jinxian found out that she could not.

Zhuangzi only sells newspapers, and never said how to make movable type printing.

Everyone has speculation, but can't make it.

"Look for Li Yi, look for Li Yi, I have important things." Princess Jinxian found a reason.

She asked Zhuangzi to be in charge of this side.

Song De is not there, Song De is at Beitianfang at this time, giving moon cakes.

The newspaper seller took eight large moon cakes alone, and they could eat for two days when they returned home. They were relatively greasy.

The stuffing is filled with salted pork. Tell the children that you can leave it for three days at most, and you can't eat it after that.

What Song De sent to Beitianfang was a mooncake filled with nuts, which was rich in sugar and used sugar to suppress bacteria.

Each piece of moon cake is wrapped in oil paper so that it can be stored for a month, and the meat is delivered separately.

The delivery was stewed chicken with a thick layer of oil and chicken fat.

Beitianfang has always been looked after, and the food is not good, but he can take care of his fullness, and he will eat meat every ten days.

People in Beitianfang will arrange what they can do.

Waiting for his death, arranged for the coffin to be buried.

The newspapers advertised that the moon on August 15 should have family reunion, and the people believed it.

It is not night, and there is no moon. Many people are ready to watch the moon at night.

On Zhuangzi, the second manager Xunxin came to Li Yi and said that Princess Jinxian had something to discuss.

"What did you say?" Li Yi didn't want to go.

He didn't think that the private life of the princesses was bad, it was the freedom of others, and Datang was also open.

He simply didn't want to contact the princesses. He knew there was something wrong with the princesses and liked to recommend talents to the court.

For example, Princess Yuzhen recommended Li Bai and Wang Wei, both of whom are great poets.

Wang Wei writes poems, including paintings and poems, but also with a Zen spirit.

Like the lonely smoke in the desert, the sun sets over the long river.

When I read it, it is a painting, and it is not bleak, but warm. After the Tang Dynasty, the beacon smoke rises up, representing peace.

He met Princess Yuzhen and recommended him, but Wang Wei himself was talented and could be admitted as a Jinshi.

Li Bai couldn't do it. Li Bai was accustomed to doing bad things since he was a child, because his birthplace has nothing to do with the imperial examination, so he couldn't get a place.

Princess Yuzhen helped him meet Li Longji, but unfortunately, Li Longji didn't want poetry, but reading poetry was a pleasure.

Li Yi wondered if he knew those princesses.

There is a man who is close to the princess, and then ran over to let himself find a way to recommend it.

If it's easy to do without asking a high official, I'm afraid that I have to enter the court to be a powerful official.

Li Yi thought, Xun Xin waited by the side, and saw that the proprietor had finished asking questions, but he didn't dare to bother.

Li Longji said at this moment: "What's the matter?"

"It seems like I want to learn printing and print books myself." Xunxin replied to Li Longji's words.

"Teach her, ink doesn't teach, but you can buy it." Li Yi recovered, he still didn't go.

He had already figured out how to deal with things that might come to him in the future.

Chat first to see their talents, and then decide how to find ways.

Celebrities like Li Bai and Du Fu can be sent directly to any Ji county in Jingzhao Mansion to serve as a master book, county prince, or county lieutenant.

See, you don’t have to take an exam, but you will give it to the head of the Finance Bureau or the deputy head of the county, the head of the county’s public security bureau and a senior political and legal officer.

Isn't this official? How many years would it take to get to this position when it was replaced by him?

And it is from all districts of the capital, and the level is higher than others.

If such a celebrity looks down on that petty official and has nothing to do about it, even if I can find a way and give you a celebrity, tell me what your first step is to do?

As Li Yi thought, it was dark, and a bright moon slowly rose from the east.

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