Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1227: Technology leader Fang Qiangguo

The people on the boat looked at the people on the shore, and the people were also watching the boat.

This boat is fast, swishing against the current, and smoking, how did you get it?

"Hey~~ Your ship is too fast, which ship?" The people on the ship that was overtaken and was about to be overtaken yelled.

"Lijiazhuangzi's steam engine ship does not require people." The ship shouted back.

"The sails are useless, can it be like this now?" The person on the boat instantly felt that he was behind.

He also wanted one. The boat was big and fast, so he didn't know how much it would cost to rent a day.

"How can this ship turn around?" Yao Chong was happy to see the scenery, but suddenly thought of a very important question.

According to the length of the boat, where the river is wide, what should I do if the river is narrow?

"Put in reverse gear, hit the rudder, then hit the rudder, put the front gear, hit the rudder in reverse..." Li Yi gestured with his hands.

Just like driving a car, if you can't go straight to the corner, you just go round and round.

When the propeller turns, the boat naturally retreats, which is more strenuous. The boat is large and the rudder is not easy to control.

"This ship was captured by someone, so it's good to imitate?" Lu Huaishen was concerned about the issue of technology leakage.

"I can't build it. This boat is a tin boat. We can't learn the welding technique. A sailing boat. I'm going to use a wooden boat to install a steam engine..."

Li Yi is confident that no one else has oxygen, and acetylene is still not available.

He popularized science to everyone and told them what was going on.

We have brazing at Datang, but we use materials that are easy to melt as fillers, and it's okay to make simple things.

To weld the iron sheet, and to keep the iron sheet strong enough, it is necessary to use fire welding and electric welding.

Use hot red lead and tin to braze the iron, and then forge it, then who can guarantee that it will not be short under the tensile or transverse tearing force?

Even if you don’t use iron to make the hull and use wood, isn’t there a place for welding in the steam engine?

Gears, bearings, airtights, bolts, etc., if you are not in a hurry, you will not be able to rush to work.

Isn't this worrying about the problem on the sea road, first make something out?

I got the steam engine and disassembled it. Are you sure you can install it? After installing it, did you find that you are very powerful because there are parts that are useless? Saved.

"Screws are not the same. Doesn't it mean that the screws in one place are tightened? The others are tightened one by one.

The steam engine made on my Zhuangzi? Need to adjust the bolts during installation? Otherwise, the seal is not enough.

When it comes to the change of yield stress, there is all knowledge in it. "

Li Yi concluded by telling everyone, don't be afraid, take it, you won't be able to study it.

If it is so well studied, the aircraft engine imported by the country from Lao Maozi can be made if it is dismantled?

There are also machine tools imported from Germany, which have no original faults.

It was dismantled when it came up? As a result, it was reinstalled, and when it was started again, it buzzed, and some even couldn't be installed.

Later, I realized? There are rules for **** the bolts? It doesn't need to be all screwed. There is an order when screwing? How much is tightened, and then how much.

Then when installing it, it needs to be heat treated first, otherwise it cannot be installed.

"Others can't figure out what is being compared?" Liu You stomped a few times, feeling the strength of the deck.

"Don't talk about the real thing, I will give it to each other together with the real thing and the drawings, and even teach them how to raise the furnace temperature. They are still dumbfounded.

Li Yi smiled and said that he didn't believe that anyone in the world could get the steam engine out.

Especially the pressure gauge, which looks quite small and shows pressure. If there is no such gauge, what will happen?

Everyone smiled, they now feel that Lijiazhuangzi's technology belongs to Datang.


p; Lijiazhuang is powerful, which proves that Datang is awesome.

Look, you can't make it for others, even though you don't understand it either.

"It's dinner, come in and eat." The chef of Lijiazhuangzi on the boat greeted him.

I made beef today. One cow died and was sent over. After Li Yi's inspection, there was no problem and it was edible.

The cow seller said it was frozen to death, and reported it to the government, and the government recognized this statement.

When Li Yi checked, he knew that the cow was old and couldn't do any work.

If you raise it one winter, you won’t have much energy next year, so I hit my head with a hammer and then cut my neck.

The cows on Zhuangzi will not receive this treatment. They will continue to raise them to death. When they are old, they can't do it. They only work with two cows. It is impossible for four cows to pull a cart.

For the people, cattle, do not kill, how much feed do you eat for a winter? In the beginning of spring next year, there is not much work to be done, so it is better to ask someone to deal with it and sell it.

People in the government also know the situation. They see too many things like this, and the cow is indeed too old.

So everyone had beef to eat, as it was frozen to death.

Everyone on the boat had beef soup to drink, and chunks of beef floated in the thick soup.

Li Yi and the others eat gluttonous casserole, chicken and mushroom pot, and pork sauerkraut.

Li Dan sits on the main seat, even though he is not the emperor, but as the Supreme Emperor, he must be higher than Li Longji at this time.

Li Longji and Li Chengqi are around.

The other ministers sit according to their current positions. Concubine Doulu, Queen Wang, Wu Jieyu and others are not at this table, and Li Yi is not there either.

They went to sit at a table with Chang Sun Xin and others, it was not fun over there.

Sun Xin's concubine is the most nervous. Anyone is more noble than her.

But the eldest lady speaks naturally and belongs to her family, even if she is not very familiar with Wu Jieyu.

Regardless of other people, Li Yi first gave Princess Yongmu the mushrooms, scalloped mushrooms, and stewed chicken are better than hazel mushrooms and pine mushrooms, regardless of their appearance, and they are not easy to preserve.

"Wen Tian, ​​you eat this, it's cold, let's make it up." Li Yi added another three-layered pork to the garlic sauce plate.

"Yeah!" Princess Yongmu looked happy.

She is a female. She was supposed to serve Li Yi, but she was always taken care of by Li Yi.

"I want too." The little guy looked at Li Yi and said.

"Let your sister Xiaolan help you." Li Yi looked at the distance and shook his head slightly.

"I just want you to clip it." The little guy was angry.

"You say it again, I'll listen." Li Yiyu was gentle.

"I'm talking about it for fun." The little guy shrank his neck.

Everyone at the table laughed, Xiao Lan gave it a clip, otherwise how would she serve the table? Sitting together in the name of taking care of the little guy.

"Thank you, Sister Xiaolan!" The little guy said thank Opened his mouth and put in a big piece of fat with a lot of fat and chewed hard.

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Madam Chang Sun Xin looked at the little guy with envy, and she also wanted to give birth to her son as soon as possible, so that he could eat as much as the little guy.

Xiaolan took the opportunity and hurriedly took two bites by herself. She positioned herself very clearly.

Waiting for other children can feel uncomfortable, and not everyone is qualified to serve the future prince.

Sun Xin's concubine is more sensible, picking whatever dish is in front of him, and then lowering his head to pull the rice into the deepest.

Today she has seen it, the royal banquet, she can blow it out for a while, but it's a pity that she can't say it.

The worst of the people sitting here is that he has served as several ministers, and the others have all served as prime ministers and current prime ministers.


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