Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1209: Logistics speed trust seafood

Li Chengqi admired Li Yi's ability to make money most.

Wen Tianlan Xiangge, use the canvas to polish it with a grinding wheel to get the whitish part of the color.

Then put it on the sewing machine and punch out a lot of threads, which are called machine-woven frosted canvas skirts or canvas trousers in the promotion.

The price is a hundred times the cost of that little canvas, especially the **** canvas clothing you get, which is more than ten times more expensive than the one you get.

In order to prove that the thing came from Wen Tianlan Xiangge, some glass was placed. ,

The glass is burned in Lijiazhuangzi, and I know how to burn it.

Money, Wen Tianlan Xiangge is making crazy money, many businessmen ask women to buy them, and then sell them to noble ladies or young women in other places.

Perfume, soap, stockings made of silk, and fun things such as glass beads worn there are all complete sets.

With leather bags and velvet pillows, there is no five hundred yuan, don't even think about it.

My niece only opened business for two days in ten days, and money came in.

What I earn is hard money, but what others earn is brand money.

It's too shameful. For example, I have to wear and wear everything in my own palace. Fortunately, I and Yi brother are a family.

Thinking about it, Li Chengqi smiled: "Brother Yi, give me a dozen more small mirrors."

"You go get it yourself, but you are not allowed to sell it. I want to control the shipment. The steam engine came out, and you helped me a lot with the new craftsman.

It is being installed on the ship, using the propeller mode, which has high requirements on the shaft, and hopes that it can be launched before the river is frozen.

Then it is troublesome to use for sea boats. After the New Year, after the beginning of spring, it's a try and set sail with a few boats.

Don't fix it if it is broken. Without the technology, throw the boat and sink it. "

Li Yi turned to the steam engine. The cylinders of the steam engine were all cast, heavy and large.

It is necessary to withstand the steam pressure. If the steam engine is easy to use, the casting technology will gradually improve, and then diesel and gasoline engines can be used.

There is a problem with the gasoline engine, the spark plug.

At the same time, the two types of equipment also need nozzles. The nozzles are more than an inch and contain technological content...

Fortunately, he has drawings, all kinds of drawings? No one cares about his royalties.

Li Chengqi hurried to eat crabs? He ate one, and he muttered: "This stuff is like that. It's cold? It's better to have mutton hot pot."

"Seafood pot is also okay. When we fix the railway? It will be easy to eat. If I can build a simpler airplane, simple? Simple and not easy!"

Li Yi wants to build the airplane of World War I? Need an engine.

As long as this plane comes out? All the surrounding Fanbangs are guaranteed to kneel.

According to the data, the aircraft was used for reconnaissance at first, and then the pilots of both sides fired at each other with pistols.

Later it developed into rifles, machine guns, machine guns, and rockets.

Before Li Yi came over? All of them were beyond the visual range, and they drove after dozens of kilometers.

Li Yi was stunned, thinking about why his country at that time was afraid of bullying by force in the process of development.

Even if the technology is more advanced, other countries on the entire planet dare not.

Because he has won many asymmetric wars in a row, every time his country’s technology doubles, its combat effectiveness increases dozens of times.

When the technology is about the same, other people want to do it, so they have to think carefully.

"Brother Yi, Brother Yi, what did you say about the plane look like?" Li Chengqi saw Li Yi in a daze, calling from the side.

"My aircraft, which is used for single-soldier combat, and the group army uses another big guy, which is faster." Li Yi hadn't recovered much yet.

"How fast?" Li Chengqi wanted to know.

"From Chang'an to Dengzhou, one hour, and then hundreds of miles away, he started hitting the ground with the sky monkey from the sky.

Then a large number of things parachuted with people, to the ground, and continued to attack the sky monkey. "

Li Yi returned to his mind and said with a smile.

Li Chengqi opened his eyes wide: "What you said is better than yours."

"No." Li Yi shook his head: "The technical content is different. I am more powerful. I fly alone and break defenses at ultra-low altitudes. As long as there are enough, the enemy will definitely not be able to bear it."

His aircraft does not breathe fire, whether it is day or night, flying close to the ground, it is too late to find it on the ground.

When using antiaircraft artillery to hit aircraft on the ground, an array must be formed, and the effect of radar is obvious.

The major countries don't make much publicity, but they are actually working hard to develop this area of ​​technology.

The main reason is that it is low, the radar cannot scan, and it does not breathe fire. The loss during a raid at night is definitely greater than that of the aircraft.

Therefore, a small country is not eligible to fight a big country unless it possesses nuclear weapons.

"Brother Yi, work hard to make money for your brother, and prepare ten million yuan for you, or even more, you can get it out." Li Chengqi felt that ten million yuan was a lot.

Ten million yuan is ten billion yuan, which is exchanged with Li Yi's renminbi at that time, and there is no way to give a specific ratio.

It's almost one to five, 50 billion yuan, and Li Yi would cry if he wanted to get a full set of air combat technology.

With high-tech technology, 50 billion is money?

How much is an aircraft carrier battle group? That is when the technology is already very mature.

"Build a steam engine ship first." Li Yi could not pour cold water on Li Chengqi, so he had to hint.

Don't be too high, ten million yuan? Ha ha!


"You can eat it, I can't eat it, I am pregnant with a child, crabs are cold, and something is going to happen to eat, uncle guess there is nothing good to do?"

On the other side, the Queen and the Queen and others got together, and there were crabs to eat.

She didn't dare to eat, she still had a child in her belly, she just took a look.

In fact, Li Yi said that you can eat a little bit. Fresh big crabs are okay to eat cream and yellow. Just eat one.

She doesn't eat, she is afraid, she wants a daughter, princess.

She doesn't want to have a son. If it is a son, the age is not too different and problems will arise.

If she is a seaside person, it doesn't really matter. Does anyone eat any seafood from the seaside?

She belongs to the mainland and her physical condition is different.

"Take two, Queen, you have tested it. You are not allergic to seafood. As long as it is fresh seafood and the cooking time is long enough, you can eat it while it is hot."

Taohong No. 2 whispered to the side, and then said: "I'll ask the proprietor."

After that, she ran away, looking for Li Yi, Queen Wang wanted to eat but didn't dare to eat.

"It's okay, fresh crabs, don't eat claws, two are fine." Li Yi gave the answer.

In fact, eating paws is fine, but why not eat them?

One is because the claws are easy to scratch the mouth when eating, and the germs carried by the crab enter.

The other is that there are fluff on the The fluff contains some bacteria and parasites.

As for the cold of crab meat, you can dip it in **** vinegar.

Soft seafood, why are they always willing to burn leeks, garlic sprouts, green onions, and coriander in China?

It's very simple. It adopts the theory of cold and heat counterweight, and yin and yang inhibit each other.

"Eldest brother, water chestnut planting has expanded?" After Li Yi answered the question, he talked about something to eat with Li Chengqi.

Water chestnut, at the time of Li Yi, at the beginning, water chestnut was always sold in the north, and what water chestnut powder propagated.

After a period of time, I can only buy water chestnuts online.

Because there are too many starchy things, water chestnut is no longer needed.

Therefore, the output of water chestnut is declining year by year. Right now it is Datang, and there are few other things. Water chestnut is very suitable. It can be planted in places such as water depressions.

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