Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 503 Taxation of seafood starts first (third more)

"Drunk Xianju dug out the warm soup and said it can still drink."

Zhang said that he didn't think about moon cakes, the moon, and homesickness. He talked about the benefits Li Yi had gotten.

In the past, Lantian County found warm soup, which was used by the people themselves. There was no need for firewood to take a bath, and the winter was also warm.

Later, it was occupied by the royal family. The people couldn't wash it, and they were not allowed to go downstream, a large area.

Now Li Yi dug up one, is it calculated?

"Let the royal take over, the old man writes." Yao Chong gritted his teeth.

"Haha!" Wei Zhigu smiled, he didn't think Yao Chong had the guts.

Li Yi's contribution to Datang is too great. He is only a third-rank literary prose officer, so what happened to him?

If you dare to write a book, Li Yi immediately knew that it was you, and someone was spreading the news.

Li Yi manages the Turks and they are going to finish their horses, and recently they have been idle again, but he gave the Ministry of Households an idea to sell noodles.

If he thinks you are too intrusive, he might take time to figure out how to deal with you.

Bi Gou, who attended the banquet together, was thinking about the sale of noodles, and heard several people talk about the warm soup in Lantian County.

He said: "Li Yi probably knew that there was warm soup there, so he bought Zuixianju. I don't need a reward from your Majesty in the future, so I can wash it."

"How many soups can he make with his warm soup? The asking price must be high, otherwise he won't make any money. I'll wait to get the benefits for nothing?"

Yao Chong's heart moved, he also wanted to go to the hot springs, the hot springs around Jingzhao Mansion, the royal monopoly.

It is usually not used there, nor is it used by others.

Only those who are rewarded will be allowed to take a dip.

There is it outside, too far.

Finally, a new one came out from Lantian County, and it was impossible for the royal family to ask Li Yi.

Li Yi asks for a high price, and he always washes it. If the prime minister does not spend money, will he be criticized?

Bi Go looked at Yao Chong: "Did Yuanzhi go to Lijiazhuang to wash the pool?"

"I washed it once." Yao Chong recalled, and then he realized: "He will build a large bath in Zuixianju? Take water from the warm soup? Say it is the soup pool?"

Everyone nodded together, what we can think of, would Li Yi never think of it?

There are too many places, he can fix it at will, one on the left and one on the right, to fetch water.

Bi Gou put down the mooncakes, did not eat them, and was about to take them home. The heavens and the earth gave less, but the fillings were good, and they were filled with beef and minced meat.

He ate hot pot: "Before this winter, there will be a lot of baths in Bashui, Changan Chengzhong, it is said that no one will do it.

This household department needs to collect taxes. First, collect the tax on Li Yi's bath, and the others can't say anything.

There are people in the court who are opposed to it. You have to help you. The household is poor and you don't want to pay for the method. "

"Didn't your Majesty give out many things that are not needed in the right Tibet to the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Households will sell them to subsidize the state's use."

Zhang said that he did not believe that Bi Gou sold miserably, the household tenants and yong have not changed this year, and expenditures have not increased.

In Nannan Man, he used his majesty's own money for digging wells.

Li Yi has nothing to do with research and invention.

In Beitianfang and the official school, Li Yi gave the money, plus Song Wang's Datang Fund, the household department has saved it.

In the right Zang is a local tribute sent to the royal family.

My Majesty saw that it could not be used up, so I asked someone to clean it up, and gave all the things that were not easy to keep for a long time to the Ministry of Households.

"This is not...Isn't it that we will issue currency in the future, so we can accumulate more!" Bi Gou muttered.

"Longze, the household department can't save much money. If you need to build a road, you should build a road, and you should build water conservancy and water conservancy. Your Majesty Li Yihe is saving it."

Lu Huaishen persuaded Bi Gou that when he talked about money, the total of ten households in his mind was not as good as one Lijiazhuangzi.

