Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1180: To whom to tell

"Now the people in Shiyuan County have a sense of anger, mainly anger. Do you talk about how to use it?" A dealer said things from a different perspective.

Everyone looked at Li Feng and waited for him to start first.

Li Feng scratched his head. He was reminiscing, recalling what he had learned from the proprietor.

The proprietor of this kind of struggle has never met the actual situation, and I am a little confused.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Feng said: "Three, one is to pick out when you come up, to vent the resentment of the people, and to target Yan.

However, if you do this, Yan will be prepared, and Yan Jie and others may not be focused on greed.

The second type is to dilute, let the people's anger stay in their hearts, and wait for Yan Jie to make things happen and explode together, which is powerful.

The last type is positive guidance, telling the people that the Tang court is worthy of trust.

Tell them not to be disappointed, Zaifu knows, and Your Majesty also knows the local situation.

Everything will be fine. Everyone works hard, builds roads for themselves, and fights for their lives. "

"The third."

"I am also the third."

"We Lijiazhuangzi don't need to make so much, although we have many methods."

"Turn anger into strength, and turn complaints into trust, the third."

"I agree, let's study and study what to say."

The dealers expressed their opinions one after another, abandoning their gratitude and enmity, and proceeded from the perspective of Datang.

Tan Shui listened with her eyes wide open, her eyes gradually blurred, she raised her hand to wipe tears.

She saw that the dealers of Lijiazhuangzi were very clever and thought of many ways, but finally chose the most upright one.

Instead of using the people to target anyone, we help the people do the right thing.

Playing conspiracy and tricks, this group of people seemed very skilled, and when they were making a decision, they gave up.

Listening to Li Yi's words in his stockade, Li Yi will not harm his stockade.

"Next, I will talk about specific road construction. There are too few people and people need to be transferred from other places. The mountain people are good. Will they be paid?"

Li Feng concluded a proposal and threw another one.

"Ask the people of Shiyuan County, we don't count on Yan's money. Use Yulin Feiqie to hunt precious animals. The money belongs to the people of Shiyuan County."

"Give it first, buy pigs, we will cook? Try to do better? We don't need to maintain the decency of officials."

"Because we are not officials? We are the dealers of Lijiazhuangzi."

"The proprietor is an official? The proprietor sometimes cooks himself."

"Try to look at human nature? Not too good? But it must give people a good impression."

"We don't give money to people who don't work? Unless it's people who are incapacitated."

The dealers are discussing again? It seems that they have their own opinions on everything.

Tan Shui was envious, even a little bit jealous.

How does she know that this is called a team? Have a common goal? Analyze and consider from different angles.

When it is determined, whether other people have other considerations or not? You must first complete this main line with all your strength.

In the absence of an accurate idea? Need to show yourself.

When most people arrange their thinking, there is no need to stab their heads.

Of course you can reserve your opinions and follow the ideas of others when you reserve.

If this line of thought goes on and it is found that it is not working? Then other people have to follow the arrangements and instructions of those who have reserved opinions.

For Lijiazhuangzi, the overall stability? Li Yi's intentions were executed, but the method was different.

This is the most valuable thing in Lijiazhuangzi, which is the result of Li Yi's careful training over several years.

"Don't you ask Li Dongzhu?" Tan Shui still believed in Li Yi even more.

"When there is a problem during the operation, we will ask again. The proprietor doesn't want us to ask him directly about everything, it's not a big deal anyway."

Li Feng smiled, he wanted to prove himself, like the dealer.

It is nothing more than leading the people to work, by the way, gathering people's hearts, not fighting life and death, there is a way to retreat.


In the middle of the night in Shiyuan County, the torches were lit, and the people were still working, and they were even weaker.

They save their staple food by drinking soup. How can they work hard without staple food?

The horses arrive and deliver the letter.

"Hahaha~~ I'm scared, Zhang Jiuling and Huang An are both scared. They will be promoted to us and let us go for the benefits."

Yan Bang got two documents, one for Zhang Jiuling and one for Huang An.

The status of Zhang Jiuling's inspection envoy was confirmed, and at the same time he was given a chance to be promoted.

Yan's people ran over to see, including the yamen who were attached to Yan's.

"Okay, this is our ability. Zhang Jiuling compromised and gave us benefits. Unfortunately, we still want to build roads."

"What about the inspector? Didn't I consider Yan's interests first?"

"Let's close work, stop doing it, you spooky people, think I don't know you are ditching?"

"When the new magistrate arrives, you will know who is good and who is bad."

"I don't know what to be grateful for, I'll give you fish soup and curse at the back, huh! Just wait and see!"

Yan's people are elated, and they think their methods have worked.

Just like some of Li Yi's department-level and ministerial-level people at that time, they thought they were all right and happily held an anti-corruption meeting.

The next day, he was called to be investigated. Generally, this situation has never gone away.

There is no fluke, can you come back after the investigation? Dreaming?

The people listened, bowed their heads and walked back, mourning more than death.

They admire the people in other counties, and the people in other counties work with Zhang Jiuling's money.

You don’t have to buy the tools yourself, you can eat well and get paid.

I have been counting on Zhang Jiuling to clean up Yan's family. After arresting people that day, she was still happy, but she didn't think that Yan's came back again.

Now that he is even promoted, isn't Zhang Jiuling also good?

The people are sad and feel that life is dark, and God doesn't open their eyes.

The information they can get is just that, where they know the upper-level operation, let alone a team that really cares about them is discussing plans.

One night later, the people of Xiyuan County had nightmares at night, where they slept on a straw mat, like a shroud.

The straw mats were made by themselves. If it were not for the hot weather, in winter, the low temperature here in Guangzhou could freeze people to death.

When the temperature is twice as high as the human body temperature, people cannot withstand the heat.

When the temperature is lower than half of the human body temperature, it is very uncomfortable for people to bear the cold.

When I woke up in the morning, no one made hot soup. A group of people from the yamen left and happily left to go to a more powerful place to ‘work’.

The people are at a loss, what are they going to do? Still building roads? Don't care about anything when you leave?

A quarter of an hour later, a group of people arrived from the small road.

They rode horses with cooking utensils and other mess, including a lot of game.

People are curious, who?

The team consists of three hundred and thirty people, three hundred Yu Lin Feiqi, and thirty dealers of Lijiazhuangzi.

"Hurry up, set up the stove, and understand that they are too bad, and they ran away without handing over to me. I can't check my account. Let's eat first and get food for our brothers and sisters."

Li Feng urged people to work, but it was actually arranged.

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