Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1208: The body to be judged will know regret

The sliding rod swayed tremblingly, and Zhang Jiuling, who was sitting on it, was very uncomfortable.

He wanted to take a car, and the people in Guangzhou who went with him to Chang'an had to lift him with a sliding pole.

There are two people before and after the slide, and the others are ready to rotate at any time.

The team is huge, in addition to the people from the hometown Zhang Jiuling is looking for, there are also the people in Guangzhou who help transport the goods.

The merchants also want to go together, and it is safer to form a group, protected by three hundred feather forests.

The goods Zhang Jiuling carried were worth 3.6 million yuan, indicating that the total volume of the entire Guangzhou sea trade exceeded 15 million yuan.

Because the two sides collected 20% tax before, only 30% was collected later.

The money for road construction was deducted, and Zhang Jiuling returned to Chang'an and took all the money that had been allocated before.

The newly-appointed student officials should not stay in front of them. Ships will come to trade every day, and then they will have enough funds.

Yan Jie carried a basket and walked not far away. He was not restricted from moving. If he wanted to run, he could jump out at any time.

He didn't dare, how could he run alone? There is no food and water.

And when you run into the mountains, surely you can pass Yulin Feiqi?

At this moment, he only had one thought left, don't be killed, just exile if it doesn't work, just three thousand miles or something.

If you don’t go to Luzhou, it’s better to go to places like Guangzhou, you are equivalent to going home again, nothing more than losing power and money, and making more money.

The Yan's people and the people who depended on the Yan's collaborators were all there. The child sat in the car blankly, and the old man sighed.

Today is the fifth day from the day I left. Yan's more assured situation is that no one bullies women and children.

Little daughter-in-law, eldest girl or something, according to the past situation, will suffer humiliation along the way, and it is not a good thing to be a soldier.

Yulin Feiqi pressed into the formation, and Yulin Feiqi did not move, so the others did not dare to move.

There is no shortage of food and drink, including a breastfeeding woman, and a small stove.

Even if they are guilty of beheading, they cannot bully when they are not sentenced.

"Gong Zhang, please help me, I also gave soup to Yan later, when the road was being built." Yan Jie was afraid of death, and he shouted.

"According to the law, I beg for you, how can I be worthy of the people in Guangzhou who sent me Wanminshu? How can I be worthy of the people of Xiyuan County who sent me the boiled eggs?"

Zhang Jiuling shook his head, and he got the Wanmin Book, the real Wanmin Book, and it was not ten thousand people putting their fingerprints on it.

His greatest contribution was to build roads. The roads in all counties in Guangzhou were all accessible. The people didn't spend a lot of money, and they got paid.

The people divided the tools used for road construction and brought them home.

It will be used for work in the future and will not be repeated by the government when building roads.

The wharf has also been repaired a lot. As long as you provide services to merchants, you can make money.

Guangzhou used to be very poor. Even if there is a sea trade, it has nothing to do with ordinary people.

Now the people have benefited by relying on sea trade.

It is a long-term thing. The people are not stupid. Knowing that Zhang Jiuling is going to leave, they hurriedly joined forces to make the Wanmin Book.

Find someone to write about the situation, and follow your fingerprints.


"Before the Chinese New Year, Zhang Jiuling will come back. Lao Bi must be very happy, 3.6 million yuan, how far is it from the annual financial 30 million?"

Li Yi received the pigeon and flew when Zhang Jiuling left.

Last time I flew for a day, this time it was almost a day or two.

Obviously, the weather in the north is getting colder, the pigeons are not used to it, and they have to avoid the large flying birds that have moved to the south along the way.

When they came back, the two pigeons drilled directly into the nest.

They were originally pigeons raised here. After going to Guangzhou to adapt to a period of time, they feel that Guangzhou is quite comfortable.

Come back again, it's cold, need warmth.

"The crab is steamed, here it is." Li Chengqi took out a large crab tied with tongs with twine from the steamer and gave it to Li Yi.

This is the last batch of large crabs that can be transported back. The upstream has begun to freeze, and the downstream will soon enter the dry season.

The most classic big crab in Bohai Bay is the swimming crab. Of course, there are many small crabs, but they eat less.

Currently, there is no artificial breeding, and all grow naturally. It is best to eat portunculus in the current season.

The navy sent it ten dollars for a live crab. It depends on how it died and how long it took. Don't do it for more than twelve hours.

Those who die within twelve hours are counted as five dollars, and they are not allowed to lie, otherwise they will kill others and pursue responsibility.

The navy is honest, their life is easier, and they take their children as sailors with them.

Li Chengqi changed his hands and cooked the dead first, and asked Li Yi to check and confirm that there was no problem, and sent it to the market for ten dollars apiece.

One hundred dollars alive can be sold for a few days anyway.

Swimming crabs are much larger than river crabs, and they taste better in the wild.

Li Yi took one and broke off the two large tongs first, leaving them as snacks for the children.

Li Chengqi acted like Li Yi: "It feels like eating water chestnut. Is anyone in Yan going to die? It feels like they are being counted."

"The key is that they count others. The silver is more than 100 catties, and the local tribute requires no more than 50 yuan per state. Where do they get so much?"

Li Yi began to beat crab shells. The swimming crab has a lot of meat, and the meat can be shaved from its small claws.

However, Li Yi never used other tools, put his small claws directly in his mouth and used his teeth to flick.

"You send Zhuangzi's students over, are you afraid that they will change their hearts when they see too much money in the local area?" Li Chengqi grabbed the meat with his chopsticks.

"What is a change of heart? And they are not Lijiazhuangzi, they belong to the officials of the imperial court's No. 1 jinshi."

Li Yi took out a piece of meat and didn't dip it in anything, so he put it in his mouth and tasted it first.

Li Chengqi put **** vinegar on his plate, took a bite, and poured soy sauce and sesame oil: "This is not the focus, right?"

"They dare not. They know how much money Lijiazhuang has, and they know my temper. Lack of money tells me that I can't give, be greedy, or accept bribes.

When the little guy eats, he has to be helped by an adult. The little tooth bites the crab claws. If a tooth is bitten off, it will take a long time to grow a new tooth. It is not time to change the tooth. "

Li Yi looked at the crab and said that he was a little bit eager.

More roads need to be built, especially trains, otherwise so many good things in the sea cannot be transported alive.

Especially crab The meat is not easy to handle, and it is more difficult than shrimp and shellfish.

Shrimp and shellfish are easy to get meat. The meat that crabs can eat occupies a small proportion of the body. The method of beating can be exhausting.

"I let people grow water chestnut in large quantities. You said that it contains a lot of starch, which is used to thicken and make vermicelli.

I use hot water to make water chestnut powder according to the method you said, and it can make a big bowl, just like oil tea.

The camellia you have researched is good. I prepared 30 million catties and prepared it to be sent to the source of the Yellow River in winter. They used the pressure cooker to boil water and drank it. "

Li Chengqi said as much as he thought. As Song Wang, he made a lot of money, and ordinary people donated money. How could he fall behind.

He asked someone to stir-fry the camellia at a cost of four dollars per pound, and there were a lot of good things in it, especially sugar.

30 million catties, the money he spent is 120,000 yuan, otherwise what should I do? Princess Yongmu donated 80,000 yuan.

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