Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 703: What the heart knows what God would say (fourth more)

Song De listened and thought, stunned, he thought it was Shanwuwei who brought the scriptures to Datang.

At this moment, he felt that the proprietor was more powerful, and he thought so well.

"Proprietor, do you see him then?" Song De saw that the matter was too big, and felt that he should see him.

"No, what kind of law does he benefit the people? Clothing, food, housing, transportation, medical care, and education are what the people need.

Education is not about teaching the people to believe in religion, but about analyzing, investigating the principles of all things, knowing what they are, and knowing why.

A notice will be issued in the newspaper tomorrow, telling the people that Lijiazhuangzi has work to do and prepare. "

Li Yi still refused. He thought it was meaningless to be fearless.

If someone gives you a Face, I have to give you a Face? You have the ability to bring the army to fight.

If you can catch me, naturally you will have a Face.

Song De bowed deeply and learned again today.

"You actually want to force my brother Yi to go out to see him? His heart is terrible." Li Longji got the news from the palace.

He is not Song De, and Song De is not politically wise. That is a low altitude.

Li Longji remembered that Tubo had forced Li Yi to bet two hundred people in the Tang Dynasty, but Li Yi easily resolved it and made a fortune.

Li Yi didn't want to know what compared to the test questions, he only cared about people's livelihood.

"I knew that there would be this day, but unfortunately, he still puts teaching first." Li Dan sighed.

Once Shanwuwei was at the border gate of Datang, he ordered people to send things away and had to protect them.

The other party is too powerful, and he also passed the news in advance.

It's the same this time, the letter arrives before the person arrives.

"I will not back down. Books can be printed, Buddha must be limited, Tao must be limited, and Confucianism." Li Longji's expression was not good.

"Father, Li Lang has published the newspaper and the dictionary has come out. Let Aunt Jinxian go and print the dictionary."

Princess Yongmu is also here, she hasn't seen Li Yi for more than a month.

She is busy sending people to catch bugs and want to raise them.

She specially bought a piece of land next to Liulizhuang where soybeans were planted, and of course there were other crops, and began to harvest.

What she thought was that Shan Wuwei might ask Princess Jinxian to print the scriptures, and while the dictionary came out, she would print the dictionary first.

Li Longji looked at own, the eldest daughter, and shook his head, too innocent.

Think this is a fight? The real battle is the combination of pinyin and dictionary in the newspaper.

This is propaganda and enlightenment, teaching people literacy.

In addition to Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, there is a new force of resistance.

The little guy next to him was playing a small ball with the ladies of the court. The ball was small, but it was still big for the children, so he kicked it with his feet.

He kicked it out, but didn't get the ball, so he sat down on the ground, smiled and got up, and kicked again.

My eyesight is not good enough, sometimes I can't find the ball, and I walk around with my head down.

A circle of court ladies and eunuchs can always deliver the ball to the little guy in time, so that he can keep playing.

If he can't see the ball for a long time, he will divert his attention and don't care.

Some parents have the same children playing and playing football. If the children stop looking for the ball, the adults think that the children don't want to play.

In fact, the child can't find it, his eyesight is too low, how can he play?

The maids and eunuchs had been taught by Lijiazhuangzi and knew that the children wanted to play.

Queen Wang watched her son sitting on the ground time and time again, and said: "I don't think Shan Wu Dao can come up with any good way to benefit the people.

Uncle has implemented the law of benefiting the people to the end. There are fixed things to do throughout the year, and one more occasionally.

Uncle shouldn't pay attention to him. Uncle is actually proud and has different attitudes towards different people. "

"Report!" Yulin Feiqi ran over at this moment and delivered a stack of papers: "The content of Lijiazhuang's newspaper tomorrow has been typeset. This is a trial printing. Li Dongzhu ordered Wudeng to send it to the palace."

Queen Wang took it smoothly, placed it on the table, nodded, and Yulin Feiqi retreated.

Li Dan, Concubine Doulu, Queen Wang, and Li Longji, none of the four went to read the newspaper.

Princess Yongmu wanted to see but couldn't speak, she sat there a little uneasy.

She looked at the four people and found that the four relatives were all smiling, and she was even more puzzled.

what happened? The newspaper Lijiazhuang specially sent in advance, everyone didn't read it, but was very happy?

"Wu You! Xiao Yi is a sensible child." Concubine Doulu spoke first and praised Li Yi.

Li Dan nodded: "Respond well."

Queen Wang: "With him, everyone is at ease."

"Mother, what are you talking about?" Princess Yongmu couldn't help it at last.

She didn't understand. She sent a newspaper and no one read it. How could she know the situation?

"Look at Yuanshu, the newspaper must have written a policy to benefit the people, and it will start soon." Li Longji smiled and said to his daughter.

"Ah? Father, is a policy to benefit the people? How did you know?" Princess Yongmu was even more puzzled.

"In the future, you have to find a smart person to marry, or you will be bullied." Doulu Guifei followed with a smile.

"Aren't the smart ones bullying me?" Princess Yongmu felt the opposite.

"The smarter you are, the less you will be bullied." Queen Wang raised her hand and rubbed Princess Yongmu's hair.

They all understood that Shan Wuwei wanted to use the people's benefit to force Li Yi to show up and actively contact him.

Li Yi was worried about the instability in the palace, so he sent the unpublished newspapers.

The content is of course for the benefit of the people, regardless of your kind and fearless strategy, it is directly practical.

Who do the people believe? I don’t know elsewhere, all people staying in Jingzhao’s Mansion believe in Lijiazhuangzi.

You are fearless and beneficial to the people, looking for people who are predestined, you look for them slowly.

My Li family Zhuangzi doesn't look for any destined people. I'm busy. I have to arrange things for the people, and there are people who can't find work in their idleness.

The bloodless struggle began, and Lijiazhuangzi firmly gained the upper hand.

Isn't it about fighting for influence? It depends on whether you have a strong religion, or the Lijiazhuangzi is closer to the hearts of the people.

"Not only the hearts of the people, but also the hearts of the palace, I can sleep well tonight."

Li Longji said, looking at Queen Wang, and then at the little guy.

"Go back to Xingqing Palace in the evening." Queen Wang also looked at own son and said.

Princess Yongmu was at a loss again, and she didn't understand the relationship between a good night's sleep and Xingqing Palace.

Li Dan smiled and watched the little guy having fun: "Zhang Sun Xin has been in Lantian County for a long time."

"After waiting for the new year, he is making money now, and he has a good reputation." Queen Wang pursed her mouth and smiled.

Chang Sun Xin is her brother-in-law, and Li Yi said he was going to die, but he was thrown directly to Lantian County.

Li Yi helped to protect him. After some setbacks, the brother-in-law is not in a hurry to come back.

Several ‘enterprises’ have been established in Lantian County, providing a large number of ‘jobs’ for the local area.

Stop being greedy, let alone accepting bribes from others, all day long talking about bringing the people to prosperity.

While he is making money, he is earning a good reputation, and at the same time he really pays the people who work.

Princess Yongmu tried hard to think about it, and finally remembered who is Changsun Xin.

But why was that person mentioned suddenly?

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