Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 887: Enlarging Guns Can Be Achieved (Second)

Su Ting pointed to the standing back door: "What is this thing and what is it used for?"

"The height of the muzzle was corrected. Now there is no scale. Let Ziyi and others repeatedly test the bullet's single point and add the scale after the data is obtained.

In conjunction with the front sight, the circle on the sight is used to correct and protect the sight and delineate the sighting range.

Of course, the rear sight can be a barrier-type caliper, and now it’s more convenient to use a stand-up..."

Li Yi explained again, a gun, imitate if imitate it? Understand the principle?

"Show me the old man." Bi Gou stretched out his hand for a gun.

Guo Ziyi carefully handed it over, Bi Gou took it, and his hand sank: "Heavy."

"From 13.6 catties to 14 catties, it looks heavier than a normal bow, but the bullet is lighter, and it's easy to carry. The gun is too light to allow it.

The wall of the barrel is thin. If you want to increase the amount of propellant or change the formula of the propellant in the future, you can’t use it and will explode.

Transport the cement to the border repair city, and ordinary people learn how to use firearms, and wait until..."

Li Yi knew that the gun was a little heavy, and he deliberately prepared for future upgrades.

Everyone has to get used to the same weight first, otherwise the lighter now and the heavier in the future will not work well.

There is another reason.

"The gun will have a bayonet. The enemy is getting close. I have a tutorial on how to fight the bayonet. You must have a sense of weight when you swipe it."

Li Yi tells the situation he least wants to see, and fights hand-to-hand.

Of course, the army that has not dared to fight hand-to-hand will lose if you give him guns.

At that time, he initially invaded the Japanese country, and the Chinese couldn't fight with bayonets and couldn't play.

Later, I will fight, and the key is not to be afraid of death.

Nepal has a scimitar unit, and it has never lost any hand-to-hand combat. It is not that Nepal's scimitar is powerful, but it is the troops who dare to fight.

However, they have lost, lost to Li Yi's army at that time. Come on then.

In the war on the Koryo Peninsula, the Nepalese scimitar troops were hired to fight with the rabbit army bayonet, but did not fight the rabbit army.

Now Datang also has a rifle equipped with a bayonet, and the gun is heavy, not only the barrel is thick, but it is also long.

It can make the bullet fly farther when shooting, and it won't suffer too much when fighting the bayonet.

Speaking of bayonet, Guo Ziyi took out the bayonet. The long bayonet with blood grooves is the same steel as the barrel.

He put the bayonet on and jammed, and the look and feel of the gun instantly changed, as if it was murderous.

"It looks better than a bow. The bow distance is tight and can only be smashed and twisted. It is not strong enough."

Song Jing carefully touched the back and side of the bayonet with his fingers, not daring to touch the blade, unless he held it by himself, he dared to try the blade with his fingers sideways.

"If you can't fight the bayonet, you can't fight the bayonet. The gunner should stay away."

Li Yi loves his soldiers in Datang and is willing to use long-range weapons to solve the enemy.

It’s okay to spend more money, it’s worth it!

"How much is the cost?" Bi Gou swallowed, and asked with lack of confidence.

"Old Bi, you hold on, don't be afraid, the money for selling the bicycle is made, you don't need to buy it. It was agreed at the beginning."

Li Yi was afraid that Bi Gou would suddenly fall down. Is there any good equipment here?

"Huh~~" Bi Gou exhaled, "Yes, I told Xiao Yi that bicycles don't charge taxes, and they make guns. I never make a loss-making business."

Bi Gou hardened in an instant, look, how long-term the old man thinks.

"To build sixty thousand?" Wei Zhigu counted the number, thirty thousand Yu Lin Feiqi and thirty thousand recruits trained in Taibai Mountain, sixty thousand.

"This summer, Zhuangzi produced a hydraulic press. When I was smelting just now, I would add other things to make alloy steel for the press."

Li Yi didn't say how much to build, he gave a new technology.

It is too laborious to manufacture steel pipes manually. It is fast on the punching machine and hot-rolled.

Cost is not important. He doesn't need money for coal, nor does iron ore. The gunpowder and saltpeter are supplied by Zhuangzi in large quantities.

This is a military industry. The materials are all free, and the money earned from selling kerosene is used to subsidize the cost of other auxiliary materials.

He doesn't pay for the oil, it belongs to Lijiazhuangzi to provide technology and produce military materials, and the extra money is regarded as a reward.

What is considered is the cost of materials. No one calculates the cost of labor and technology with him.

The labor cost is high, and the higher is the technology!

This gun has crossed the material stage of cast iron and cast copper, the match rope stage, the precharge stage, the smooth bore stage, and the straight rifling stage.

Can anyone define how much this technology is worth? It is equivalent to a span of thousands of years.

There are also changes in the concept of warfare and the methods of warfare.

"Li Yi, if you make this gun bigger, like a crossbow..." Su Ting suddenly thought.

"Su Zaifu has a good idea. The gun is enlarged and it is a cannon. I made the thunderbolt and turned it into a fuze device. Let's shoot it out and the cannonball will bloom."

Li Yi gave a thumbs up. My Prime Minister Su is amazing. He has ideas and is good.

"Can it bloom? Like grenades and explosives bags?" Su Ting knew the weapons being transported to the front line, set them on fire, and then threw them out.

What he originally wanted was to fire a larger bullet, far away, to hit the enemy general, and once the shot went out, all the people on the road were shattered, and the enemy general died in the end.

Replace it with a bullet that can explode, just like a bag of explosives thrown by a catapult.

"Yes, as long as you take out the thunderbolt, other things are easy to solve. Add a spring device in front of the shell, and ignite the thunderbolt after encountering an impact force, and then..."

Li Yi gestured, it was as simple as that of the explosion, provided that the industrial foundation was okay.

"That's great, Xiao Yi, made it." Bi Gou now wished that he could take a troop directly to fight Tubo.

"Money. It's fun to bombard it with a cannonball, and there's a lot of money, nothing else is counted. One cannonball hits it, and the average family in Jingzhao Mansion earns half a year's income."

Li Yizao calculated the price, and the current production conditions are too bad, and there are many manual participations.

To make one shell, the total cost is calculated, and it takes twenty yuan, half a year's income for a family.

Of course, it will be cheaper in the future, and he will gradually improve the process and bring out new technologies.

With a good lathe, more and better lathes can be made, and a generation of lathes will become cultural relics.

Bi Gou followed, and suddenly bowed his head and sighed.

"Xiao Yi, wait a while, don't make it." Bi Gou knew that Li's Zhuangzi could not bear it, and he didn't want to pay.

"Don't make it? If you don't make it, there will never be any. Only by making it can you slowly reduce the cost.

Even if it is twenty rounds per round, I would like to exchange two hundred thousand rounds for 10,000 rounds.

Put the artillery team in the city and use the current indirect sighting method.

With the cavalry in the upper city, a few hundred rounds can blow up the enemy, and no formation exists in front of the artillery. "

Li Yi shook his head. He wanted to make a different calculation method.

Twenty rounds, one cannonball, one shot to kill an enemy, 10,000 shots to kill 10,000 enemies, and 200,000 yuan.

How much does an enemy need to grow up? What is the total population of the enemy?

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