Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1181: Yamen rotation without discrimination

The people of Xiyuan County who slept on the mat last night watched dumbfoundedly as a group of people were busy working there.

The bricks were piled up, not very high, with coke inside and a pot on top.

The pot is a flat pan. Someone puts oil in it, and the big pot next to it is cooked noodles.

The other pot contains stuffing, which looks like pork stuffing.

It’s actually stuffed with pork and green onions. I made it iced last night, and the noodles were made last night.

Yu Lin Feiqi does the rough work, and the Lijia Zhuangzi's person is in charge of the actual operation.

Pies, this is not a flat bun.

They grabbed the noodles, patted them on their hands, put the fillings in, pressed them in the pan with their hands, and pressed them with their hands, and the pie appeared.

That's how the pasty pie is, and it takes a lot of effort to replace it with a hot pastry.

Others set up a cauldron to make soup, threw the meaty beast bones into it, and then skimmed the foam when the water boiled.

Then someone from the beast decomposed and cut the meat strips, shaking the stuffing with a stuffing machine.

When the water is boiled, the mashed meatballs are put into the pot, put on the green vegetable leaves, salt, and pepper noodles.

The pickle bumps of mustard greens are sliced ​​and then shredded on a cutting board, rinsed with water, shredded green onions, salted, and stirred with sesame oil.

The people in Xiyuan County haven't got enough sleep yet, they just stopped work in the middle of the night, and now they are looking blankly with scum.

Who is this? What are you doing?

With weapons, Yu Lin Feiqi didn't dare to scream, calling other people to get up, wash their faces first, and stand in a large circle about a dozen steps away.

The smell of meatball soup and the smell of pie appeared, everyone sniffed.

"Who are you?" Someone finally couldn't help but shouted boldly.

"Didn't you just talk about it? I will replace Yan Jie as the county magistrate. I am the county magistrate now, the magistrate of Xiyuan County, I will cook for you.

Yan Jie, they all ran away and got promoted. We came to replace them, and we were directly responsible for the affairs of the entire county.

After you listen to me for some time, if I didn’t brush my teeth, I have salt, so I wipe it with my finger, or brush it with a branch.

Just wait for the cakes and soup? I'm from the Lijiazhuangzi in Bashui, Chang'an, Jingzhao Mansion? The place where I took out the voucher. "

Li Feng was turning over the pie, turning it directly with his hands, it was not too hot.

Many people: "..."

They started rubbing their faces, picking their scalp, pinching their temples, and rubbing their eyes.

Of course they know the exchange voucher? It's expensive, more than the face value.

Bashui Lijiazhuangzi has heard more? There are many legends, anyway, whoever meets it will live a good life.

Has Yan on the front foot just been promoted? The people from Lijiazhuangzi on the back foot have come over?

God, have you opened your eyes?

"Are you dreaming? Who pinches me, oh! Where are you pinching? The fourth daughter-in-law, the fourth child, your daughter-in-law pinches me there."

"Daughter-in-law? Are you pinched?" The fourth child asked his wife.

His wife shook her head: "No effort."

Then the old fourth stared at each other: "You didn't work hard, didn't break it, what are you yelling? Go brush your teeth quickly? Get ready to eat."

"Daughter-in-law, look at the fourth and his daughter-in-law." The pinched person complained to his daughter-in-law.

"You stand next to your daughter-in-law and shout to pinch, do you still have a face? Ignore you."

"I'm going to brush my teeth, it's a dream, right? Let me eat meat."

The fourth child looked at his daughter-in-law and lowered his voice: "Why do you pinch everywhere?"

"He asked me to pinch when he was pulling me." The fourth daughter-in-law complained.

"He asked you to pinch your thigh."

"You mean I should listen to him?"

"No? Pinch well, go, and brush your teeth. I usually don't brush my teeth once for many days."

The fourth child is happy. Look, my daughter-in-law doesn't listen to other men.

Everyone was at a loss after packing up and coming over to eat.

They feel untrue, what's the matter with meatball soup, pies, pickles mixed with sesame oil?

"We are here, we are here, are there any of us? I went back yesterday with a set of things. Someone in my stockade was bitten by a poisonous snake. I gave him a needle and survived."

A large group of people appeared from the mountain, and the leader of the village laughed and shouted.

"Yes, come over and eat. If you say yes, come here and prepare for you, one thousand people, right? No more, if there are too many, it can't exceed five hundred."

Li Feng continued to make and bake pies, shouting to the other party.

"A thousand people who can work, and children, come and see, that's enough, less than five hundred people, hurry up, go wash and get ready to eat."

The village owner didn't care about his face at all, and he brought a lot of people, especially the little baby.

He was crazy with excitement, and yesterday he went home with a set of anti-venom serum.

It happened that someone in the stockade was bitten by a poisonous snake. The snake was taken back and died.

He glanced at the snake, immediately found the corresponding serum, and pierced it in with his rough technique, again without any sensitivity test.

The person who was bitten was at the base of the thigh, and the whole leg was swollen even half of the body.

He followed the operating procedures and stuck three needles in a row, but different needles could deal with the same kind of poisonous snake.

Then the stabbed person survived. He is still in a good state, and the swelling has disappeared a lot. Before he came out, he was given another injection.

Shimin is useless to him, he may live if he sticks, but he will die if he doesn't stick. If Shimin is allergic, it is just death.

In theory, his behavior... how to say, it can be supported.

Some skin tests are allergic, but when a large dose is injected, it is no problem.

Sometimes the problem is so serious that it cannot be fully described in medicine.

He stayed up all night and looked at the people in his stockade who were bitten by a poisonous snake.

When it was about to dawn, the team rushed over, and more than 300 children came, mainly to see the world.

Seeing a large group of mountain people, the people of Xiyuan County were wary in disgust.

They hate mountain people and think they don't know how to be civilized.

"Mountain people help us build roads. My proprietor has no prejudice against anyone, no regional discrimination, let alone ethnic discrimination."

Li Feng saw the people's attitude and warned.

The people acknowledged the fact that Li Feng is now the magistrate. With the proof of Pie and Meatball Soup, they put away their expressions of disgust.

The mountain people were unwilling to contact the people, and went to the other side to wait for dinner.

The children looked after each other and walked behind the adults.

"Come here, the children eat first, remember not to eat too much pickles, or they will be thirsty." Li Feng called the children over.

He didn't want to be separated between class and nationality. He was a slave himself.

He longed for a little respect As a result, in Lijiazhuangzi, he was an ordinary person. When the bishop himself, he never looked at his identity.

The children washed their hands timidly, then picked up the chopsticks and ate the pie, looking at others.

"Add more meat to the soup, how do Zhuangzi's children eat it?" Li Feng said to the farmers.

Farmers understand that they will pick out more meatballs for their children.

The people in Xiyuan County looked at them and suddenly agreed. They did not completely agree with the mountain people, but with the new county magistrate and other people in the yamen.

"Everyone eat first, don't rush to work after eating, let's get some money for tools and eat first."

Li Feng said when he picked up a child who accidentally fell down.

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