Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1228: How many questions do you fall into the water?

"Save people, the boat broke, and someone fell into the water." Everyone was eating upright, and there was a vague voice.

Li Yi threw his chopsticks and ran straight out, taking off his robe as he ran.

He ran to the side of the ship, looked down, turned and ran back, and put on the robe that fell on the deck.

"Don't go out, don't go out, eat." Li Yi's face was not very good, and he said to the ministers who wanted to go out to see the situation.

"Brother Yi!" Li Longji asked.

"In the flower boat, someone fell into the water, but the other people on the boat weren't panicked, but looked at our boat. As soon as I showed my head, they all looked at me.

Yulin Feiqi jumped down, let's eat our own, wait a while without seeing anyone in the water, send it back, and send someone to stare at it.

It is estimated that the boat will leak, and at the same time it will be blocked. It always has to give people a sense of reality, right? "

Li Yi talked about the situation, then suddenly smiled and picked some torn mushrooms for the little guy. He was standing.

That table is full of human beings. Listening to Li Yi's words, I instantly understand what the problem is.

"Li Lang!" Princess Yong Mu looked worried.

"It's nothing big. Some people saw that the steam engine ship was in a hurry. When the ship was debugged next to Zhuangzi two days ago, many people saw it."

Li Yi sipped the soup and didn't care at all.

Princess Yongmu didn't understand "The ship is fast and easy to transport things. They want to kill you?"

"Catch me, from the Japanese country, you don't need to think about it. They are the most afraid. Catapults and crossbows can be put on board."

The first thing Li Yi thought of was the Japanese Kingdom. It was useless for others to use this technique.

We lost the naval battle of the Kingdom of Japan before, mainly because of bad tactics.

There are many ships in the Japanese country, but few in Datang.

Datang’s boats are big and use nails, not a complete tenon-and-mortise structure.

The Japanese ship shattered as soon as it hits, and Datang's ship is large, shooting arrows down from above is easier than shooting from bottom to top.

You can’t jump if you want to jump, the Datang Ship is high.

It's not that the Japanese country really has no chance of victory, but the wolf pack tactics are as powerful as they are used.

Like his naval battle during the two-mountain round battle, his country’s ships were inferior to each other’s.

But the large number? The use of wolf pack tactics? The key islands? At that time, they belonged to occupation.

The commander who ran to the Ryukyu Island once said? Do not allow any ships on the mainland to pass by.

However, during the naval battle between the mainland and Annan, the regime on the island opened the sea to the mainland and even provided supplies.

At that time, what was important was that the brothers fought against their insults outside the wall, and then the wolf pack tactics succeeded.

Was the country unsuccessful with Datang before? Now Datang has a new ship? This ship is amazing.

"Still don't understand? What's the difference? Run fast? Can't fight?" Princess Yongmu is not familiar with war.

Queen Wang is in a hurry? Said to Princess Yongmu, "The ship is at sea? Throwing stones horizontally, the whole side of the ship can throw many stones at the same time.

Adjust the angle? A horizontal line, a group of rocks smashed down? Your ship's bow is against the opponent, how do you smash the rocks?

The steam engine ship runs after hitting it once, and then uses its speed to run to the front and hit it sideways. "

Queen Wang has a super ability to comprehend the battlefield, and immediately thought of the T-shape.

Princess Yongmu pursed her lips and blinked? I figured it out.

Yes, the catapult can adjust the angle? A ship is horizontal, and the catapult above can throw rocks crazily at a place.

"Li Lang, during the battle, the steam engine ship has been occupying the most large-scale attack position?" Princess Yongmu got awkward.

It's just that Li Yi shook his head. "They want to drip like this, but they don't. We have fire dragons out of the water, why do we want to seize the T prefix?

We should use the range to be parallel to each other. Of course, no matter which kind, you need speed to run to the most advantageous-->>

Attack on location and distance. "

Li Yi shook his head. He doesn't need artillery or catapult, and walks with you. The distance is so long that you can't hit me.

I fired a fire dragon out of the water on one side of the ship, and when it hit you, your side was exposed to our attack.

"Could it be Tubo pretending to be the Japanese country?" Doulu Guifei gave another guess.

The purpose may not be to really catch people, but also to frame and divorce.

Li Yi picked up a piece of chicken and put it on the plate in front of the little guy. "It's possible, even Turkic, and other people, including the family."

When talking about aristocratic family, he looked at Sun Xin.

"It has nothing to do with me. I am the eldest grandson, and I am also the family of the eldest grandson queen, but why should I do this?

You didn't search me when I boarded the ship. Wouldn't it be better for me to wear a sleeve arrow?

It's really not me. I'm still counting on you to help me see the child in my wife's belly. My wife is..."

"Don't tell me, I know, I just take a look." Li Yi stopped Chang Sun Xin from continuing.

"That's right!" Chang Sun Xin said, covering his mouth, almost saying something wrong. He wanted to say that my wife was here to see her sister, Queen Queen.

"Report! Three women fell into the water, and indeed found the traces of the bottom of the boat being chiseled again, from the bottom to the top, and now it is blocked."

Fan Fan brought three women over. The clothes on the three women were still wet, but they were **** with their hands behind them.

"Take it with you, change your clothes and ask, and eat by the way." Li Yi waved his hand.

In fact, he knew that he couldn't ask anything.

The person who really planned and executed it ran away early, and there is no monitoring. Where can I find someone?

Even this ship was hired before, and then stopped at a certain position, someone dived underwater and chiseled the bottom tank, and left when it was about to leak.

Now go ahead and go through it in a few strokes, and go for several points at the same time.

"Remember, whether it is a Japanese country or not, it is said internally that it is a Japanese country, but don't go to trouble with the Japanese country."

Li Yi stressed separately, looking at the concubine of the eldest Sun Xin.

"I don't know anything, otherwise you can kill me now and let my family go." Long Sun Xin's concubine realized.

"Then you shouldn't have anything wrong, Changsun inspector, the same as before. One month later, it is estimated that you can have children again.

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Li Yi just took a look, he wasn't going to cheat the people around him for this, and it was not easy for his concubine.


"Finally it freezes, see if you can walk through it?" Qin Li stood by the Yellow River. The Yellow River had a large flow of water, and an empty layer was likely to form at the beginning of freezing.

Then it collapses and freezes again.

The current surface of the river has collapsed twice. The newly formed ice is uneven and its height has decreased. The sister lake upstream has also begun to freeze, thus reducing the flow.

In winter, the location of Zhengzhou Prefecture in Henan Actually there is basically no flow, there is also a very small flow.

Even reaching the point where the flow is cut off, a little bit of water freezes into ice.

At the moment, I want to try someone walking over, dragging an ice cart with more than a thousand catties, and a few people pulling together, wearing nailed shoes under their feet.

They want to see if the ice is okay or not, just wait.

Someone on the shore was pulling a rope. The rope was tied around the waists of ten people. They passed. If it collapses, the people on the shore will pull them up.

Guan Lin's family waited in makeshift tents on the shore, with a lot of medicine boiled.

Ten people wore helmets, cotton military coats, and thick gloves.

Having said that, once it falls, immediately protect your neck with your hands, both front and back, then lower your head and take a breath, people on the shore will pull the rope frantically.


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