Li Yi can't find out how to make money to see his mood. He needs money, and if he wants to do something big, if the money is not enough, he will release new products.

Lijia Zhuangzi, Li Yi, who was mentioned as being able to make money at will, is indeed thinking about how to make money.

To be precise, it was Li Chengqi's partnership with him, and Li Chengqi wanted to ask.

"This year, more oysters, dried clams, sea rice, dried shrimp skins, and sea cabbage will be delivered. Will they be sold in winter as they did last year?"

"Can some merchants follow suit?" Li Yi ate half-full and stopped eating, putting down his chopsticks.

"Yes, things in the coastal areas have risen before, and I asked people to go fishing in the waters of Khitan, which is better than elsewhere."

Li Chengqi didn't eat much food. He kept drinking in small sips. He seemed very happy when he started to go fishing for seafood in Bohai Bay.

"Taxation is imposed on all marine products that are pulled by ship or on land in Chang'an in large quantities.

Tell them that if they don't pay taxes, they will push the price below their cost line, pay the tax, and then negotiate to determine the price according to different grades.

By the way, after paying taxes, you can earn points in the future. No tax is paid and no points are given.

The more taxes paid, the higher the points, and the points donated directly are half of the tax points. "

Li Yi thought of a new way to give points, so that everyone has a concept that paying taxes can get benefits.

If you donate directly, you can get the same points. Others will wait to donate when they need points.

Taxes are the foundation of the country, and donations are auxiliary.

"Other industries don't charge taxes?" Li Chengqi thought about fairness.

"Where can the seafood industry be profitable in other industries? Jewellery is profitable, but it is not easy to restrict it at the moment, and I don't know how much jewelry is collected."

Li Yi is not in a hurry to levy a full-scale commercial tax, and first collects the seafood from Jingzhao Mansion.

Last year, I made a lot of money selling oysters and sea cabbage. This year, I added sea rice and dried shrimps.

Changan's consumption level is high, there are many buyers, and the profit is always high.

"Well, let’s give the Ministry of Households some sweetness first, and talk to other people for my brother. If they don’t agree, I will try my best to keep the price down. I have a lower price than theirs."

Li Chengqi agreed.

He collects it in other coastal areas, and the price is similar to that of other merchants.

The freight is low, and it’s just a small amount of money. Other merchants can’t squeeze on the boat.

In the cold waters of the Bohai Bay, the Datang navy was dispatched, and only those who served as soldiers could work.

One catch is pile after pile, the people on the beach don't eat much at all, let alone the place occupied by the Qidan.

The seafood caught are big and good in appearance.

He gave the navy a lot of bonuses. The navy was happy. One was an extra salary that he couldn't get for a year.

The other is that the navy has money and can continue to repair ships, proving that they have the value of existence.

The boats of fishermen are incomparable to those of naval forces. The naval forces are dispatched once, and the fishermen's boats are tensed hundreds of times.

He sells at lower prices, and other merchants who also ship seafood don't want to survive.

"Dage, how are the discussions with the Khitan people?" Li Yi remembered asking the Khitan to help grow cotton.

At that time, he was suitable for growing cotton in southern Liaoning. The yield was not as good as that of other places, but it was still able to grow.

"We are willing to plant it next year. We need to exchange grain with them. They also agreed with soybeans, and we want to exchange it with iron."

Li Chengqi shook his head when talking about Khitan's request. Datang lacked iron, so he didn't want to change.

"Send them a batch of luxury goods and see if they will change their minds." Li Yi also didn't want to give iron.

The other party got the iron and promised to make weapons. If there were more weapons, he turned his head and hit Datang.

"It has already been sent. They want to exchange for other special products there. The person I sent promised to exchange it, and they are negotiating the exchange price."

Li Chengqi smiled. Obviously, he has taken advantage of the exchange amount given by the other party until now.

But continue to talk, otherwise the other party might come back again.

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