Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 702 is about politics and not myth (third more)

"Brother Yi, Tussah looks scarier than bean insects." When Li Chengqi thought of eating, he realized that he needed a strong psychological quality.

Tussah silkworms have spines on their bodies, and they are big like caterpillars.

Looks more fierce than bean worms, can this thing be eaten?

"Brother Yi, I recently wanted to pay homage to the Buddha." Li Chengqi said this after taking a deep breath.

"Coincidentally, my brother thinks so too, so let's eat bugs and celebrate." Li Yi looked like a confidant.

"Brother Yi, it's really hard to swallow." Li Chengqi said, let's take something else, and that Li is inactivated. You are all inactivated. Go to death.

"You can't eat this, you should have eaten silkworm moths. Tonics, medicine shops and palaces are available." Li Yi mentioned another thing.

When the big worms are spinning and forming a cocoon, and then the cocoon breaks into a moth, the moth will be pinched off its wings and eaten in porridge.

Li Chengqi was stunned, and after a few breaths: "Really?"

"Dage, you haven't caught up with the famine years. You eat the bark and grass roots. There is a bug, and everyone will snatch it."

If Li Yi couldn't eat, he would find pictures of refugees' places.

Seeing that it’s not easy for those people to eat something, I instantly feel that my own food is fragrant.

He didn't have a picture at the moment, so he spoke with his mouth.

"Okay, you can do it." Li Chengqi thought about it and found that it made sense. He was so hungry that he could eat the soil, not to mention the bugs.

Moreover, this worm eats the leaves of the oak tree and is not dirty.

"You can't eat it, it will squeeze out the entrails of the insects and eat only the skin. Like me, Lijiazhuangzi..."

"Brother Yi, I know that you are mouth-to-mouth when you eat toads. It's just that the insects eat the oak leaves. Can you eat them?"

Li Chengqi understands that in Yidi's Zhuangzi, others can eat what they can't eat.

"There are medicines in the 92nd medical book I wrote. I promised to take a month off when I write 200 books.

When I went to Luoyang, I was writing. Someone still charges quietly. How did you promise me? "

Li Yi turned over the old account, and if he had already said that, after learning his medical books, he would treat people for free.

Some doctors add more money to prescribe drugs, and to see a doctor also costs money.

If you ask for money to see a doctor, it's okay. You paid the tuition.

Don’t you pay tuition for medical school? Oh, yes, the college entrance examination champion.

If you don’t reach that level, you pay, and then you can earn money as a doctor.

Are textbooks not precious? Don't do errands after learning knowledge?

"Is there anything like this? If you look at it as a elder brother, either don't learn it, you have to do it." Li Chengqi frowned.

He is now on the side of the people, the medicine should be paid for.

It’s okay to charge for medical consultations, but if you agree to learn new knowledge but not for medical consultations, why do you still need to charge them?

So the caterpillar first put some salt and spit in water, then was blanched and fried.

Li Chengqi ate six of them, and he found that if the appearance of the insects were not considered, the insects are now very tasty.

Especially when it is fried with chili, it is rich in oil and tastes delicious.

"This thing is good to raise." Li Chengqi changed his previously scared appearance and wanted to eat a lot.

"Manually, the silkworms are silkworms. They are fed at home and collected outside. Tussah silkworms are wild silkworms and are placed on the trees outside.

I cut down a lot of mulberry trees in the mountains of Henan Province, and now they are planted in dwarf.

Tussah silkworms want to be raised artificially on a large scale, and the tussah trees must also be dwarfed. It is about the same height as the cotton seedlings, a little bit higher is fine.

The key is to keep it outside. There are many things to eat it. Birds and other insects can't be sprayed with medicine. The medicine poisoned it. "

Li Yi didn't want to raise in Jingzhao Mansion, but the Khitan side was pretty good.

There are few tussah trees planted in Jingzhao Mansion, and people are busy, unless people from outside come to raise them.

So why bother, in order to eat bugs?

The two were eating insects and talking about people's livelihood.

Shan Wuwei, who was rejected by Li Yi, ate at Xingfu Temple in Xiudefang next to Fanglin Garden. He ate rice with meat but no wine.

There are fried bean worms in front of him, but he doesn't move, just watching.

While watching, he looked calm. When he finished eating, he asked the people around him: "Who can tell Li Yi? The emperor of Datang refused to help me introduce Li Yi."

"I heard that Li Yi likes cows and horses, and the wealthy businessman in Chang'an knows Li Yi." The attendant collected some information.

Said that as long as you give Li Yi something, Li Yi usually talks very well.

"Where are the others?" Shan Wuwei shook his head slightly, and refused to give Li Yi something.

Send things to your door, surrender your status.

Indeed, as Li Yi thought, he plans to print scriptures in color, preferably with pictures.

The picture on the exchange voucher is complicated, and occasionally there is a picture in the newspaper.

Shan Wuwei took a fancy, he thought it would be better to use it for publicity, and wanted to get in touch with Li Yi.

Unexpectedly, others respected him so much that when he arrived at Lijiazhuangzi, he couldn't even pass the bridge.

The attendant agreed. Those who didn't know did not know the situation, and those who knew kept secret.

The kind and fearless who has lived for eighty years can't help but become curious. What is going on?

"To say, I need people who are beneficial to the people to learn the laws that are beneficial to the people." Shan Wuwei thought of another way.

He was actually rather regretful. He hoped that Li Yi would meet him, so that it would be easy to communicate.

On August 4, the news that the law of goodness, fearlessness and benefiting the people needs to be available to people with predestined relationship spread.

Shanwuwei is not alone, he has many fans.

He walked from country to country, even Tubo had a Giving face, and even the Emperor of Tang Dynasty gave his face.

Among them, there is naturally his personal charm, the most important is wisdom.

For example, those political strategists who are arrogant, with just one mouth can let people send troops or disarm them.

In addition, kindness and fearlessness are good, giving people a solemn feeling. When others see him, they think he is good. This is called the halo effect.

The simplest example is the handsomeness of men, the beauty of women, only talents, step back.

Of course, at the time of Li Yi, many people with wealth also agreed and thought this person was good.

When the news reached Lijiazhuangzi, Song De deliberately found Li Yi: "Proprietor, I feel that you are the destined person with the people's livelihood in mind."

"Yeah?" Li Yi smiled: "Shan Wuwei, how do you say it? In the early stage of Kaiyuan, Datang was more restrictive on Buddhism because of money matters."

"Yes, but his Buddha is different from other Buddhas." Song De nodded to express his understanding.

"Either way is restricted. The news reached his ears, and he came back again, just in time. What he represents is a force of faith.

Many people in Datang believe that Buddhism is restricted, it just eliminates some unqualified personnel.

The temples and temples in the various quarters were not sealed, and the people still wanted to offer incense.

Before Shan Wuwei came, the news came first, and many people were waiting. What can your Majesty do? "

Li Yi rationally analyzed the situation, why Li Longji had to meet him in person, not the one who dreamed about it.

Shan Wuwei is an important person in his own right. If Datang wants to make friends with the Western Regions and Tianzhu, he is a bridge.

This is a political exchange, not simply sending a scripture.

Is it possible to limit the Buddha in the Tang Dynasty? There are so many believers.

Let's talk about it, and then Shan Wu Dao stayed by herself, the restriction on Buddha began to loosen, and at the same time, Datang prepared to increase the intensity of communication with the surrounding areas.

Being kind and fearless as a bond embodies the importance.

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