Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 502 Yueming's Moment of Border Pass (second more)

"Uncle, we will take Xiao Yao home tomorrow." Queen Wang said to Li Yi while eating hot pot while holding her baby.

Xiao Yao's name is Li Jianyao, and it's time to take it home.

Queen Wang has sent a lot of labor to Ye Ting Palace in recent days.

She felt that the harem was stable, and she didn't usually come out anyway, and no one else wanted to get in touch with the child.

Li Yi glanced at the little guy with no expression of reluctance.

He nodded: "Take it back and put it by your side, so that the baby can feel at ease. If there are no other emergencies, just check it every ten days."

The little guy was obviously sleepy, smelled the smell of hot pot, and didn't want to sleep while inhaling.

As the eyesight gradually appeared, the baby's sense of smell gradually improved.

"Does he want to eat?" Li Longji asked with a smile when he saw his son inhaling there.

"He just wants to know what it is, observe it with his eyes, and when he gets older, he will grab it with his hands, then put it in his mouth, and vomit when he encounters something he doesn't like."

Li Yi shook his head and introduced the child's situation.

As he spoke, the baby's eyes closed, and curiosity couldn't resist sleepiness.

Queen Wang waited for a while, and put the child in the stroller beside her, which was actually a rockable bed with a roller underneath.

"Today's winter must be better than previous years, especially the people from Jingzhao Mansion." Li Chengqi rinsed a piece of meat and dipped it in seasoning.

"The farming tools that Brother Yi passed out are used in many places, which saves time. They use them to do other things and increase their income."

Li Longji has already obtained the information that a whole set of farm tools were used at a further place during the harvest this fall.

Each saves a few days of time, and together, at least one and a half months are not so busy.

The people will collect wild vegetables, fish, and then make them into dried vegetables, which they will eat in winter.

Where there is no coal, keep more firewood at home, and there will be enough things to burn in winter.

Many people in the north have repaired soil kang, which is used to grow bean sprouts in winter and to hatch chickens and ducks now.

Green feed storage is promoted, so those with cattle at home don't have to worry about the cattle losing fat in the winter.

In his view, this is the people's livelihood.

As for the new song that Li Yi passed out outside and was singing the Obao meeting, it was just a moment of joy.

The people did get the benefits, and they did different things for the same time.

In addition, the well-drilling team ran to the east side of Taihang, and they are still drilling wells.

The original dry place was going to be abandoned, and a well was established, and seeds were planted again to plant a crop.

In addition, many merchants in Chang'an are looking for a place to learn how to build a greenhouse. There is not enough light and the growth time is long. They need to plant early and cultivate the fire way.

And these are all changed by one person.

Li Longji looked at Li Yishi with gratitude in his eyes. The things Li Yi took out made him feel much less pressure.

Including foreign expeditions, the Great Southwest Barbarian, Li Yi gave a hundred thousand yuan, this money Ascension morale.

Soldiers who go to war don't have to worry about the lack of food in their homes, and they fight without worries.

"No new news came back for a month, and I don't know what Zhang Xiaosong's label is like."

Queen Wang thought about the troops fighting the Western Regions.

Many small tribes wanted to submit to Datang, but they were all afraid of being beaten by Zhang Xiaosong's army record.

Zhang Xiaosong went all the way down the city, not a few, but hundreds.

"He will embezzle. After defeating Adam, he will embezzle." Li Yi said suddenly.

With Ye Fashan as a god, it's okay for him to be a god himself.

"What is greedy is something to be confiscated?" Queen Wang thought that this was what she could be greedy.

If you can’t be greedy, where can you sell it? In the battle, the soldiers have no food to eat, drink the northwest wind and win the battle?

"What is greedy is not important, he must be greedy, he has done too much." Li Yi smiled.

The historical record is just one sentence: someone accused Xiao Song of corruption, so he was sent to Liangzhou prison and demoted Lingzhou soldier Cao to join the army.

In Li Yi's view, Zhang Xiaosong is scared.

He shot down hundreds of cities in a row, and slaughtered three more cities, forcing the opponent to run into the mountains.

How can you fight, how much credit?

Playing well, he was scared when he mentioned his name, and the other tribes ran towards Datang.

What should I do when I'm done? How old is the official? Do you want him to continue sitting there?

He was greedy for a while. Later in history, when the situation eased, he became a high official and continued to lead the battle.

Li Longji narrowed his eyes and nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Let's be greedy, let him continue to guard over there, it is better to be titled." Li Longji didn't care.

He is not afraid of how good Zhang Xiaosong is now, and no matter how good he is, he will come to Chang'an.

What he needs now is stability, and send Zhang Xiaosong to continue to guard his position to deter others, and Datang takes the opportunity to develop.

If you get arrested and go to jail, there will be a shortage of powerful generals, and everyone else should be ready to move.

Li Longji has Li Yi, and the generals outside can give more freedom and trust.

"You can send Yulin Feiqi to bring hot air balloons, whirlwind cannons, wooden feather arrows, and gunpowder to let him get familiar with it. It can also be regarded as a kind of supervision, so that he can feel at ease."

Li Yi followed up with his ideas, Zhang Xiaosong was afraid, what was he afraid of, wouldn't it be good to be able to fight?

Zhang Xiaosong, who was in a frantic campaign, didn't know that his fate was changed on the night of August 15th.

No matter how greedy he is, it's okay for him to be greedy for such a big credit, and there are good things to give back.

Princess Jin Xian is also eating hot pot here, Xun Xin introduces the manufacturing method of copper movable type printing and how to print.

"It's so simple? Cast the mold, leave a slot on the mold, and then apply ink to print it? It's just that copper characters are more expensive."

After listening to the Golden Fairy Princess, she found no difficulty.

"Where is Mo?" Ye Fashan thought differently.

"Buy it on Zhuangzi, I can't teach you, otherwise you will be able to print the exchange voucher with other colors of ink."

Xunxin said what Li Yi didn't tell him. Zhuangzi printed money. Can you tell me how to make ink?

"Can we...can't sell it too expensive." Princess Jinxian was about to say, ‘Can we still print money? ’Turning to think about it, it’s easy to leak secrets.

She didn't think that the person she was looking for would keep the ink manufacturing method secret.

This set of things will be printed for Datang in the future.

"Princess Golden Fairy, don't worry, the cost is not too much. You send someone to transport it away. You can print newspapers. In the future, Zhuangzi's newspapers will have more colors."

According to Li Yi's instructions, Xunxin said that the other party printed the book to send it. If you don't sell it, then you don't need to make their money.

"No newspapers are printed, no one buys it, and there is no time to advertise." Princess Jin Xian waved her hand and picked up the wine again.

The Xuan letter retired and went to work on other things. He didn't need to write a special method of movable type printing.

It's really simple. The reason why others don't is because they didn't think about it.

Heaven and Earth Restaurant.

"This is the moon cake? The words "kinship" and "hometown" are deliberately printed on it. Looking at the moon, I still feel homesick. I don't know what his idea is."

Yao Chong ate small moon cakes, which were not very greasy.

They changed their positions. The moon was not visible in the original direction, facing the road to the north.

Changing the direction, I saw the Dongshi city below, and the revolving restaurant above was used.

"Xu is for another kind of food, the newspaper wrote about the method of making moon cakes." Lu Huaishen also couldn't guess Li Yi's purpose.

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