One after another, the boats were going to and fro on the canal.

A head of cattle was loaded on the ship and transported to Zheng County, and the bricks and tiles burned before in other counties were loaded on the ship one after another.

Li Chengqi’s industrial union and Yimeng sold the finished furniture and clothing to Li Yi at cost.

For the people in the disaster-stricken areas, there is nothing left but people alive.

Li Yi sells these things to them at the same cost. You don't need to give money now, and you will pay it back only after you make money.

Cattle go to the land, and each affected household has one mu of land, winter wheat land.

The water gradually receded, revealing the small seedlings on the ground. Many seedlings were soaked to death, and the rotten roots and yellow tips of the seedlings could be seen if they were not dead.

"Don't worry about the original land. We can grow as much as we can next year. Now we plant greenhouses."

The owner of Lijiazhuangzi said to the people who returned home after the water had receded.

"Where's the house?" Some people asked in tears when they saw the house in their homes turned into a mess.

"Someone else will build the house for you, you will live in a tent temporarily, you will be provided with a stove for briquette, household items and food to move in.

You have to pay for everything at the end. You press your fingerprints. My proprietor didn't make you any money, so he paid for the freight. "

The dealers put the words first.

It's not that Li Yi can't afford it. He doesn't give it. Except for the places where everyone has no place to live or eat in the previous few days, he does good deeds.

Until now, when things are delivered, all the people have to pay.

Those with broken arms, broken legs, and those who have no labor at home, used two acres of land to plant greenhouses and hired others to help.

A hanging garlic was sent over, and garlic was to be planted in the greenhouse.

In addition to garlic, there is also a small root of garlic, which is the box of wild vegetables that Li Yi loves to eat.

He collected a lot on the Zhuangzi, and he was going to eat it in winter.

Now I took it out and planted it, soaked it in water first, and the small roots of garlic were dried, and the seeds were not collected.

After being soaked in water, some small roots of garlic will germinate again, so plant them down and harvest them in a month and a half.

Before the small roots of garlic were harvested, the people planted garlic sprouts.

When a batch of garlic can no longer grow seedlings, the small roots of garlic will be harvested.

Under normal circumstances, garlic sprouts can be cut in half a month, and then grow again.

It grows faster when planted in the soil, and at the same time it can grow out more.

That is, the big shed should be good, Huo Dao Xiu went in, persisted for half a month, began to sell garlic seedlings, selling up to four crops, regardless of the garlic seedlings, harvest small garlic.

The garlic in winter is worthless, it depends on who will sell it.

"Let me take care of this thing. I haven't finished copying my medical books. A group of people in Zhuangzi are waiting for me to attend class. The last day today will not come tomorrow."

Li Yi complained to Li Rizhi and Liu You in the government office.

The two of them were too busy dealing with the original state government affairs, and called Li Yi to the Yamen.

The counties in Huazhou sent me some activities, the promotion of coal in winter, and the state funding to repair lonely old houses...

Li Yi analyzes the messy things there to see if the place is really done, or just for corruption.

Including some cases that need to be retrial, evidence given in the document, personal evidence, and physical evidence.

Li Yi looked at Tang's lawful comments and dealt with it there, and by the way saw through the planning documents that had been messed up several times.

Whenever he has time, he also gives instructions on what the county should do.

For example, there are many wild boars in Huayin County, and there is little food in winter. The problem of running down the mountain and plowing the ground to eat seedlings.

The local people couldn't bear it, it was very hard to fight wild boars, and they were worried about the wild boars not going inside when digging holes.

Li Yi gave an idea and told the county magistrate that he ordered the people to dig the pit first, and then plant the dried bean seedlings on the pit.

At the same time, fry the beans, crush the beans into powder, and put them on.

Wild boars have a sensitive nose, and when they smell the aroma of beans, they will naturally rush over when they see crops.

Huayin County is close to Zheng County, so he told him by the way that he caught a wild boar and gave it to Lijiazhuangzi, which could be sold at a high price.

He handled government affairs quickly, Li Rizhi and Liu Youqiu had no other ideas except for surprise.

They have served as governors in many places, and the first time they saw an official in the state capital, they would give advice to the local county.

What kind of rabbits, pull nets to catch sparrows, a strong bamboo ring can catch pheasants, and so on.

Li Yi wrote to the county's method. The pheasant didn't know how to go back. He tied a strong bamboo loop to the root of the tree and put some millet.

When the pheasant ate, he stuck his head in, and then kept pushing forward, unable to get out at all.

There is also the problem of icing around the reel well in winter. You can shave off the ice and apply a layer of oil so that it no longer freezes and it will come down with a light tap.

He also told Liyang and Xiajun that there were a lot of pine trees in these two places, and the people were asked to collect tree oil.

Huazhou consists of three counties and one county in total, and arrangements have been made in various places.

And the following letter wanted to organize manpower to vigorously develop the incubation of chickens and ducks on the hot kang in winter, but Li Yi directly rejected it.

Tell them to talk about after the beginning of spring next year, how to raise the hatched in the winter? What to eat

At this time, it was still two days away, and the lunar calendar entered October, and Li Yi didn't want to stay.

In addition to the mismatch of accounts and inventory, the state capital of Washington ended all other government affairs.

Li Yi's work efficiency alone easily matches that of officials in the four state capitals.

While he was doing the job of governing history, don't drive, long history, Sima, and joining the army, he was also able to direct post-disaster reconstruction.

Now Li Yi is tired, Li Rizhi and Liu Youqiu find that they are more tired, and their hearts are tired.

Both of them couldn't figure out how Li Yi could handle government affairs so easily.

Are young people now so strong that they are so unreasonable?

"Xiao Yi, your ability is okay to be a provincial governor." Liu Youqiu felt that being a governor would not be as good as Li Yi.

"Yeah? Lao Liu, please help me arrange. I want to go to Yuezhou as a provincial governor. I am a second-rank literary and prose officer, and now I belonged to a high-ranking official.

Exile Huang Chenrui in the past, it's better than me, what a good location, in charge of Dongting Lake and Dajiang section.

I went there and promised to double the income of the local people in three years and triple in five years. "

When Li Yi talked about Huang Chenrui and others, he was dissatisfied. Why did he send it to Yueyang Tower?

Is Yueyang City in Hunan a poor place? What a joke.

And Hubei, how can you choose that kind of position when you talk about exile?

Historically, Liu Youqiu was exiled from Hangzhou to Chenzhou in Hunan.

He felt bad, suffocated, walked on the road and made himself angry and hung up.

Yuezhou is rich in water transportation resources and fishery resources. Wouldn't it be possible to enter the canal from the Yangtze River, or to the Yellow River from the canal?

Then take the Yellow River to send things to Chang'an. The processed products of Dongting Lake aquatic products in a boat are all money.

Liu Youqiu didn't know that Li Yi was telling the truth. He felt that Li Yi pitted him. After a while, he said: "You go back, and Yulin Feiqi will also go back?"

"Yulin Feiqi is not my soldier. Guo Ziyi is in charge of it. Your Majesty wants to go back, so he will go back naturally." Li Yi picked himself out.

"Is it good to carve ice lanterns in Huazhou this winter?" Li Rizhi asked.

"Who will you show it to? Lao Li, if you need to adapt to local conditions, Changan can engage in ice lanterns and travel, but other places can't.

The rational use of local resources is the only thing, and using the same routine elsewhere is harmful to the people, detrimental to the people, and detrimental to the people. "

Li Yi said to Li Rizhi with a serious voice.

Li Rizhi gritted his teeth and nodded.

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