Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 773 Don't stare at someone!

"Run again, now there is no snow, how painful you fell."

Bi Gou just walked across the bridge and met Queen Wang and Wan'er. Wan'er was so happy all day long.

Since he was able to walk on his own, he wanted to run, with his calves upside down and not tired.

Unlike many children in Li Yi's time, they had to be hugged by adults when they walked a few steps.

The little guy is not, he is willing to find fun things on his own.

There are many fun things in Lijiazhuang, and the trash cans are all cartoons.

"Bi Shangshu." Queen Wang, who was playing with the children, greeted Bi Gou when she saw Bi Gou.

"I asked Xiao Yi to ask about it. They have to charge livestock rental fees first. Isn't the water network frozen now? I see what Xiao Yi said, I don't approve of collecting money."

Bi Gou didn't conceal anything from Queen Wang, but the reason was money.

He disliked that others wanted to make money from Lijiazhuangzi, and he had to make money on his own.

When you ask for money from Xiao Yi, ask Xiao Yi if you want to give it or not. If Xiao Yi is willing to give it, then it is best. Xiao Yi is not willing to give it. Naturally, it has a special purpose.

Special-purpose money does not conflict with the court, and it is guaranteed to be thrown out, not earned and kept.

"It's almost noon, and there are less than two quarters of an hour left for the students." Queen Wang took her son's hand.

"I'll take a look." Bi Gou nodded and went to find Li Yi.

Li Yi opened the water curtain again and spoke on the speaker.

"What are the rules of the officialdom? Being with the light and the dust, the official and the official are hidden. This is actually the way to survive, and for other officials, that's right.

However, I tell you, you are from Lijiazhuangzi, don't do this for me.

Some officials have hurt the people. Write back and I will deal with it.

We stand at different heights. You have to learn more in normal times. As long as your ability is reached, I will promote you.

If any of you get to the place and get involved with the local officials, and when it comes to things that shouldn't be done, don't let me know.

The so-called shallow rules are the result of your inability to resist. We are not, we don’t need to obey other people’s rules, we are the rules ourselves..."

Li Yi was instilling ideas into the students. He didn't want the students to listen to others after they left Zhuangzi.

For example, Hangzhou, which collected salt taxes in the Qing Dynasty, sent an official to abolish an official.

Even if some officials survived and cleaned up once, how about that official? It's over.

What's the use of tidying up? The local style is still the same, continue to repeat.

Just like Shanxi at that time, there was no good case from the province to the place.

Checked it once, packed up a group of people, turned around, and found that it was still the same.

Because Shanxi merchants are too powerful and rich.

Similar to the place south of Rosy clouds, Shanxi merchants use money, and the land of Rosy clouds uses ethnic groups to do things.

Li Yi knows that the most non-exclusive place is the Northeast, which can accept everything, including eating habits and migrants.

Many people from other places think of fighting when they talk about the Northeast, but they are not. The Northeast people are quite honest in the Northeast.

Of course, other people are as honest as they go to the northeast, like those who sell cakes, but they can’t buy them. There are also people who sell mutton skewers and naan.

Be honest in the Northeast, don't make trouble, the Northeast is very peaceful on its own, dare to raise troubles, and promise to destroy you.

Therefore, many schools in the territory are located in the northeastern region, where students take classes, mainly learning technology.

They have no problem when they go out, they should talk and smile.

However, no one dared to dig a knife with his own national identity.

Because the country dares to put the school there, it proves that the local people are not afraid of outsiders.

What the local people need is a legal principle. As long as someone else does it first, then there is no problem. Let's do it!

Bi Gou came, and he was very helpless when he listened to Li Yi's lecture.

Li Yi actually said many things that can only be understood and cannot be said.

A lot of knowledge is the secret of officialdom, and it has become a popular commodity in Lijiazhuang.

Li Yi saw Bi Gou, nodded, and continued: "The rules are all set by people. Why do we need to add a hidden word for the so-called shallow rules? Because you can't get on the stage.

You will come to the place, no one's rules need to be followed, you are only responsible for your majesty.

It’s an honor today that Bi Zaifu from the dynasty came here, and I would like to ask Bi Zaifu to say a few words, and then we will have dinner, and in the afternoon I will teach the doctors. "

Li Yi is facing Bi Gou cupped fist, come on Lao Bi, you have a few words.

Bi Gou regretted it, and would not come over if he knew it a long time ago, and still has to give a lecture.

The problem is that you are accustomed to Li Yi's ruthless officialdom analysis. Would you care if I say something?

Bi Gou took the stage with a stomach of dissatisfaction and grievances and began to lecture, mainly about justice and fairness.

Two hundred and twenty people were actually officials, and they passed the imperial examination.

Then when dealing with it, it can't be dealt with according to the means that others are students, it's too much difference.

He went up and talked about it, there was nothing practical, and then looked at Li Yi with a faint look.

Li Yi smiled and nodded, OK, no problem, it doesn't matter what Bi Gou said, the important thing is that Bi Gou is the prime minister.

He came to give lectures to the students, and the students felt different things.

See, Zhuangzi casually found a Shangshu, and the prime minister came over to give lessons, isn't it awesome?

The students are actually used to it, and only if people with insufficient grades come over, they will feel that there is a problem.

"Xiao Yi, don't toss me like this in the future. I came here to talk to you about something. You can see what you are doing?"

When the course is over, Bi Gou is very upset. I am the prime minister, and I will give you a lesson when I come over?

Why is your class so valuable?

"Old Bi, I'm here to make you show your face. You have to know the position of these people in the future, two hundred and twenty people, you think about it clearly."

Li Yi said with a smile, the students are now learning from him, and these people will be specially arranged in special positions in the future.

Unlike other people, the knowledge they learn is extremely complicated.

In the future, Datang will be moved by them, and they will teach other people.

This is a force, a huge force, even if there is no Lijiazhuangzi, they will gather together.

The Confucianism should be broken and become the contention of a hundred schools of thought again.

This is Li Yi's idea, and it is also what he promotes.

Bi Gou took a deep breath: "Xiao Yi, it really is a good idea for you to stay in Zhuangzi. You can't go out. You have offended too many people."

"No, Lao Bi, you think it's bad. It doesn't matter who I offend. The important thing is that no one dares to take the lead. I will clean up whoever they are.

I do not go out for their sake. Whoever dares to assassinate me when I go out, their family will be uprooted by me. "

Li Yi still looks indifferent.

"Xiao Yi, they are now saying that they want to take your rights, what do you think of this?" Bi Gou finally told the affairs of the court.

"Give it, whoever accepts it, give it to him, let you be responsible." Li Yi still chuckled.

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