On the night of the fifth day of the new year, the moon cannot bring light to the night, and the stars above seem to be unable to provide much help.

Under the darkness, the bark of the dog gradually faded away.

The shout of the human voice echoed in the mountains, and then slowly dissipated.

"Hazaka, Hazaka." Someone in the Qidan camp called together. This is the name of a person, the name of the last person who fell.

The camp obviously needs him to provide more information, but it hasn't waited for a response for a long time.

More people came out, they lighted torches, held their bows, and carried crossbows. There were more bows but fewer crossbows.

"Oh, I thought you would continue to send a small group of troops to send out a small group of troops, so there will be a group of them, no, the wind is tight, nothing!"

Li Yi was worried. The enemy was so cunning that he could not sneak attack and retreat at this moment.

The soldier in front of Yu Lin Fei turned and ran, unable to wait for the enemy to approach.

Twenty people were dragged away, leaving various marks on the snow.

After a while, the Khitan arrived.

Seeing the messy footsteps and the dragging snowy conditions, I seem to understand a lot.

Was attacked, own Thirty people were attacked, and thirty precious crossbows were gone.

"There is no blood." A small boss looked at it, and his hair was horrified.

Ten people were attacked without any traces of fighting.

Twenty people were still being assaulted on alert, only one shouted out, "There is a needle pricked me."

There was no drop of blood in the whole area.

If it weren't for the footprints on the ground, I thought the brothers had encountered something unclean.

He couldn't figure out that twenty people were attacked, and under what circumstances would they not bleed or shout to kill.

Datang's hunters are already so powerful? Killing silently?

"More than a hundred people, chasing them along the trail, continue to lead, lead to further places, spread the dog to other locations, and bark."

Li Yi didn't want to face more than a hundred people, so he arranged tactics temporarily.

Except for the Yulin Feiqi that surrounded the valley in other places, the other Yulin Feiqi carried thirty "captives" and ran.

Their footprints are the most obvious, and most of the more than one hundred people are chasing these footprints.

In addition, five people were assigned to chase the dog. There was only one person's footprint and one dog's footprint in the dog, and five people were enough to deal with it.

"I'm going to help Hu Feng. You go first. I'll come back later. If it doesn't work, I will kill you. They have few crossbows, but they have very accurate bows."

Li Yi worried that he would be killed or injured, and asked them to be vigilant.

"I am sure?" Guo Ziyi was not convinced.

Yulin Feiqi is actually similar to Qidan and Turk, specializing in riding and crossbow.

Besides, the enemy's ignition is definitely a target.

Li Yi ignored them and asked him to put down his aircraft and stand up to start it.

In the sharp whistling sound, he flew away, chasing the five people.

The five people with three torches and the other Khitan people heard the rapid jet of the aircraft, but could not locate them.

Li Yifei was far away, and soon the sound of the airflow disappeared. He landed, found a place to get down, and put his cloak on him.

For about three minutes, five people came running along the footprints of one person and one dog.

They passed in front of Li Yi. When facing Li Yi behind his back, Li Yi shot.

"Oh, I was beaten, what is this, there is a needle."

The first person to be beaten reacted quickly and reached out to his back and took off the anesthesia bomb.

When the team stopped, they moved forward to look at things.

"Uh! I was also stabbed." Another person was shot.

"Why direction? Back? Hmm! It should be there."

When the third asked the first two people, he judged it.

But no one over there, until the fourth shot was hit in the stomach, he had an inspiration: "It's in the snow, look for snow."

The fifth person was shot and resolved.

Li Yi waited on his stomach, and the five people lit their torches and searched vigilantly.

‘Pump Tom’ fell first and was numb.

"Poisonous." The second uttered two words when he was unconscious.

"Got it." The third shot the crossbow bolts casually before falling down.

The remaining two looked at each other and shouted together: "Poisonous, that..."

Two people did not finish shouting, and fell together, and their physiques were different. It was not necessarily the one who was shot first must fall first.

"Think of it as poison." Li Yi stood up.

He walked over, took out a knife and cut off the strings of four bows and one crossbow, tied the hands and feet of five people, and tied them diagonally.

The five people were numb, and he was going to leave for a while, and he would bring others back in a while.

On the side of Guo Ziyi, the team would scatter a few people to the side as they ran.

Footprints were left on the snow, and the Khitan chasing people did not divide their troops at all. The little boss shouted: "Don't be scattered, you will be ambushed."

The Khitan people listened to him, and continued to move forward, ran out dozens of steps, and there were the footprints of a few people divided to the left and right.

Continue to chase, chase, chase, stop.

The little boss' sweat shed, in addition to running hot, but also scared.

The footsteps ahead are still so messy, by now, two hundred people should have been separated out.

Is the enemy's main force not few? It shows that the number of enemies far exceeds the own team.

Once again the position of the person who wanted to be assigned, the little boss had an epiphany, and he was surrounded.

"No, go back and prepare to break through." The little boss hurriedly ordered.

‘Puff’ a torch held by a Khitan man suddenly fell to the ground, and an arrow was inserted into the torch.

‘Puff’ another person’s torch was scattered with sparks, and he was still holding it.

But there was a hole in the loose torch, and an arrow was nailed to the trunk next to it.

"Let down your weapons, surrender and not kill, knowing that you can understand the Tang dialect, put down your weapons..."

Guo Ziyi shouted and got down immediately after shouting.

Sure enough, someone put down and fired a crossbow arrow at his.

"Let down your weapons, surrender and not kill." More people shouted around.

‘Squeak~~’ The sharp whistling sound was mixed with Yulin Feiqi’s shout.

One thing suddenly flew over the Khitan people, and two things fell at the same time.

Two things fell to the ground, and the ‘Boom’ made a small thing, and then the ‘Chuck Chuck’ was filled with smoke.

"Ahem, ahem!" "Eyes hurt." "Ah, ahem!"

The smoke spread, and all Khitan people who were exposed to the smoke had symptoms such as tearing, runny nose, cough, and difficulty breathing.

"Swish~~" Li Yi landed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Mumbled: "If it weren't for catching alive, I would need a dimensionality reduction strike? A thousand feathers Lin Feiqi is too easy to clean up you, and I don't need my sniper rifle to fire."

Surrounded over there, the Khitans who stayed together and prepared to rush out encountered tear gas for the first time.

They didn't have any defense at all, and they didn't know how to deal with it.

The more you can't breathe, the more you can breathe. The weapons are thrown away, the torches can't be held, and they run like a headless fly.

Run out of the smoke range, pounced on the ground, grabbed the snow, stuffed it in his mouth, and wiped it on his face.

This is a normal reaction for people with uncomfortable eyes and uncomfortable throat, and no special teaching is required.

"Go and drag the people out." Li Yi was afraid that someone would inhale too much and died.

Without any hesitation, Yulin Feiqi took a deep breath and held it back, rushing in, and quickly understood how uncomfortable the enemy was.

Tears couldn't be controlled at all, it was life-threatening.

They grabbed the person and dragged it outside, and they lay down on their stomachs to find the snow and wipe their faces.

"There are five more over there, go find it, or it will freeze to death." Li Yi continued to order and ran out twenty Yulin Feiqi.

After being smoked, the Khitans completely lost the ability to resist. When Guo Ziyi was tied up, he curiously scoured the smoke.

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