Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 513 Chongyang sick cow looking for its treasure (second more)

"Porcelain bottle, the porcelain bottle used to make cans, no other patterns, blank porcelain, burn it quickly, and burn it for me."

At a kiln in Lantian County, Chang Sun Xin urged the kiln owner.

The soil in Lantian County is suitable for burning porcelain, and there are many kilns.

In addition, they have good coal, so they spend their own money to dig the coal and come back to braise the coke.

Using coke to burn the kiln will save money and labor than charcoal burning.

The kilns rotate in turn without stopping at all. When the first kiln is finished, the second kiln will be fired immediately.

Changsun Xin guarded this kiln for several days, and no other people were allowed to make other utensils. The billets must be porcelain billets that can make cans.

He doesn't ask to draw beautiful patterns, as long as he can make canned grapes.

He expects to make a lot of money with canned grapes in winter, although others are also making it.

"Li Yi, I won't bother you for the time being, although I have a lot of confidence."

Chang Sun Xin has been obsessed with the loss.

He pits others and fails to pit it well, and when others take advantage, he is psychologically unbalanced.

He has figured out a way and thinks it works very well. Let's look at it after earning money with grapes in winter.

Li Yi, who was thinking of him, began to accept patients, five a day, and Song De went out to inquire.

I asked the doctors and drugstores to find out who had some disease and it was difficult to treat. Song De went back to the other party's house and pulled back to Zhuangzi in a car.

Those with severe trauma infection, appendicitis, respiratory tract infection, gastrointestinal discomfort caused by parasites, tuberculosis...

Li Yi couldn't make up the medicine when he was treating, so he spent his life in exchange for medicine.

Healing one can also increase his lifespan, which can basically be the same.

It is estimated that this is a theoretical problem in which people can contribute to society while they are alive.

Song De secretly finds five people every day, without publicity, and also asks those who are being treated not to speak out.

He was afraid of Zhang Yang, and many sick people ran to the Bashui Bridge and knelt for medical treatment.

The city of Chang'an is so big that there are people who get sick and are born and die every day, and Li Yi is too tired to cure it.

At the time of the Double Ninth Festival on September 9, there were already 21 people living in the main courtyard of Lijiazhuangzi.

The others who have been cured have already left.

So far, no patient has died in Lijiazhuangzi.

Lijiazhuangzi died and two people died. He was too old and his physical function was not good enough to survive in Lijiazhuangzi.

"Dongzhu Li, do you want to climb?" Song De approached him early in the morning and asked Li Yi whether he was going to climb the mountain.

He also had a dogwood in his hand and wanted to plug Li Yi.

"Don't go, don't wear it, continue looking for patients, now everyone is enthusiastic." Li Yi said eighty'nurses'.

When he had the operation, there was no enthusiasm for the nurses, all of them were scared and stupid.

The nurses must also cooperate with the hooks, stop bleeding, wipe sweat, and the smell of blood fills the tip of the nose.

Every time Li Yi performed an operation on someone, he had to patiently explain it, even if the speed of the operation was slow.

But so far, he hasn't let any nurse get started, and he does the deep debridement by himself.

People who have tuberculosis are in a separate room. The nurses wear masks and tremble to deliver medicines. They can only leave after they are stable and non-infectious.

In the main hospital and hospital, the smell of disinfectant water is all day long.

Song De, who failed to insert the cornel on Li Yi's head, left with regret.

Li Yi was about to go to the main yard to check the room, and a small steward ran over: "Proprietor, someone came to sell the cow, but that cow is a dairy cow, and there are lumps in the place where the milk is produced."

"I'll go and see." Li Yi was greedy when he heard that there were cows. He didn't kill the cows himself, but bought the dead cows of others.

In summer, if there are no cows to die nearby, he can't buy it either.

There are old cattle from Zhang’s village on my own village, so a few of them have been kept, in fact, they can be killed, and they can’t do any work.

The people in Zhangjia Village are rich, and the cows are old, and they can’t move.

Li Yi didn't kill it either. If it was a cow that came to eat in a special way, he had to kill it just to eat meat.

When the cattle were old, Li Yi felt that there was no shortage of feed money on Zhuangzi.

He wants to keep it and show it to the dealers, see, the cows who work are old, I won't kill them, let alone human beings.

Unless it is someone else’s old cow, they kill it themselves and then send it over.

Thinking of eating beef, Li Yi came to Baqiao Qiaotou, taking turns training Qian Niuwei forward to protect.

Sure enough, it was a cow producing milk, but it was not a specially raised cow.

The cows were onlookers, their eyes looked at their own owners from time to time.

Li Yi squatted down and looked, and sure enough, there were bumps and pits on the indescribable parts of the cow.

He got up and said, "Okay, I will buy this cow. Remember not to send live cows over to kill us in the future. Let's bring it in and give us money."

Li Yi agreed. The other party took the money and left happily. Niu looked back, but after being unable to see the owner, he seemed to have accepted his fate.

"Proprietor, eat beef tonight?" The steward thought that he could get a bite of beef soup.

"Eat you, this cow is of great use, I still wonder whose smallpox, no, it's a pea sore.

Then it is inoculated to cattle, and then low-toxic vaccinia is cultivated through extraction, cultivation, and attenuation operations.

Then I scratched the person and got the smallpox virus directly from the person, which was too laborious to deal with. "

Li Yi looked at the cow who was not in a good mood and said, in his eyes, this cow is a treasure at the moment.

He can extract the vaccinia virus, and he has equipment and knowledge reserves to prepare vaccinia.

When the number is large, people are vaccinated.

He is about to proceed, but don't worry about giving it to others. So far, I haven't heard of a large-scale outbreak of smallpox.

"Keep it well, don't milk it, wait for it to recover naturally. This is not a special dairy cow."

With an order, Li Yi went to round the room.

The cows that were slightly ill were taken away and handed out to a separate place for good feed.

In the afternoon, Li Yi found the cow, and other people looked after it. He extracted the vaccinia liquid and put it in a special box and went to the hospital.

This time is enough, after that he will be closed and cultivated in the hospital training room.

After processing, it can be used by others.

"If Datang people have been vaccinated, they will spread the virus they cultivated to the enemy..."

Li Yi murmured, then shook his head, no, you can't do that.

"Border officers should use it. For those people in the southwest and northwest, they are likely to be infected."

Li Yi has the first trial target to make a good smallpox vaccinia.

Even if he can't control the side effects, he doesn't have another medicine to use with vaccinia and can only endure some consequences.

The soldiers at the border did not know that they would become test subjects in the future, and Li Xuandao commanded the troops to fight more smoothly.

He was not in a hurry to attack. In addition to preparing for battle, the soldiers also helped the locals with small jobs.

The people in Zhechong Mansion all work, and when there is no war, they work at home farming and participate in other labor.

Fan Fan’s idea was to use local goods to raise the army, such as fishing for fish in the river.

Picked wild vegetables and hunted.

The Southwestern men sent troops, and they also needed logistics. They were not invincible in the woods. They should be bitten by snakes and mosquitoes.

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