Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 528 Southwest News

"Third brother, Southwest Emergency." When Li Yi tried to feed the baby the ‘mud’ of vegetables mixed with meat and a little sugar, Li Chengqi ran over.

The little guy was waiting with his mouth open and drooling. When he was suddenly disturbed, he turned his head and looked over, with a puzzled look in his big eyes.

After less than two breaths, he turned his head again and continued to wait for the feed.

Li Chengqi saw the baby and gave him a big smile, but the baby ignored him.

He said to Li Longji and Li Yi: "The third brother, Yi brother, there is news from the southwest, and the two express reports arrived together. The first batch of roads encountered rain and was delayed."

"Brother, what did you say?" Li Longji sat up straight.

"We won, and successively won the enemy troops of the Southwest Barbarian. The salt merchants of the Shu area tried their best to coordinate and transport countless grains and grass for military needs.

General You Xiaowei, Li Xuandao, garrisoned his troops and turned to help local production.

At the same time hunting, fishing, picking mushrooms, and catching giant pandas, brother Yi said that he is called giant panda, which is an iron-eater.

The Southwestern barbarian went out to fight, and it was difficult to supply logistics, which could not consume my Datang army, and frequently sought opportunities to attack.

Every attack will be noticed by the hot air balloon in advance, Li Xuandao calmly arranges, and Yulin Feiqi often rides and shoots in the open.

There were very few casualties on our side. The Southwest Barbarian had broken down more than 20,000 soldiers, of which more than 7,000 were captured. "

Li Chengqi was excited about the content of the battle report sent by General You Xiaowei Li Xuandao.

In war, it must be that the fewer people die on one's side, the better.

"Uncle, why is it called an iron-eater?" Queen Wang was curious when she was happy.

"It can also be called a pottery beast. Now there are giant pandas in a large area in Shu.

We all know that the horse needs to be fed with salt, otherwise the horse will not grow well.

Giant pandas also want to eat salt. Sometimes they enter other people's homes. They have iron pots. There is always a little salt in the pots.

Pottery pots also contain salt. The giant panda wants to eat it, so he licks it. It is a bear, and if he has strength, he broke the iron pot or pottery pot.

Others look at it from a distance and think that giant pandas eat iron, so they are called iron-eaters. "

Li Yi told science that giant pandas don't eat iron, but lick that little salt.

To raise livestock, you have to feed salt, not to mention the giant pandas who have finally found salt.

"Does that iron-eater can eat people?" The Queen still has questions.

"If you don't live, giant pandas are courageous. They usually think that you are an enemy. They bite you. After biting you to death, they will leave.

When you are really dead, the giant pandas will come back to eat and feed them fresh meat. They don't like it very much. You cook them well, and they eat very happily. "

"Brother Yi, do you have a recipe for the Southwest War?" Li Longji doesn't care about pandas. He cares about war.

"As long as there are a lot of wild animals hunted there, and the fur and some whips are dried and brought back, it is actually profitable.

The most profitable is actually the captives. I booked them and sold them to me. I paid for them.

To find someone else to work, in addition to providing a meal, you also have to pay.

Using captives without paying wages, isn't that saving, especially when the captives are in good health and strength during the war. "

Li Yi talked about the war. He asked the other party not to die as much as possible, and the salt merchants in Shu land cooperated.

Later, he settled the bill, and then used captives to work for free.

"Uncle, how much did you spend to buy the prisoners?" The Queen wanted to crook the floor again.

"Fifty thousand yuan. Giant pandas are more expensive. I just want to raise one, ten thousand yuan to survive." Li Yi said the price.

The current 50,000 yuan is a bit higher than his 50,000 yuan purchase at the time. There is no way to measure it concretely, and the price of food is not enough.

The price of food has changed too much. When he first came, the price of food was nearly six times different from the current price.

Even if it was 50,000 yuan worth of his 100,000 yuan at that time, an employee who only provided meals and simple accommodations bought it and paid back in two years.

Li Yi can even motivate meat, even if it pays back for three years, it's worth it.

"Brother Yi, you are trading money for life." Li Longji understood.

Brother own Yi paid all kinds of money, the purpose is to make Li Xuandao steady, don't worry about attacking, dragging the Southwest Man to death.

It's not the place where I, Datang, took the initiative to fight your Southwestern Man, I'm just waiting for you to come.

I have 50,000 soldiers and sufficient logistics. Your offensive side consumes supplies with me?

Without the support of Brother Yi, Li Xuandao dared not consume it, and someone in the court must have accused him of shrinking and wasting money and food.

Now the salt merchants in Shu area continue to give things without paying the user's department.

Brother Yi is alone with the burden of 50,000 soldiers.

If a businessman in the Datang took out half of the money, my Datang would be able to travel across Turks and Tubo.

"Business tax must be collected." Li Longji said what he was thinking.

He once again felt the power of capital. A person can kill and wound his own side in a battle.

And this person just finished dealing with the disaster situation in a county in the mainland of Datang.

He treats his side of soldiers and the people so full of tenderness, trying his best to balance input and output.

Turning his head to treat the enemy and corrupt officials, he went to the extreme again, saying impeachment means impeachment.

"Brother Yi, do you think the three prime ministers should be impeached?" Li Longji thought of Li Yi's bribery, so entangled.

"No, they are indeed capable. Third brother, I understand what you mean. While I am evil and hateful, I also bribe.

I impeach officials, not for myself, but for the people.

I paid bribes, not for myself. I didn't ask them to do anything. I didn't need them to make money.

The impeachment of officials was the officials who really made me angry. They bribed the prime minister and the monk to maintain integrity. "

Li Yi frankly, is it right to pay bribes? From a legal point of view, the guarantee is wrong.

Impeachment, right? From a legal point of view, there is no problem.

Dismissed officials are equally eligible to submit letters, and many of the officials who have resigned in Datang still retain their official posts, and they also submit letters to the prime minister when they encounter problems.

For example, Xie Wan applied for retirement. When he retired, he was Dr. Jin Ziguanglu, a prose officer.

When encountering a situation, I asked him, he immediately gave advice, and then ‘re-employed’ back.

It's the same with own prose officer. I'm famous and I can be impeached.

"Then what if Yao Chong was in Huazhou at that time and he drank with him, and he didn't care about Zheng County when he was drunk?"

Li Chengqi asked a question he thought was difficult to answer.

"Impeach, whoever impeaches who is there, your majesty is here, and I will impeach him too, so that your majesty will sin against yourself."

Li Yi replied decisively and looked at Li Longji at the same time: "Brother, if that's the case, can you think of a way to keep me?"

"Guarantee, I will spare my life and protect you." Li Longji was equally straightforward.

"Uncle, those people are going to exile to Yuezhou, life is not easy." Queen Wang felt too serious and changed the subject.

"Sister-in-law, to be honest, that place is a good location, and officials will not use it to make it a place of exile.

There are abundant water resources, suitable for fisheries, and convenient water transportation.

Give me the entire Shannan Road, and I can support half of Datang’s food and grass consumption in five years. "

Li Yisi is not humble, a place where four provinces of Jiāng Liú are under the jurisdiction of a mountain south.

As long as he is allowed to recruit, he will be able to figure out the local area in five years.

The kind that the people are still happy about. As for the officials, the obedient are of course also happy. The disobedient are just killed suddenly.

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