Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 888 Cannonball Power Is Breaking The Array (Third)

"How many people can be killed by ten thousand big bloomable bullets?" Song Jing couldn't fight, he was pursuing the exchange ratio.

Li Yigang wanted to answer, and Guo Ziyi was the first to speak out: "It doesn't matter how many enemies have been killed. There really are such artillery fires or sky monkey bombings, and the enemy can't form an array."

Guo Ziyi looked at the problem from the perspective of war. The two sides put together military formations, one by one, in various formations, and the types of arms are also matched by groups.

The cavalry is dumbfounded when encountering a dense infantry formation. Once the assault does not penetrate the formation, the cavalry that has lost its mobility will be abolished.

Cavalry is always on the wings, unless it is a field wave battle, the cavalry has archers.

When setting up the formation, the two sides divided into pieces, looking for opportunities.

At this time, a piece of sky monkey flew past one's own side, and when it exploded, the formation was not chaotic, and then it died.

Once you run, the formation is gone, and your side lined up to charge.

If the sky monkey falls into the enemy cavalry camp, your cavalry can rush to kill the enemy cavalry.

Hao Lingquan echoed: "There is no need for a gun. The gun has a longer range than a crossbow. You don't need to deliberately aim at it. If you hit the opponent's formation, the opponent must charge."

He has participated in actual combat, belongs to the generals, he has fought hard, and there are still injuries on his body.

He knows too well that he has a long-distance advantage over others. What kind of formation? Are you moving?

Keep hitting you with a gun without moving, you can't hit me.

When the formation is moving, it is a trap, and the shield can't stop it at all.

Tubo didn't have many big shields, let alone Turks.

Tao Hong was listening, and couldn't help expressing her own opinion at this moment: "The two sides are a hundred feet apart, so the charge is very tiring?"

The people around nodded in support. Yes, you will be beaten at one hundred feet. You have to rush into thirty feet for the crossbowmen to be effective.

Let's run, the faster you run, the fewer times you will be beaten, and you can sprint 200 meters with a weapon and armor...

You must also maintain the formation. Once the formation is disintegrated, being a cavalry is a display, and you are guaranteed to attack you.

"This is actually the situation." Song Jing realized that it was more direct and easier to use than the hot air balloon before.

"Oh!" Li Yi sighed, remembering the scene when he used a big blade to rush the enemy musket team some time before liberation.

If you run slowly, you will be hit again and again. If you run faster, how much strength do you have when you run to the place?

"The artillery must come out early, and a sample must be produced before the end of the year." Li Yi made up his mind.

He also thought about it. Needless to say, the artillery can be shot too far, can it be four miles away?

When the enemy cavalry is hit, the cavalry will either disperse or charge. There is no other choice.

If you hit the enemy infantry, if the infantry runs, your cavalry will charge, and the enemy cavalry dares to gather and beat you.

The infantry charge, want to kill the artillery, and run around?

What ran to the place to face was your own infantry lined up, do you still need to fight?

"I'll talk about the next thing later, teach the old man to shoot two shots." Bi Gou was happy.

Wait a minute, wait until there are more guns, and then there will be guns. What about Tubo and Turks? Going to fight the big food, push it all the way, and the territory of Datang will become bigger.

Be fast, don't wait for yourself to join the group to increase the territory, you want to enjoy the sense of accomplishment.

Guo Ziyi was in charge of directing. Bi Gou happily fired a few shots, and every shot hit the target, even if the target had been moved to a distance of 20 meters.

"Xiao Yi." Bi Gou couldn't help but turned to look at Li Yi.

"Move a table over here." Li Yi did have a way. Bi Gou was playing standing shooting, but he couldn't hit the shot normally. The hit was the problem.

The weight of Guo Ziyi's gun is 14 catties, 660 grams per catty, which is 18 catties and a half when replaced by Li Yi.

With such a heavy gun in his hand, Bi Gou would be able to hit the target, except for luck, he would have outstanding talent.

When the table was raised, Li Yi didn't design a stand for the rifle at all, so he found a straw mat for it.

"Old Bi, you...Don't look for a stool, you can't sit on it, you bend over, stand up, and use the middle of the lowered rear sight to find the point of the front sight..."

Li Yi supported Bi Gou, don't sit down, sit down to ensure that you still can't hit, the height is different.

There was something on the cushion, Bi Gou relaxed a lot, and fired again, oh, it hit the belly of the person who hit the target, awesome!

"Ahem, it's a big smoke. When you shoot, people will know where you are when they see a piece of smoke." Bi Gou tried to pick out a problem.

Li Yi nodded and admitted that the airtightness is not good enough, there is no way, just this technology.

The enemy knows where they are, do they need to care? If you know it, charge.

Seeing that Bi Gou was able to hit, Song Jing and others lined up and discussed, one person shot ten shots, which was enjoyable.

It's not just for fun. When you go back, your majesty or who asks, can you tell me what the gun is like, and how you feel when you fire it.

Taking the use mentioned just now and the data provided by Li Yi as own, it seems to be more knowledgeable and understandable.

Then he said that he could not stop fighting with ten bullets alone. It was so fun.

"Come on again, this time I'm going to hit him on the right shoulder. What about the medicine? Give it to me. I will pretend to be myself. I will." Song Jing has already fired twenty-five shots.

He still wants to play, and what remains in the barrel of the gun has been cleaned up once.

"Shoulder hurts, you rub it for me at night." Bi Gou stopped playing, the gun had recoil.

Can shoot a gun at a distance of 300 meters, without recoil, and need to add other auxiliary equipment.

Especially when Bi Gouda was excited, the butt of the rifle was not tightly attached to his shoulder, leaving a gap in the middle.

A shot was fired, the gap disappeared, and it hit the shoulder. Now pressing the top of the shoulder, there is a feeling of soreness.

It's like a place where the leg becomes green after a bump, and it hurts when you press it, and then you want to press it. It's very exciting. This pain is actually addictive.

Bi Gou rubbed with his left hand, feeling that his entire right body was disobedient.

"Soak in the bath at night. You have a bruise from an impact. I will rub it with medicinal liquor. If it hurts your muscles and your shoulders are bulging, I will rub it for you with millet."

Li Yi didn't look at the specific situation of Bi Gou's shoulder. Bi Gou was able to raise his arm, indicating that the bones were all right.

When encountering a bulge, Li Yi thinks that Bi Gou should ask for leave.

Rubbing with millet, that feeling...

After kneading on the first day, ensure that the swelling becomes more severe, then it will become smaller and then recover.

It is equivalent to using glass to level the cloth, and Xiaomi plays the same role.

How do you describe the pain? Intramuscular injection, spanking.

That's how it feels. It's cool. Before, Li Yi jumped down from a high place, his ankles were crippled, and he just rubbed it like that, which is still fresh in his memory.

Or if you have a tooth problem, you need to get a nerve, and do not get anesthetic.

I said it was pumping. In fact, it was picked with a needle, called marrow pulling. It has nothing to do with the word ‘pull’.

Li Yi had also experienced this. He didn't want to take anaesthetics, and his teeth got nervous, and he survived.

Let’s see Bi Gou at night, depending on the situation to give treatment, some are slow, some are quick, a little bit of congestion does not need to be pumped, massage and hot compress will be removed.

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