Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 701 Bean Insect Tussah Silkworm Different Genus (Second)

"I caught a bug." In a soybean field in Liangpo Village, Lantian County, four-year-old Xiao Zi is holding a small basket. She is catching bean bugs.

The little purple face is pink and tender, and the hair of the two braids is not yellow at all.

The dirt on the sandals cannot conceal her cuteness as soon as she wears her little clothes and pants.

Last summer she was not what she is now, when she was thin and thin, and her hair was tied behind her head with a straw rope.

Then her family followed by planting a greenhouse, and in less than a year, she looked beautiful.

Right now is the time when the bean worms grow their best, ready to burrow into the soil for the winter.

People who had soybean fields in their homes started catching bugs and then looked for a place to raise them.

When the winter wheat is harvested in the coming year, it can be planted after turning over the ground.

Jingzhaofu is planted with a crop of winter wheat, followed by a crop of soybeans or sorghum.

Grain fields are dedicated to growing grain, and vegetable fields are dedicated to growing vegetables.

The method of raising bean worms was announced, and the people of Jingzhao Mansion chose to completely believe it.

Lose ten catties of beans, exchange for hundred catties of bugs.

If others don't buy it, Lijiazhuang will charge it, the price is high, or it may be eaten at home.

Your Majesty can eat it, Dongzhu Li had eaten it when he had a barbecue.

Why can't I eat it myself? It is said that eating this bug is similar to eating eggs.

The adults are looking for bugs, and the four-year-old Xiao Zi actively participates.

Adults have psychological barriers when they catch bugs, but children don't. When they catch bugs, they feel fleshy and soft.

If it weren't for telling her not to eat, she would open her mouth and bite.

Wang Xu's four village officials accompany Xiao Zi to help find insects.

"Another Doudou." Xiaozi's eyesight is actually not as good as that of an adult. She needs to grow up to have better eyesight.

However, she is focused and patient. She treats catching bugs as a game to play with adults.

"Xiao Zi, are you thirsty?" Xia Hao asked Xiao Zi, raising his arm and wiping the sweat from his forehead with his arm that had been marked with many red lines.

"Don't drink water, catch peas, catch bugs." Xiao Zi moved the small basket and squatted slightly to be as high as peas.

The reason why she is not slower to find bugs than adults is because of her height.

She stood up and could see the bugs on the bean sprouts.

As soon as she squatted, she saw the bug on the back of the leaf.

The adults squatted and got up tired, but the children didn't feel tired. The adults could only hold the leaves with their hands and turn to look at the insects, so marks were drawn on the backs of their hands and arms.

Xiao Zi turned Doudou into Doudou and Worm. She felt that the smaller one was called Doudou, and the larger one was called Worm.

The big bean worm is longer than her small hand. When she is holding it, it looks like a whole piece of art with a strong contrast.

"Li Yifei wants to say that insects are delicious, let everyone raise them and toss them." Chai Baohong found that the work of catching insects was hot and tiring.

"Insects eat leaves. Li Dongzhu said yes, and the people believe it."

Wang Xu didn't know how insects and eggs could be compared together. He only knew what Li Yi said, and the people promised to listen.

"I don't feel much help, and I live in the village for nothing. I can't even be a village official."

Zhu An rummaged through the leaves looking for the insects, looking frustrated.

He once also had ambitions, thinking that he was talented, and what he lacked was an opportunity.

As long as he is admitted to the imperial examination and let him be an official, his skills can be used to open up new territory for your majesty and nurture the people.

As a result, the opportunity came, no need to take examinations, to become an official in the village.

When he first came, he felt that he had been used by an underachiever. Now he feels that he is useless and knows nothing.

I just learned how to keep accounts. It is not clear how long cucumbers and eggplants will grow in greenhouses.

Cucumbers and eggplants in the greenhouse are different from those in the ground and grow slowly.

After asking for advice from the people who have planted in greenhouses, they realized that growing vegetables in greenhouses in winter requires dipping flowers so that more fruits can be grown.

"At least we will cook by ourselves." Wang Xu was more optimistic. When they finally ate the food in the village, they sneaked into the fire again.

They used to learn when other people’s homes burned the fire, and they helped to pass the firewood next to them, and then they could also use the fire stick to join the fire.

What kind of dish, how long to cook, how much water is put under the curtain in the big pot, whether it is stew with steamed rice or boiled rice with steamed vegetables...

With administrative convenience, they didn't help much, but did the job, and learned a lot of survival skills.

"I want to know if Li Yi cooks the food himself, will he?" Chai Baohong wanted to compare with Li Yi, and he would.

Zhu An found two big bugs and quickly packed them into the basket: "Li Yi made many kinds of stir-fry, and he must know a lot."

"Of course my Li Lang knows everything. When I grow up, I'm going to marry Li Lang. Li Lang will play with me and cook me some good food. Coco coco~"

Xiao Zi suddenly answered, inexplicably happy.

four people:"……"

Not only Liangpo Village, Jingzhao Mansion is looking for bugs wherever there are bean fields.

Bean worms do not necessarily live in the bean field. They eat grape leaves, sesame leaves, and hemp leaves. They are used as spice and medicinal Bai Su and Perilla leaves.

I trampled to death when I saw such a bug before, but now I quickly grab it.

It will be raised. In the current month, once buried with sand, the big worm will stay there and not move.

Occasionally someone who doesn't want to sleep, crawl out, feed some leaves and bury it in.

You can eat it now, or you can wait for the next year to become a pupa, become a moth and lay eggs and continue to raise it.

Anyway, as long as you see it and know that it can be eaten, it will not do much harm to any crops.

It really doesn't work. I don't eat beans and grapes. I eat bugs all day long.

Li Yi was staring at the insect in a daze. Khitan's leader Li was deactivated and came to Chang'an. He said he was pleading guilty, but in fact, no one can do anything to him.

He took some people, fur, and dried meat as gifts.

I actually brought a copy to Li Yi, saying that when Li Yi's team used to buy and sell, more than 1,500 Datang people had been saved.

When asked about Li Yi's hobbies, Li Yi likes to collect things, flowers and plants, insects and birds.

I didn't give the flowers, the worms, the birds, and the worms.

"Is this raised all the way for mulberry leaves? But I can't raise them either, our Jingzhao Mansion...There are tussahs raised, but too few."

Li Yi looked at the two baskets of big green worms worried, he wanted to eat, but also wanted to raise.

If it is raised, it must be taken to the wild now, and the insects are placed on the leaves of the oak tree, and then the cocoons are made.

Once you have the cocoon, you can cut it and eat it, or wait for it to become a moth through the winter, and then collect the small bugs to continue raising it.

Zhuangzi is obviously not suitable for raising this thing. He has to get it in the wild. Is it to make an tussah forest for tussah silkworms?

Li Chengqi looked at him and asked, "Is he embarrassing you?"

"Li Shihuo? Can he know how to raise silkworms? Others can learn how to grow land, but if you want to learn how to raise silkworms, you have to wait."

Li Yi didn't think that Li's inactivation was going to cause trouble.

The silkworms of the Tang Dynasty were placed there, and they were taken as they pleased, and others would not be able to raise them if they took them. It was much more difficult than farming.

Only later will some countries know how to raise a little technology.

It's incomparable to China, which refers to silkworms.

Replaced by tussah, Henan and Hebei will not speak, and the northeast will not speak. Who dares to call? Especially Liaoning in the Northeast.

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