Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 889 is now a stiff neck (fourth more)

Song Jing was fine at the moment. He kept waiting for Bi Gou to give up his position, but Bi Gou just refused.

Then suddenly excited, the butt of the rifle did not hold the shoulder, now let it go.

Song Jing stuck his shoulder to the butt of the rifle every time he shot, oh, he put the butt of the rifle to his shoulder.

"Xiao Yi, don't get an injection." Bi Go rubbed his shoulder and discussed with Li Yi.

He had an injection, but he fainted and changed to another person. He would not say that Li Yi is equivalent to his relatives, so he doesn't feel ashamed.

"Take a look at night. Acupuncture and cupping are okay. You are not afraid of acupuncture."

Li Yi understood that he was also afraid of injections at first, but then got used to it and gave himself injections.

He has also seen that some people do not have needles themselves, but in order to save disposal costs, he prescribes medicine and disposable syringes in the hospital, and then goes home for the needles.

When returning to the clinic, the back of the child's hands and feet were all traces of needles.

When the mother gritted her teeth and pierced it, one needle was pierced and then another was pierced.

A child is sensible, knowing that he can get a lot of money from others, so he stands up.

When the mother pierced the child's blood vessels as bedding and clothes, every time the needle was pierced, her own heart was hurting, and she was happy when she pierced it, and pierced it again.

Li Yi shook his head and rubbed Bi Gou's shoulders with his hands, mainly touching his bones.

Pushing away the skin and part of the muscles and hitting the bones, Bi Gou didn't feel any pain. It hurts when touching the skin and muscles, but the tendons were fine.

"There are so many things to say about shooting. It's not easy." Bi Go sighed while watching others play.

"It's the same as archery. If you don't master the skills, you will break your hands, so you usually wear your fingers.

Hold the bow in your left hand and place the arrow in your right hand. The arrow is placed on the right side of the bow. If you can't hold the right hand directly at this time, you need the thumb of your left hand to support the arrow shaft.

When letting go, if the thumb of the left hand does not have time to move down, the tail of the arrow will be scraped to the thumb, making a cut.

Or if the arrow shaft is rubbed quickly, it will foam, and sometimes it will not work if it wears too much, and it will still be injured. "

Li Yi slowly said that to ease Bi Gou's emotions, he is a patient.

"There are fingers in the army?" Bi Gou was really unfamiliar.

"There is no way. They are all wrapped around their thumbs with twine and rags. If you give a jade finger, the soldiers worry about the finger all day, can they still fight well?

I'm going to make some adhesive plasters, one to treat injuries, and the other to wrap fingers around the soldiers.

The twine is easy to open. If it is opened during a war, just keep it upright. The tape is easier to use. "

Li Yi said with a smile, it's not funny in reality.

Archers don't wear fingers to themselves, even if they are fingers of a worthless stone, they will put their minds on them.

Archers don’t even think about jade and horns. It’s useless.

The finger on the battlefield is likely to fall off with just one move, shouldn't you look for it?

Bi Gou closed his eyes. After a while, Song Jing finally let go of his position, and Bi Gou opened his eyes: "When will the frontier soldiers be equipped with guns?"

"Yulin Feiqi trained one or two thousand people, and the remanufactured musket was sent to the border, and Yulin Feiqi became an instructor."

Li Yi gave the answer. It was not Wei Zhigu's idea that the 60,000 sticks were used by Yulin Feiqi and the people on Taibai Mountain.

Bi Gou did not understand this answer.

"Xiao Yi, there are a lot of guns sent to the border, are you afraid of them?" He began to worry about the soldiers at the border.

"How do you start? Fighting Chang'an? Fighting Chang'an requires generals. I just need to kill the generals in the past.

No, I can't. I wasn't accurate enough to shoot while moving, so I let Ziyi step on the aircraft to kill.

I brought him a few large grenade, found the approximate location, and threw it down, and the other sergeants surrendered amidst the rumbling. "

Li Yi really laughed this time, very happy.

What kind of army will work in Chang'an? He killed his head while flying.

If the wind direction is good, his heart will be ruthless again, and the poison will be released, and all the enemies in the limelight will lie down.

"Li Yi, my shoulder hurts. It's already tight, but it still hurts." Song Jing rubbed his right shoulder with his left hand, just like Bi Gou before.

When the shot was fired, he was too excited and didn't notice it. When he got out of the way, he felt that there was nothing uncomfortable about his right neck, shoulders, right back, and right arm.

Now he tilted his head to the right, and he couldn't stand it, as if he had a stiff pillow.

Moreover, his throat was uncomfortable. The wind blew back just now, and the smoke from the shot was inhaled by him.

"Let’s eat spicy hot pot at night, I will add Luo Han Guo, licorice, and An Nan Zi, drink yellow bar, no, drink ginseng and schisandra medicinal wine."

Li Yi looked at the other two people and got it. Today, we all stumbled together.

Usually the amount of exercise is not enough, and suddenly the gun is endless, no matter how tightly it is attached, it will also have an impact.

"What should I do if I feel uncomfortable?" Song Jing actively sought help.

"If it hurts when the head is tilted to the right, the feeling of stiff neck, the head tilts to the left when sleeping at night, and the same is true during the day."

Li Yi gave a solution. This is a good way to treat stiff neck.

As for moving the head, there is a click, that is useless, muscle and tendon problems, if you move your head if it is misplaced, it is caused by fatigue, but it is still painful with a click.

The best way is not to go to the left, if it hurts, then tilt it to the right, or vice versa, so that you can actually adjust it in a few hours.

Can't go left or right? Does it all hurt? Go to the doctor, there is a big problem.

Either Heavenly Stems is living or exercising too much, or there is a problem with the spine.

The former is cultivated, and the latter is treated quickly.

"You're talking about medicine?" Wei Zhigu didn't get in the queue. He walked over and heard what Li Yi said, feeling that he was prescribing medicine.

"It is used to balance the irritation of chili peppers. In fact, there should be plaster, but I am worried that everyone will have to drink sesame oil or flax oil when they eat too much plaster to go to the toilet."

Li Yi admitted that it is a medicine that neutralizes the damage of pepper to the gastrointestinal tract.

After eating some spicy hot pot, both ends will be spicy, and then you will have diarrhea.

Some spicy hot pots were eaten and found to be spicy when they were eaten, but there were no other follow-up problems.

This reflects the background of the two stores, the former does not understand Chinese medicine at all.

The latter doesn't know Chinese medicine or not, at least the prescription knows it.

Li Yi's authentic Sichuan cuisine Mala Tang at that time contained a lot of Chinese herbs. Even if he choked on his words accidentally, he couldn't bear it.

However, after eating, there is no diarrhea after going back, and the other end is not spicy. This is called ability.

It has been adjusted with Chinese herbal medicine, and it is refreshing to eat, and there is no worries about the future.

Unlike in the future, to save money, just boil things in plain water, and then add some plain water.

There are also chili oil, pepper oil, sesame sauce, peanut kernels, sugar, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, and salt, which become spicy takeaways.

The authentic ones are not like that. The ancestors knew what was going on with peppers, and then they took measures and prescribed many kinds of prescriptions.

Including fennel seed powder, dried houttuynia cordata and other things.

Seeing that Mala Tang is food, in fact it is a Chinese medicine. There were some after the Ming Dynasty, and those doctors were so good.

Then when Li Yi developed, he started to eat his own money, all of which were summaries and additional additions, and there was no more work.

To put it bluntly, it means not making money, and then inheritance is possible, but development is not.

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