Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 527 The baby is getting bigger and harder (fifth)

With one day left before October, Li Yi left and returned to Zhuangzi.

He left fifty dealers in charge of the affairs here, and all the others went back.

Habayashi Feiqi withdrew nine thousand, leaving one thousand people training and public security between the two counties.

Liu Youqiu and Li Rizhi will stay for a few more days, waiting for the arrival of the new governor and other officials.

The county magistrate first became a long history and was promoted.

He did it right, Li Yi complimented that everything did not go through Li Longji, and Yao Chong did not pay attention to the line given by the officials.

"Finally gone back, my family's Rao'er is still waiting for a physical examination." In the Baifu Palace, the Queen was happy holding the little guy.

Li Jianyao's big eyes are now more agile. Not only can he turn over, he can also sit up, and he wants to stuff his mouth when he catches something with his little hand.

Li Yi didn't exchange the bite, so he cut carrots into strips for the baby to grab and bite.

When the adults were eating, he also stretched out his hand to catch it.

Normal people do not allow children to catch them. Children often cry, and adults say things that they can’t eat or that they have dirty hands.

Queen Wang is not. If the child wants to catch it, just catch it, as long as it doesn't get hot.

The little guy grabbed something and stuffed it in his mouth, and vomited it out after a while.

When I was grabbing rice and noodles, my hands were rubbing against the front of my clothes, and I was drooling.

Even so, the king and queen let it be caught, nothing more than wiping her hands and face to change clothes.

Li Yi said that the child at this time is to know what it is, what it tastes like, whether it can be eaten, and whether it tastes good or not.

"San Lang, looking at the paperwork sent by Li Rizhi and Liu Youqiu, Li Yi can handle the affairs of a state with ease. Isn't it a pity to keep him in Zhuangzi?"

Concubine Doulu mentioned one thing.

"He can't go out. If it weren't for Zheng County, it would be next to Weinan. I said nothing would agree with him staying there for several days."

Li Longji refused to assign Li Yi a real official.

Queen Wang kissed her son: "Uncle's talent is not something that can be accommodated by the order of a state, nor can it be done under the same school. Right, Huoer?"

"Ah, ah." The little guy was kissed and heard his own nickname again, and expressed anxiously.

"Look, I know everything in my family." Queen Wang naturally'understood' her son's words.

"Let's eat, do you want mutton?" Li Longji rinsed a slice of mutton, blew it cold, and sent it to the little guy.

The little guy hid back, he had caught and tasted it, it was not delicious.

And it makes your face feel oily and uncomfortable. It's fun to eat carrot sticks.

The carrot sticks are licked with your tongue, and they still have a sweet taste. Don't do this or something.

"Come on, have some tofu, let you cool down, and have a bite of hot pot soup."

Li Dan turned into a child with a smile on his face.

He picked up a piece of tofu and blanched it, put it on a spoon and smashed it with chopsticks a little bit, scooped some soup, and tried the temperature and passed it to his grandson's mouth.

The little guy opened his mouth, half a spoon of tofu entered his mouth, chewing and dancing, and a lot of tofu fell out again.

"Brother Yi said, feeding the baby when eating, the baby will be happy, this is the satisfaction of participation."

Li Longji introduced the situation. He now knows how to raise children.

In the past, he only liked the appearance of the children born with other women, and he ignored other aspects.

Changed to Li Jianyao, he also helped change the diaper.

In his mind, this is not only a child, not just his own son, but also represents the orthodoxy of imperial power.

The birth of a child can be said to be a reversal of the world. The affairs of the court suddenly disappeared, and no one dared to mention the queen's childlessness.

The adopted Yang Guibi’s sons were all sent back, so they are no longer needed.

Including those in the clan, who would dare to say behind their back that their throne was not righteous?

While Li Longji glanced at his son from time to time, a meal was finished.

On September 30th, a family of three arrived at Lijiazhuangzi at night, and Li Longji didn't care about tomorrow's dynasty meeting.

After Li Yi came back yesterday, he slept for a full 16 hours, and he lost his sleep.

I am now energetic, and I feel insomnia at night.

Let the child cry first, do a blood test to see if there is any poisoning, the result is good, there is no poisoning, and the child is very healthy.

"You can try to play with him more. For example, if he pushes him down when he sits up, he will find it interesting and get up by himself.

And let him touch the taller things with his hands, and put them on a gentle slope for him to play with.

Don't be afraid of him being injured, he is now soft, practice his kicks, and then he can climb. "

Li Yi held the child skillfully in one hand, mashed the egg custard in a bowl with a spoon in the other hand, and introduced the situation when he was ready to feed.

The baby has forgotten who pierced him to get the blood, and now his two big eyes are staring at the egg custard, and the saliva flows down the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Yi, the method you gave to the disaster-stricken people in Zheng County can be used by other counties?" Li Longji saw that his son was all right, and said about political affairs.

"In winter, the people in Chang'an will naturally raise garlic sprouts and bean sprouts, and similar things from other places will not make much money.

The advantage of the people in Zheng County is scale, they have more land that can be used than the people in Chang'an.

Transported to the capital to sell garlic seedlings, the price will be low, I am waiting for the small garlic to come out.

A little garlic is added with some salt to make pickles, which are incomparable to any pickles, and not necessarily everyone’s favorite.

Small root garlic is the most fundamental use for filling, it can replace leeks and garlic sprouts. "

Li Yi didn't say whether other places would work, he only said that the garlic seedlings in Zhengxian County are auxiliary, and the root vegetables are the main products.

Whether it works or not does not depend on what is produced locally, but how it is sold.

The recipe for soy sauce is spread out, and everyone will make it. Lijiazhuang's soy sauce is still more expensive than others' soy sauce.

It is three times higher. As long as Lijiazhuangzi sells soy sauce, it will still be in short supply.

Li Yi has tasted other people's soy sauce, it makes no difference.

The common people think that the soy sauce of Lijiazhuangzi is better than other soy sauces.

Li Longji thought there, and Li Yi fed the egg custard to the baby.

He feeds little by little, his wrist trembles, and when the baby eats a little, he stops.

I fed all the spoons in, but the baby didn't spit it out. He even licked the spoon to make it clean and very fulfilling.

"Ah, ah." The baby moved his hands and feet together and looked at the people he knew.

Li Yi hurriedly nodded: "Great, kiss. Haw!"

So the little guy was happier, he just wanted to express that I ate very cleanly, and after getting feedback, he was extremely happy.

"Brother Yi, are you going to use cement to repair their houses?" Li Longji thought about the brand problem and asked about another matter.

"It's the same with yellow mud. Speaking of cement, brother, our catapult, isn't it difficult to control the first stage volume and size when making projectiles?"

Li Yi talked about the situation of the war along the subject.

"If you defend the city, craftsmen will be found in the city to carve the stone. When the stone is gone, you can put anything up. You mean..."

Li Longji reacted.

Yes, the size and shape of the stone for the catapult made of cement can be changed at will. Waiting for the cement to solidify, it will be a standard stone.

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