Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 574 A Surprise Attack in the Middle of the Night

There is no snow today, it's dawn, and fifty-nine people over there are cooking, and the smoke is rising.

"Experience in survival in the wild is very rich! Khitan people." Li Yi observed through the binoculars and came to a conclusion.

His binoculars have been exchanged for their lifespan, they can see farther and have higher magnifications.

When the group was on fire, they dug branches from under the snow. There were pine branches and other branches.

It was covered with snow, and there was still something to burn underneath.

Generally, this kind of situation is common in the northeast, and experienced people will choose a location under the tree to plow away the snow, looking for something that can burn.

The branches of the pine trees are best to be burned. There is still pine oil on the pine trees. Light a flame to save trouble.

"Dongzhu Li, it seems that they are not afraid of being exposed." Guo Ziyi leaned to Li Yi's side.

"They thought they were moving fast enough, and the current smoke cannot travel too far."

Li Yi began to estimate the combat effectiveness of the fifty-nine team.

Observing from the speed of eating and the alert response, it is indeed a soldier. Even if he eats in the morning, he does not forget to arrange a guard post.

After two quarters of an hour, the group of people finished eating, put out the fire, covered the burning place with snow, and left.

Li Yi's team kept up in parallel, and when they encountered a mountain in front of them, they made a detour, kept a distance from the opponent, and hurriedly pursued them.

Seeing noon, more cooking smoke was drifting in a valley ahead.

"Is this coming from a large army? Isn't it about to attack Lijiazhuangzi?" Li Yi wondered.

He began to wonder if his judgment was wrong, he was not from Khitan, and he was not targeted at him.

If it is a Khitan, coming from such a far place, you need to bypass a lot of Datang's team.

What about logistics supplies? Carry it yourself?

He motioned other people not to move, and he and Guo Ziyi quietly touched them.

Pay attention to the snow conditions along the way, and whether there are people on the tree in front.

"Sure enough, it is a Khitanese, or an army organized by the Khitan. There are no women, no old and weak."

After gaining a vision, Li Yi confirmed that the hairstyle and hairstyle are different.

The hair of fifty-nine people I have seen before is no different from that of the people in Chang'an. Now I see more people whose releases have distinctive Khitan characteristics.

There are also many hats next to it. Obviously, the other party hides their identity by wearing a hat.

Now it's a safe place, who wants to wear a hat all the time.

"Looking at the scale, there are more than 300 people, can you fight?" Guo Ziyi used a telescope to estimate the number of people.

One thousand to three hundred, if a sneak attack, the result is inevitable.

Li Yi squinted. The other side chose a good place, the valley, which gave him a chance to fight from top to bottom.

Can you hit zero casualties? Can you persuade you to surrender?

More than 300 people go to mine, and there is no need for one person to give 50,000 yuan. What a good deal.

He looked up again to see if he could shout and concuss, forming an avalanche.

No, that avalanche won't stop.

"Find a place to rest, harass them at night, and don't fight now." Li Yi thought for a while and decided to take a moment.

Two people go back and talk about the situation.

Hu Feng listened there and gave an idea: "Lord Li, call a dog to find a place to bark at night."

After hearing this, Li Yi looked at Hu Feng violently: "Master Hu, it's amazing. In the future, I will not only take care of the compressed biscuits, but also the flint and kerosene of the kerosene lighter."

Guo Ziyi smiled and understood.

"I'm going to ambush first, I want to catch alive, now I have a rest." Li Yi had a new idea.

The people around don't know what he thinks, just cooperate with the work.

They also eat, eat compressed biscuits, and snow.

Then rest and wait for the night to come.

A little bit of time passed, I continued to eat compressed biscuits for dinner, and it was dark.

Hu Feng began to give orders. The other dogs stayed away and were not allowed to cooperate when they heard the barking.

This requires a cover, otherwise God knows which dog will bark.

Everyone continues to rest, and it feels uncomfortable to rest.

At the end of the Hai period, time was almost up, and Hu Feng took his own mountain dog to arrive at the position according to Li Yi's request.

Li Yi hid himself, got down, and installed the night vision scope on the matching new gun.

Other Yulin flying riders are far or near, and some have already circled to another location in the valley, forming an encirclement.

Li Yi waved at Hu Feng, who was holding the night vision goggles.

‘Wow, woof. The dog barking sounded in the silent night and spread out.

Many people in the Khitan area were awakened, and a team of ten people came out with a crossbow.

They listened to the direction of the dog's barking, and the cat moved forward.

Ten minutes later, they walked over from a position more than 20 meters away from Li Yi. Li Yi felt that they were too close to attack.

Waiting for ten people to leave, more than 30 meters away from him, he opened fire, and there was a slight movement from the muffler.

After one shot, change to another bullet immediately.

"Yeah!" Some of the Khitan people let out a muffled snort.

He touched own ass with his hand, touched something, pulled it hard, and took it off.

"Yeah!" Another Khitanese made a move, and the others didn't know the situation and didn't dare to speak out.

"Yeah!" After a short while, the third person was recruited.

"Something pierced me, like a needle was put on something, I, I..." The first person who made the movement did not finish speaking, and fell to the ground.

Li Yi continued, the Khitan people stopped and looked for the enemy again.

He wants to catch as many people as possible. He is using an anesthesia gun, such as the BBQ ninety one.

According to the physical condition of a person at night, it is estimated that it will be numb in about a minute, and the range is forty meters.

It works faster than hitting animals. This gun and special medicine were made by him at that time.

If a medicine like ketamine is used, it is injected intramuscularly, and the anesthesia time is three to five minutes.

The dose is six milligrams per kilogram, and the action time is about half an hour.

He is not using an anesthetic bullet for hitting people, which takes tens of seconds.

The Khitan people have never encountered an attack of this type of weapon.

The whole anesthesia bomb can be touched with one touch, and it is useless to pull it out. The injection is finished in 0.1 second.

At first, the mental state was not good at night, and soon the effect of the medicine took effect.

When the tenth man fell to the ground, he still wondered what the needle was stabbing, was it an enemy, or a special beast?

Li Yi gestured, and Yu Lin Feiqi ran over to drag the ten people away, dragging them away, and at the same time tied them up, and the mouth was also restrained with rope.

‘Bow bark, bark bark. ’The barking of the dog continued.

The Khitan was stunned, the dog barked, apparently a hunter appeared, and the dog found out.

The previous ten people were sent out to deal with the hunters, and they were killed quickly, and the hunters could not be allowed to run away.

Why didn't there be any movement? There was no killing, and the dog kept barking.

It didn't take long for twenty Khitan people to follow their voices.

The dog's voice faded away. Twenty people were chasing after him. They thought the hunter had discovered the situation and wanted to run.

Li Yi was chasing with a gun and adjusted his tactics. It was too close. If the Khitan was pierced by a needle, he would yell, stay away.

Even if they shouted out, the Khitan people in the valley arrived, and twenty people fell.

"There was a needle prick me~~~" When Li Yi dealt with twenty people, a Khitan finally reacted, and when he shouted, he was already numb.

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