Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 991 Don't be afraid to invite Dongfeng to help (fifth)

"Go and serve the injured brothers." When Guo Zhiyun felt sorry for the Yulin Feiqi brothers, he suddenly thought of the wounded.

Two years ago, the wounded soldiers ate the worst.

Especially when looking at soldiers who have lost their combat effectiveness, or will not be able to participate in the battle in the future, they give the worst food.

Of course, the main force must be given to the main force to have the strength to fight.

But now the rules have changed. The wounded soldiers give good things, and the wounded need nourishment.

In this way, the soldiers dared to fight harder. One is alcohol and suture technology, and the other is that eating to keep up is beneficial to recovery.

Let's go to Sheng, send extra meals to the injured brothers, there are canned meat.

"General Fan, you usually eat so well, can you get used to what you have now?" Another soldier asked curiously.

He felt that Yulin Feiqi had eaten well after all, and should not be able to eat it.

In fact, the people of Yulin Feiqi didn't care about eating wild vegetables and barley rice.

Fan Fan took a sip of the soup: "Are you used to eating? Li Dongzhu let us live in the river marshes, eat snakes and toads, and insects."

The person next to him said, "The rats, cockroaches, soil turtles, earth dragons, scorpions, and centipedes must be eaten raw."

"Dongzhu Li said that eating these things raw will make you sick, and then give us medicine."

"Have you ever drank urine? We all drank it, Li Dongzhu..."

"Stop talking, eat, it's over, it's all over."

Habayashi Feiqi complained again, and quickly appealed to the meeting.

Guo Zhiyun's face suddenly paled. He knew that Yulin Feiqi would not tell lies, but how could Li Yi...

The Li Yi that appeared in the minds of the onlookers became the image of Devil, and at the same time, the look at Yulin Feiqi became different.

It turns out that they can not only eat good food, but also overcome difficulties that ordinary people can't.

While eating, semaphores were played on the hot air balloon, and there were cavalry from Tubo, about a thousand horses.

The scout came back and reported: "They were shirtless, so they took their bows."

"Wow!" Yulin Feiqi put down the tableware and stood up one after another.

"Their morale is low, and they ran over to invite a fight, brothers." Fan Fan shouted to his own.

At the same time he took off his shirt, and the other Yulin Feiqi also took off his shirt.

Expose your arms and fasten your belt.

The others saw that Brother Yulin Feiqi had scars all over his body.

Guo Zhiyun also took off his shirt, moved around, stretched out his hand, and immediately someone went to take his bow.

The record of him in the history books is: 7 feet tall, with a tiger-like mouth, strong and brave, good at archery, and quite courageous.

He also uses a strong bow, one-on-one, and he dares to challenge any enemy general.

Isn't it just an invitation to fight? Come on, one thousand to one thousand, what morale do you still have after beating you this time?

"The others are ready, ready to attack." Wang Junkui knew what this battle meant.

If it wins, the whole army makes a surprise attack, and the enemy has no morale and can push all the way.

If you switch to your own army, you will not go to war, and Tubo will inevitably send strong troops.

Now there is Yulin Feiqi, strong? Who is stronger, take a look.

"Yes!" The soldiers began to prepare, and the cavalry assembled.

The order was passed, and the military villages led the orders.

The Tubo army had one man and two horses, and they changed horses. Someone took other horses back.

Yu Lin Feiqi selected a thousand people and selected horses, one for each.

Take the bow, they are all strong bows.

It's not that they don't have other means, but now they are going to defeat the enemy with what the enemy thinks is the strongest.

If Li Yi is here, he will exchange for a heavy machine gun, and then suddenly, who will play the rules with you? I'm the rules, don't you know if soldiers are not tired of fraud?

The soldiers of Datang are different. Do they have better weapons? Have.

But it's not that I have good weapons, so I'm afraid of death. If I beat you Tubo, I can beat you no matter what.

Just like Li Yi's bayonet at the time, sometimes it doesn't have to be done.

In the special terrain and conditions, the Japanese army charged with bayonet, and his national army at that time could also go up with bayonet.

A thousand Yu Lin Fei rode on the horse, Guo Zhiyun personally led the team, he is a military commander, not afraid of this.

However, he is still protected in the team. He is an ambassador. If it really goes down, who will command the team?

Tubo’s 1,000 riders stopped at a ten-mile position, no longer advancing, waiting.

Yulin Feiqi and other cavalry and infantry have gone out.

The two sides gradually approached, and when they were able to see each other from a distance, they urged the horse together.

The horse's speed was getting faster and faster, and the team of Yulin Feiqi began to divide into echelons, gradually increasing the distance between each other.

When he was more than a hundred steps away from the opponent, the first part of Yulin Feiqi directly fired his bow and released his arrows, without aiming.

The arrow was shot, the reins were pulled, and the team separated and ran out diagonally to both sides.

The team that followed shot another arrow rain and ran out diagonally.

The Tubo team adopted the same method, the difference is that theirs are more drifting because of... headwind.

There is no way. In summer, the wind blows from east to west, and it is impossible for the two sides to change positions.

One echelon after another, Tubo fell down dozens of people.

When the two teams were walking side by side at the same time, Yubayashi Feiqi's hard-trained technology was brought into play.

Their instructor is not Li Yi, Li Yi can only teach them how to shoot, and their coach is Guo Ziyi.

Then Li Yi saw Guo Ziyi taught and came up with two good games, baseball and badminton.

The practice is to judge the ball. Baseball is actually not as fast as badminton, and the world record for pitchers is more than 40 meters per second.

Compared with the bow and arrow, the speed is much worse, and the ball is large, and the part that the bow and arrow can see is small.

The reason for practicing baseball is to catch the ball from the front. When the ball flies, many people evade it subconsciously.

The catchers are not, they have to catch the ball.

But the smash of badminton can be very fast, Li Yi asked all smashes to try to buckle people's bodies.

What exercises is explosiveness and reaction speed, which are now used.

When the two sides were in parallel, they still set arrows at each other, and then...

Then no one picks up the opponent's arrow, the arrow flies up as a small dot, not flying sideways for you to see.

The same measure everyone took was to hide in the stirrup and hide on the other side of the horse.

The difference appeared at this moment, when Yu Lin Fei was riding in the stirrup while hiding in the stirrup, he once again bent his bow and set an arrow, and then shot the arrow from under the horse's belly.

This is what Guo Ziyi taught. In Guo Ziyi's view, as long as there is room to straighten his posture, he can shoot arrows.

Teams ran over, and the Tubo people hit arrows one after another, and Yulin Fei rode some horses hit the arrow. They ran far away and stopped playing.

The horses of the Tubo cavalry ran more, so the arrow was not so accurate.

But if you want to shoot a horse to death with an arrow, it is impossible, unless it hits the horse's eye and penetrates it.

After a round of transfer, Tubo fell over a hundred people, Yu Lin Feiqi did not fall, and some people actually pushed the enemy's arrow away, and they didn't know how he saw it.

Guo Zhiyun also opened his bow continuously and knew how to hide behind the horse.

"Keep the distance." Fan Fan made a contact and judged that the enemy's bow range was closer than his own.

If you use a stronger bow, you don't need to shoot at the same distance with the enemy.

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