Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1234: Stir-fried chestnuts with 1 country

Qin Li was homesick, missed his wife, and other Datang sergeants also missed him.

Those who belong to the Jiedu Envoys are all government soldiers, and they live with their families when they are not at war.

Suddenly ran to the source of the Yellow River, and the family couldn't see it, and some of them could see that both father and son and brothers were on the march.

When thinking about it, they rejoiced by the way. At present, it seems that there is no need to fight anymore.

"The soldiers looked good today. The last tribe came to the city and settled properly, and the rest were rotated outside to raise livestock."

Wang Junkui smiled when he looked at him, he didn't want to die.

Guo Zhiyun followed Shu Chang: "In the early stage of suppression, we have fewer casualties, and in the later stage, we belong to the soldiers who surrendered without fighting."

"I'm still a little confused now, how did the battle happen?" Zhang Zhongliang patted the snow on his hat and looked into the distance.

Zhang Xiaosong's eyes are very bright. He replayed this year's battle: "The heart to fight, powerful weapons, and the logistics against the sky."

"Yes, this logistics is indeed against the sky, Yulin Feiqi must say that he is Yulin Feiqi, and at the same time belongs to the Bashui Legion, haha!"

Zhang Zhongliang smiled and shook his head. Can he be called Legion?

"Something is here, something is delivered, it is delivered from the rear, sacks after sacks." The orderly ran over and shouted.

"What is it?" Zhang Xiaosong saw the excitement of the orderly soldiers, and knew that it was not normal food.

"Chestnuts, a lot of chestnuts, it is said that a lot has been left to other cities along the way, and the rest will be sent here and in front."

The orderly swallowed twice.

There are no chestnuts at Jiedushi in Longyou. Chestnuts from other places were brought over and cooked for sale. The price was not low. He had eaten it twice since he was a child.

The key point is that there are very few that can be eaten at a time, a dozen. Looking at the number delivered today, it is estimated that you can eat with your stomach open.

"Where did the chestnuts come from? Wouldn't they be delivered from Jingzhao Mansion?" Guo Zhiyun was distressed about the freight, how good it would be to deliver rice and wheat.

"If you eat chestnuts, you can be full, go and take a look." Qin Li was also greedy, he wanted to eat.

When everyone went to the delivery place, they saw the horse-drawn sled, but the sled looked very awkward.

"What sled, why is it like a car?" Wang Junkui stood beside the sled and watched.

The delivery person grinned: "We came from Shu, and the animals pulled the cart to a place with snow? Remove the heavy wheels and replace them with sled boards.

After I go back, I will install the wheel and keep someone guarded? Dongzhu Li said before to add something under the wheel? We think it is better to remove it. "

"Chestnuts in Shudi?"

"Yes, Li Dongzhu gave another 100,000 yuan exchange voucher? He said he wants the soldiers in front to eat well? Buy chestnuts."

"Is the price expensive? Buying so many chestnuts will increase the local price of chestnuts."

"How is it possible? How many of you are there? How many catties of chestnuts are a person, how many people are in the land of Shu?"

During the question and answer, Qin Li opened a sack? took out a handful of chestnuts, and was happy: "Set up a cauldron, we Yulin Feiqi can fry chestnuts? Let's look for small stones.

"Peeled the shell and fry?" The orderly followed, holding up a chestnut and looking at it.

"After frying and peeling the shell, you can eat it directly if you are willing to eat it? Don't want to eat the stew directly? Any kind of meat can be stewed.

Look at the chestnuts now? It seems that you need to cut a mouth? Everyone mobilized to help with the cut, otherwise the skin won't be peeled off. "

Qin Li has experience, so he can observe the chestnuts, and he can't cut the holes without a knife.

People from the tribe came to watch. Compared with the people from Jiedushi, Longyou, they were worse and had never eaten chestnuts.

Bilala picked up a few chestnuts and looked at it, but didn't understand: "It was cut out in the soil? It didn't have it on the tree."

"Knots on the tree, with stalks on the outside, with thorns. After peeling it, you will come out such chestnuts, and then you can peel them to eat the chestnut meat inside."

Qin Li gestured that there was a chestnut tree in Jingzhao Mansion, and he even stripped it.

"Is it delicious?" Bilala didn't quite understand it, unless let him take a look at how it grows.

"You will know when you eat it." Qin Li left, looking for someone to set up a cauldron and collect the pebbles. He had to wash it first.

Just in the process, everyone cuts the chestnuts with knives, and just splashes the sugar water at that time.

Everyone went to work separately, and the people of the tribe also helped cut the chestnuts.

After an hour, a pan of sugar-fried chestnuts is ready.

Wearing gloves and using a sieve to remove the sand sticking to the chestnuts, each chestnut that looks greasy can be eaten.

"How to change?" Bilala saw the tribe watching eagerly, and decided to pay the sheep.

"What do you change? After you enter the city, do you care about what you want? Come and come, first take a few to taste, and wait until the next batch is ready, there will be more."

Qin Li put on his gloves and held up a handful before sending it to a child with a runny nose. The child stretched out his hand.

"The clothes pocket, hot." Qin Li told the child what to do.

The child grabbed the hem of the robe and lifted it up, loaded the chestnuts, and ran to find other friends to eat.

The tribes who ate chestnuts for the first time were shocked by the taste and taste of chestnuts. It turns out that Datang still has such delicious things.

No wonder you always go to fight Datang, but now you can eat good things without having to fight.

"I've eaten canned chestnut chicken, and fried it for the first time."

Guo Zhiyun has never eaten stir-fried chestnuts. He wants to eat one but the next one. He is addicted.

Yu Lin Feiqi continued to stir fry there with the ordnance shovel. Seeing everyone's appearance, it is impossible for these chestnuts to be made into other dishes.

The people of the tribe sipped their mouths. Their happiness is not only the taste of fried chestnuts, but also that they don't have to change things.

Now they belonged to the people of Tang Dynasty, and they were stationed at the front line to help them, and they were also supplied with supplies.

When spring comes, you can graze wherever you want, and enter the city when you come back in the evening. In many cities, you can enter wherever you want.

Why fight for things that can be obtained without war?

Bilala looked at the tribe's contented expression, and came to Qin Li, who was struggling to stir-fry chestnuts.

"Brother Qin, when the spring begins, can we build the city in the back? Let's help. The city wall is lower, and the city wall doesn't have to be that thick.

We help with repairs, so if we look at the aquatic grass grazing, we can go to the city to settle livestock, otherwise we are afraid of being taken away by something at night. "

Bilala wanted to find a place to stay at any time. She used to herd and couldn't return to the tribe. People outside could not rest well, so someone had to take turns to watch.

He found that the city was being repaired quickly, if so, he should repair more.

"I will write this matter to the proprietor to see how the proprietor arranges it." Qin Li could not make a decision.

It is fast to repair the city, but it is not fast to burn and grind the cement, plus the freight, how long will it take to get back to the original place?

He knew what Bilaola meant. There was no need to build houses in the city. They had tents. They only needed a wall, and then the animals were locked in.

If so, a one-foot-high wall is enough to guard against wolves and leopards.

Even if a leopard can jump in, it cannot jump out with a sheep.

There are not many people who graze the sheep. The leopard kills a few sheep. It is worth the money of those sheep, not to mention the sheep can eat.

Or add an eaves to one side of the wall, and the claws pull the city wall in. When you want to run, there are multiple eaves that you can’t hold.

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