Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1233: It goes without saying that there are conflicts of interests

"It's good to help people, and the price must be clearly marked, so as not to be fooled by others."

Queen Wang was satisfied, and hadn't rubbed her uncle's head for a long time.

"Yes!" Li Yi replied depressed, what else could he say.

As for the price tag clearly, he thought of his Xuexiang grilled sausage at that time.

In some places, sausages are grilled in batches of sausages, and the purchase price is a few cents apiece.

The grilled sausages in Xuexiang in the northeast are uneven. If the grilled sausages are purchased at a price of Sanmao and sold for 15%, the leader of the Price Bureau should be judged.

In the case of local red sausage, a normal purchase of this sausage is four yuan, and the gross profit of selling fifteen is eleven yuan, which is 3.75 times.

The kind of garbage grilled sausage with three cents a piece sells for two yuan, and the gross profit is one yuan, seven, 6.66 times.

If the sausages are the same, the people in Xuexiang are lustful and should be cleaned up without mercy.

If the sausages are not the same, people use local red sausage, which contains a lot of lean meat, then it is another one who is dealing with the local tourism development problem.

The price of sausage depends on what kind of sausage it is.

Li Yi was pitted in the northeast, and a sausage with a purchase price of less than 50 cents, which was all starch, was baked and sold to him for three yuan.

At the same time, he has also encountered good places, like white sausage, and sold him six yuan after it was baked, and he felt that he made a profit, because the cost of the sausage was only two yuan and seven cents.

As for the current rental issue, he felt that he should wait for the fleet to come back and bring back a lot of good things before discussing with Waguo.

According to the way of happily enmity, he could use this reason to clean up all the envoys of the Japanese kingdom in Datang.

But as Yao Chong said, how much power do you have?

Therefore, Li Yi must consider from the overall perspective, it is easy to kill the Japanese envoys, but it is not easy to take advantage.

Can kill for your own emotions.

For the people of Datang to gain more benefits from the Japanese kingdom in the future, they cannot be killed.

"Who will rent it?" Wu Jieyu once again packed the diapers for the bag, and fed her well, and actively participated in the discussion.

Li Yi looked at her and felt helpless, this person was too smart.

If you have an opportunity, you must participate, even if it seems that you have little right to speak.

Li Yi thought of his country's will at that time and participated in the World Trade Organization. At that time, Western countries gave various harsh conditions.

His country at that time joined in with endurance, but after more than ten years? Has changed? Everything has changed.

The things that have been endured have been reversed? Western countries are dumbfounded? Fuck, how can you develop so fast?

So the North American country saw that the situation was not good, and quickly put aside the rules and imposed unilateral sanctions.

Now Wu Jieyu wants to participate? Only participation? Can he change? Otherwise, there will be no chance.

"Waiguo? Other bargaining chambers of commerce rent? Because the steam engine ship is not affected by the wind direction? At the same time it is faster.

We Datang should establish a leasing association. Should I provide technology? I don't care about other things.

I think it’s better to deal with it, it’s not a matter of buying or selling? It’s diplomacy. "

Li Yi is willing to push, provided that Datang owns enough boats to supply it to others.

"Okay? When renting!" Yao Chong once again stood on Li Yi's side.

"Yes!" Lu Huaishen also understood.

"Collecting information is very important, how do we consider our human safety?" Bi Gou thought along.

"No need to think about it? We are all responsible for maneuvering the ship, as long as we choose loyal people.

No need to put any explosives in it? What if the ship is taken? Take a ship, do they have enough coal?

Can they operate proficiently? A boat can change nothing unless they can imitate it. "

Li Yisi didn't worry, he explained it to others who hadn't figured it out yet.

The steam engine ship is mainly fast and stable.

Lease to others, operated by Datang people.

Others can use it to pull goods, or it can be used to fish.

Why doesn't Datang go sourcing and fishing by itself? Because it needs the support of local forces one by one.

The local area does not support it, the difficulty of replenishment will increase, and there is even no suitable dock to dock.

Give Li Yi to local capable forces, and they will deal with other issues.

In international trade, there is no such thing as corruption.

Li Yi feels too much about this, whether it is the entry of foreign medical equipment into his country, or the entry of other countries' mineral and oil companies into other countries.

Even including the electronics and communications and information industries, first of all they have to benefit people who can talk.

Benefits given by individuals are called bribery, while benefits given by groups are called public relations expenses.

The fund-raising made by individuals is called fraud. Even if he has no problems, official people will try to clean him up for money.

The official credit is called credit. Even if something goes wrong, many people lose money. The official just said something, that's it.

This is no longer a question of allowing state officials to set fires and not allowing people to use electric lights.

This is the punisher of the hook and the thief of the country.

To put it bluntly, no matter what the regime preaches, its essence is the weak and the strong.

Both the domestically the weak and the strong, and the international, the weak and the strong, are brainwashing.

Li Yi thinks it's good, brainwashing. Before others have time to brainwash the whole earth, let's wash it first.

"After that, how can you tell the other party about Datang's situation and convince the other party?"

Yao Chong understood, and he had questions when he was tempted.

Li Yi has a good temper, and he is patient when facing the endless problems of others.

"Old Yao, let me ask first, do you want me to give an idea, or is there a loophole in the idea waiting for me?"

Li Yi didn't say how to call the question of conviction, but directly aimed at people.

Yao Chong was stunned. This question felt like he was putting himself on the wall, and it was difficult to answer.

He thought about it, and just about to speak, Li Yi said again: "After thinking about it, I have to write a book recently, which overlaps with what Ling's eldest son wants to write. The key is that I can finish writing at any time, with the same content. More comprehensive."

Li Yi smiled and said what he was going to do and what stage he was doing.

"Then you still let the old man say?" Yao Chong was angry.

"Isn't this answering your Are you convinced? Isn't it simple? People communicate like this, let alone country to country."


"It's snowing again. I still have a holiday at this time last year. I went home and reunited with my wife."

Qin Li stretched out his hand and took a piece of snowflakes, but his tone was full of melancholy.

He doesn't care about the difference, nor the winter, he just feels for the melting of the snowflakes when they fall on his palms.

If he had to give him a definition at this time, it would be purely artificial.

For example, Li Yi's textbook at that time, Zhu Ziqing's moonlight in the lotus pond, Zhu Ziqing didn't even know that he was so awesome and thought so much.

As a result, the Chinese teacher asked the students to answer the questions with the same understanding of the prose.

The test is not literary talent, but dogmatic memorization.

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