Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 774 People's Livelihood Subsidies To Be Taxed (First More)

"Give you a brace, wear it at night, wear it for ten and a half days and see what's going on first."

Before eating, Li Yi checked the loose tooth for Bi Gou. There is no major problem. It can be fixed when sleeping at night.

"Don't wear it during the day?" Bi Gou was happy when he heard that he didn't need to extract his teeth.

"Transparent, you can wear it during the's okay. Take it off when you eat and wash it often." Li Yi nodded.

"The rent that should be collected this year has been collected, converted into money, about 9.6 million yuan, mainly because the price of food has been reduced."

Bi Gou got the braces and told Li Yi about the government's financial income on the way to the cafeteria to eat.

The total income from renting and reconciliation is 9.6 million yuan, which is a little more than last year.

Affected by the reduction in food prices, it seems not much after the money is converted.

"The tax should be more." Li Yi thought about the money that his Zhuangzi contributed to the household department.

"Commercial taxes add up to 10.13 million yuan. There are still a few days before the New Year. The price of vegetables in greenhouses is high during the New Year. It is estimated that 11 million yuan can be collected."

Speaking of commercial taxes, Bi Gou seemed very happy. The commercial tax of Jingzhao Mansion turned out to be more than that of all the tenants in Datang.

When he went to the cafeteria, Bi Gou brought his own dishes to choose dishes.

Li Yi asked the kitchen to make a fried noodle, put a bunch of meat and greens, add more vinegar, chili oil, stir, and add a bowl of soup.

"Next year, Henan Mansion will be fine. By the way, the business tax will be added. Can you say that it can exceed 20 million?"

Bi Gou eats a bite of fried bean worms and calculates next year's taxes.

He loves to eat bugs, especially fried ones.

Li Yi glanced at the insects: "Now that there is a lot of food, the court can reserve more. In addition, like honey, people are encouraged to plant and raise medicine. Toad's toad can be used for anesthesia."

Bi Gou ate all the bugs: "If you can eat, you just want to live better. The medical aspect really needs to be improved. The Imperial Medical Office should continue to recruit people and local students..."

When talking about the students, Bi Gou stopped. He wanted the students to study medicine. The local government school specializes in medicine. The students don't like to learn, unless they are in the Imperial Medical Office.

"Bonus points, the medical books have been spread out, and the students have good medical exam scores, and they are given preferential treatment when they go to Chang'an to take the imperial examination.

For example, if you answer three wrong questions, you can't enter the second class, but if the medical exam is good, you will make up the second class.

Answer a question incorrectly, can't get into grade A, good medicine, make up etc. Change the position of the imperial examination for another subject. "

Li Yi gave his idea that there are too few doctors in Datang. Outside of the Imperial Medical Office, they usually pass on family biography, self-study, and find a master.

It is the most difficult task to find a master. The master will conduct various inspections and cultivate from an early age.

The Imperial Medical Office is better, and local government schools also give opportunities.

However, those who can go to official education should consider becoming an official, but don't want to be a doctor.

I think being an official can help more people, but being a doctor cannot cure a few people.

The thinking of the great doctor and the country.

"The old man thinks that many doctors can come out of the people in Jingzhao Mansion. They are more literate, but it will take many years."

Bi Gou felt helpless when he thought of the number of years he had trained a doctor.

"The fastest is three years, shorten the time, two years, and temporarily be able to show the common symptoms, the obvious ones, and then prescribe the medicine."

Li Yi had no good way to do this, relying on seeing, hearing and inquiring to see the doctor, he was too demanding of the doctor.

Under normal circumstances, it is a cold and fever. Take a look, and then prescribe and take the medicine. Don’t use highly toxic medicine, so you won’t die from taking the medicine.

"The other states were hit by the snow, and the houses that collapsed were taken out by the Ministry of Households? If there are floods and droughts elsewhere, it is not easy for the Ministry of Households to review them."

Bi Gou ate a few more meals and talked about the snow disaster.

The Ministry of Household has money, he wants to give it to the people, but he is worried that it will be difficult to check the remote places after the disaster, in case someone makes a false report, defrauds the subsidy.

"The imperial court will buy materials for house repairs, and then lend a sum of money to the people, without interest, and repay them in installments. The people use the borrowed money to find someone to build a house.

This year is no longer possible. Continue to live in the tent, and the court will provide coal to thaw in the coming year before it can be built.

If it is just a repaired house, the imperial court will pay to help repair it, and it won't cost much. "

Li Yi came up with the idea that the people's houses in Jingzhao Mansion are all in charge because the people in Jingzhao Mansion have to bear the price of goods plus taxes.

It also canceled the reconciliation of Yonghe, which is regarded as a contribution to taxation.

Outside the state capital has not yet begun to collect taxes, the people need to figure out their own way.

If the collapsed house has beams, it can be used in a new house if it is cleared out.

If the house is built in mud and grass, if it collapses, build a new one.

"The people outside still live in shacks. They collapsed in tents, which is better than shacks." Bi Gou began to feel sorry for the people again.

In the city of Chang'an, the bad houses in every square have been rebuilt.

Then the situation in the counties, he has not been to see it, think it should be good.

But in other places, people use straw curtains to build shack and live inside.

It doesn't matter in summer, people will freeze to death in winter.

Li Yi lowered his head to eat fried noodles, he was thinking about what to do.

At that time, not all people had their own houses, and there were not a lot of people who rented houses without a house.

The key is that it can be rented. The people who live in the shack obviously don't have the money to rent someone else's house.

There is no use and no money to build low-rent housing for them.

It can only be given to the subsistence allowances. The provision of subsistence allowances is to distribute grain. In theory, the local government gives them, but in reality, it is not clear.

There is also a charity warehouse, which is different from Changping warehouse, donated by rich people, and generally provide food for those who can't eat.

"When taxation starts, the main reason for using tax money to help is job opportunities. People who live in the settlements have jobs, but don't have fields, so they don't have to pay anything.

People in other places lost their fields, and they were fled if they didn't hand them over. The other is sickness. After many years of illness, the family is worn down. "

Li Yi couldn't think of a good way for a while, he couldn't spend money to feed everyone on his own.

This winter, many people came to live outside the settlements, next to the prisoners.

Since their identities have not been verified, they are temporarily not allowed to cross the bridge.

As soon as these people got to the place, they re-naturalized one after another. Some brought their household registration to explain the situation directly. The land was gone and they came to find a way to survive.

In the past, people who were caught like this would be punished, they were boarded and exiled, unless they were brought to justice.

But I’ll be fine when I get to Lijiazhuangzi, and I’ll go through the formalities quickly.

"Your Zhuangzi's power is too great. You should converge. The old man also supports the collection of your power." Bi Gou was also waiting for the tax collection to proceed, and then the whole Datang cleared the land.

He was almost ready to leave, he advised Li Yi.

Li Yi shrugged: "How to take it? Don't let me pass the slip to your Majesty? Move the workshop away and send someone to take care of the workshop?"

"You can ask you to apply to the court before you do anything. You can only do it after the court approves it." Bi conceived a solution.

"Report, I want to drink water." Li Yi blinked.

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