Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 512 Weeping Medical Treatment (first more)

Butterflies dance and bees fly all seasons, and the flowers bloom and fall always sad. Don't ask why the spring breeze blows, and your heart is calm, and you can listen to the green mountains and flowing water.

The perishable years are gone. Have fun, fate, fate, and be other officials. No regrets, red makeup is on the mirror, cherish, who knows how to comfort a woman.

Li Yi played the violin there and sang while pulling it.

Li Longji was only responsible for listening. Some of the court ladies and eunuchs wrote down the scores, and some wrote lyrics.

Now they cooperate very tacitly, and each knows which sentence to remember.

After playing and singing again, Li Yi did it again and asked the court ladies and eunuchs to proofread.

Everything was sorted out, Li Longji sighed, took two gloomy wooden violins from Li Yi, and left in a hurry.

Li Yi looked at the melancholy expressions of the court ladies and eunuchs, satisfied.

Sure enough, music does not distinguish national boundaries or races. He brought the normal music at that time, and the people of Datang could understand it after listening.

It was the same as his first contact with music such as "Chun Jiang Hua Yue Ye" and "Fishing Boat Singing Evening", and it was very easy to accept.

I also listened to the opera "Carmen" for the first time, and the "Matador's Song" and "Habañera" were also fine.

As for the South American song "Lumbarda", after listening to it, I still want to listen to it again.

After the song was delivered, Li Yi continued to eat, but Li Longji ran away before finishing the meal.

When Li Longji arrived at Baifudian, everyone hadn't eaten, and seemed to know that he would be back soon.

I’m still eating hot pot today, so I don’t have to worry about others trying it out.

Li Longji looked at the two Little Sisters, unfolded the score, thought about it, and gave the words to the queen.

Princess Yuzhen and Princess Jinxian gathered next to the Queen and Queen, one left and one right.

Li Longji began to play the prelude to the violin. When the lyrics needed to be entered, he didn't sing, just hummed.

When the performance was finished once, and the second time, a queen and two princesses sang at the same time.

"I have a flower, planted in my heart, budding waiting to be released, I am waiting eagerly for the morning and evening, and the people with the heart will come to dream..."

"I have a flower, and the fragrance of the flowers is all over the branches, who will really find it..."

"The woman flower, swaying in the red dust; the woman flower, gently swinging with the wind..."

"I have loved and knowingly, and I have been drunk and know the wine is strong, but the flowers bloom and thank you for nothing...A woman is like a flower like a dream~~~"

With the accompaniment of the violin, Princess Yuzhen sang to tears.

Princess Jinxian's eyes were red, her lips were pursed and she stopped singing.

Concubine Doulu was also embarrassed to hear it there: "Oh! How can that young man compose a song so jerking, he understands women's hearts."

Others also think so, how come this song sounds uncomfortable.

Just as everyone was immersed in sad emotions, Queen Wang suddenly said: "The copied one, the one copied can't be found."

"Hahahaha~~" Li Dan laughed: "Yes, I have heard of it, killed, buried, I don't know where it was buried."

Princess Jinxian's eyes turned around: "He made one song. I and Big sis are two people."

"Yes, you two." Li Longji refused to agree. No matter how much he spoiled Little Sister, Li Yi wrote poems and music for others casually?

Every time there is a purpose. Today a princess will come to ask for it, tomorrow a princess, and the day after tomorrow a country prince...

Is it over?

After eating, the two princesses transcripted a copy and took it away, and went back to their own view to find someone to sing.

Two violins were also taken away. They had violins, cellos, and pianos.

Since Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai's drama came out, the rich have to get a new musical instrument.

The next day, before noon, the song of Li Yichao, Li Yichao, was spread in Chang'an City.

In fact, someone ran to Pingkangfang last night to sing a song, and many girls from Pingkangfang wiped their tears.

Xin Yan sat in front of the window, looked at the fallen leaves in the courtyard outside, and said softly: "Fate does not stay, like the spring breeze comes and goes, women are like flowers and dreams. Alas!"

Political Affairs Hall.

"He's been idle, and he's doing this kind of obsessive voice all day long." Yao Chong finally found an excuse to say that Li Yi was not good.

"It was written for the two princesses. Now the girls in Pingkangfang are more inclined to him."

Lu Huaishen seemed a bit savory. The lyrics and tune seemed to be written specifically for the women in Pingkangfang.

"Let's talk about it, what if the old man proposes to marry Princess Jin Xian to Li Yi?" Yao Chong suddenly came up with a bad idea.

Zhang said and Lu Huaishen immediately looked at Yao Chong like the dead.

"Yao Xiang, I didn't hear anything, you just go if you want to mention it, I don't know." Zhang said, picking up the tea bowl and returning to the house.

"Oh, the old man is dizzy and deaf recently. Maybe he is ill. When will I see Li Yi for a doctor."

Lu Huaishen followed back to the room, and no more tea bowls.

"Humph!" Yao Chong snorted, and he left angrily. He didn't dare to go to Li Longjiti, and he would finish after mentioning it, without any follow-up.

Li Yi of Lijiazhuangzi didn't think about anything else. He was practicing his hands. He was practicing hands against the corpses of Turkic people in the autopsy room.

"How can the dead be sent back quickly in the war? Use the enemy's corpse to practice hands, there is no psychological barrier."

Li Yi sutured the broken heart, failed, his craftsmanship was not good.

The other is that the corpse has been soaked and frozen for a long time, and the heart is very different from the fresh one.

He was thinking about digging up other people's corpses. If he did it before, he would do it.

Of course, if you can save another one, it's okay, but except for children, how can adults bury them in a hurry?

Li Yi knew that Wang Xing wanted to dig very much. In Wang Xing's view, digging a thousand, as long as he can live one, he is not guilty.

Wang Xing has gone to the Xu Family Mansion in Lantian County to see the poor four times, and he brought gifts every time he went.

He dug out the little guy himself, and rushed all the way to Lijiazhuangzi.

"Tell me to go to the border without some equipment that can save the corpse. My own soldier is injured. I will treat it. If the enemy is dead, I will practice my hands. I can also practice if I live."

Li Yi envied the doctors in the field, and under limited conditions, he dared to use whatever means.

Like a battlefield, the stomach was cut with a knife, and the internal organs were injured, so I practiced directly.

It's like the head was shattered...buried in the pit, it can't be saved.

But the lungs are punctured, this can be artificial lungs, and then the human lungs can be sutured.

An assistant is needed, and there is no guarantee that it will be rescued.

"We have to recruit medical students. As the industrial system slowly advances, the doctors' technology in the industrial zone will increase."

Li Yi thought about the fifty nurses in Zhuangzi and thirty imperial physician nurses in the imperial medical office. He felt that there were few people.

He planned to take eighty people to the battlefield in rotation, but Zhuangzi couldn't do without him.

As soon as he leaves, what if any minister is dying?

"Opening up to the outside world will bring in more patients, let them get familiar with various operations in Zhuangzi, and gradually supplement the theoretical basis later."

Li Yi put the body of the Turkic people back in and made a decision.

When he came out of the hospital, he found Song De: "Look at what diseases the people in Chang'an are sick with. One day... five people first. If you have a bigger disease, there is no guarantee that it will be cured."

"Proprietor, if you can't save it, it will damage your reputation as a genius doctor." Song De was anxious.

"No one cares how many people you put to death, only tells how many people you saved." Li Yi shook his head, not worried.

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