Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 992 Victory Medical Devices are Different (First)

The horse is running, and the arrows come and go.

Fan Fan led the team to widen the distance time and time again to find the weakness of the Tubo team.

Those who have telescopes look at them, and those who don't stretch their necks to look.

In the past, they only heard that His Majesty had trained a private army, which was said to be very strong, but it was not clear how strong it was.

The training that Fei Chi Habayashi said in the chat during the meal sounded terrifying, but there was no specific quantitative standard.

Now is the best time to test what is strong and what is not strong, let's not mention anything else, at least Yulin Feiqi dares to fight.

Tubo invites to fight, and Yulin Feiqi clearly doesn't need to rush, just hand it over to their cavalry.

NS! Yulin Feiqi took the initiative to fight, not afraid of death.

The horse squad was going round and round, and the soldiers were excited.

"I didn't see any of them dead, be careful."

"Pretty, Guo Jedu made it beautiful, and shot the opponent with one arrow."

"Can you see whose arrow is specific?"

"Don't look at it, the rain of arrows will pass, and ensure that the controlled arrows will hit the enemy."

"When you get promoted, remember to help your brother."

"Accurately, Yulin Feiqi finds it accurately in advance."

"Oh, I got an arrow, no, why did I get up again? I caught it? There was blood in my hand, and the arrow scratched his hand. I threw the arrow and drew my own arrow and shot it back."

The person watching with the binoculars saw a shocking scene. Just as a Yulin Feiqi got up from the side of the horse to the back of the horse, he suddenly fell back.

The body didn't fall off the horse, he threw away the grabbed arrow, his hand was red, and he didn't care about the pain, so he drew the arrow and shot again.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the team invited by Tubo stopped.

Someone yelled, and Yulin Feiqi's team also stopped.

In Tubo, the people on horses dismounted, went to find their own wounded and dead brothers, and returned to the horses.

Looking at it this way, the Tubo team can only move more than 500 people, and the others are either dead or injured.

Some people who can move have arrows in their bodies, but they don't pull them out.

Looking at Yulin Feiqi's side, everyone was on horseback, with the same arrows inserted in the body, but very few.

"Why did you stop? Give up?"

"The firing range is different, the distance is opened, and if you continue to fight, the whole army is wiped out."

"Habayashi Feiqi has great strength and can open his bow continuously, and can still guarantee the range of fire."

"They must be harder in training, harder than us."

"We sometimes have to work. Yulin Feiqi is training all day long. It's different."

The soldiers of Jiedushi spoke, watching the people of Tubo clean up and leave. The leader is not dead, and there are two arrows on his thighs.

He was a little lame as he walked, even so, he stood upright on his horse, looked back at the banner of Yu Lin Feiqi, looked complicated, and led the team away.

Yulin Feiqi came back from riding here, the arrow on the horse was not drawn, and the arrow on the man was also hanging.

Without waiting for the place, the other Yulin flew over and took care of the brother who was hitting the arrow.

They are not worried about the poison on their arrows, they invite battles and smear poison, and if they win, they lose.

It couldn't hit Tang Bing's morale, nor could it boost his own morale.

Others also flocked back together, carrying the injured person down.

Feiqi Habayashi took out the medical kit for his brothers to treat. They had iodophor and antibiotic pills.

The iodophor exchanged by Li Yi is of high purity, and then diluted by himself, the concentration is too high to be used.

Yulin Feiqi was assigned by Li Yi to rescue a disaster, and Li Yi could gain a lot of life.

There are also sixteen guards who help sweep snow, maintain law and order, and linoleum paper sheds.

The 500,000 yuan exchange voucher also provides him with a lot of life, and he is a philanthropist.

The amount of tax exemption that he has earned, he has to use it out again, and lend it to the people at low interest.

Lending also promotes economic development and overall social improvement.

"Old road, hold on, you have an arrow in your stomach. Everyone help build a tent. Don't use the previous one. Build a new one. Let's disinfect it first."

Fan Fan found a seriously injured person, with an arrow in his leg and an arrow under his belly button.

"Captain Fan, I'll come." A Yulin Feiqi came next to him, and he wanted to get an arrow from the old road.

"Okay, you are the one who can do it best." Fan Fan agreed.

This brother usually wants to feed Li Yi, so he asks to kill it himself, then tie up the live sheep and pigs and dissect them slowly.

Sometimes the sheep that should have been turned into mutton soup actually lived for half a month, he cut the sheep's belly, cut off the intestines, and then connected it.

After that, the abdominal cavity of the sheep was cleaned up and stitched up again. No food was given. The sheep was hungry for a few days and ventilated, and then fed something.

Feel that the sheep can survive, kill them, and drink sheep soup.

Normally this is not something that humans do, but he likes it, including pigs, which can live even more hungry for many days.

Everyone laughed at the beginning and said that he was cruel. Later, someone who came to Yulin Feiqi with him to talk about his family's situation, everyone stopped joking.

There used to be a Big Brother in his family. When he was cutting logs on the mountain, he fell. His Big Brother pulled him and then fell. The hatchet pierced his Big Brother's stomach and his intestines flowed out.

In the end, there was only one, dead, and it was useless to plug it back in.

When he finds that the intestines are flowing out, he can still live, he will practice desperately, and when he finds the opportunity, he will practice with livestock.

He hoped that his brother would be rescued from the same situation as his Big Brother.

Today he is going to treat the wounds of Lao Lu himself, he has the most experience.

Some people started spraying alcohol on themselves, using alcohol to wash their hands and surgical tools.

The tent was quickly set up, and I went in and disinfected it with alcohol, put it on the table, covered it with gauze, and hung up more than a dozen diesel lamps.

Jiedu made two people spray on the body with alcohol, put on masks and hats and went in. They wanted to take a look.

The other people were not as badly injured, so they treated their wounds directly in places where there was no wind.

A small scalpel, various forceps, and several kinds of suture needles are laid out.

Take the arrow first, then debride the wound, suture, hug, and feed antibiotics.

Like Li Yi ate two tablets at a time, the soldiers ate half a tablet. The bacteria in their bodies did not have drug resistance.

Others were dumbfounded, and Yulin Feiqi's healing tool was better than own.

I just took a knife and disinfected it with alcohol, and then cut it in various ways.

Habayashi Feiqi changed to a knife or pliers at every step, trying to make the wound as small as possible.

The only thing that feels fair is that the people like Yulin Feiqi don't drink narcotics and bite roots and woods.

"We brought anesthetics, but Dongzhu Li said that we always use anesthetics, which may affect the brain, so we will bear it."

Fan Fan wore a mask to remove the arrow from his shoulder for his brother, and carefully used the needle holder to hold the needle to sew. The needle was not an ordinary sewing needle.

It is curved, and you can wear it directly.

"Looking back, we bake our needles and bend them. It turns out that this is the most convenient way to sew." Guo Zhiyun was depressed, and the needle...

"You use the left and right bow method to restore your strength, okay." Wang Junkui praised on the other side.

Yulin Feiqi continued to release arrows, both left and right hands, so that his strength could be quickly restored.

"We train a lot and eat well, not only eating meat, but also vegetables, fruits, and dried fruits, which cost a lot of money."

Fan Fan wrapped his brother's shoulders with gauze and explained the reason.

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