Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1243: Legend of the sea breeze

Li Yi went out and saw an ice truck being pulled by a rope by a twenty-four-year-old man.

There is a small wooden house on the ice cart with furs and a door.

At this time the door was open, and the old lady was sitting inside, followed by a woman in a beautiful silk dress.

The person pulling the cart wears a leather jacket, good leather, wolf leather.

The heat preservation effect may not be as good as that of deerskin, but it is more than ten times more expensive. Boots are also made of wolf skin.

The woman's clothes, Li Yi, looked a bit awkward. If they were a little plainer, that is, with less patterns, the chest strap was lowered, like Hanfu.

If the chest strap is wider and taller, it looks like a kimono.

What is he doing now...

Li Yi couldn't describe it, he seemed a little impressed.

"My son, this is Dongzhu Li." The old lady sitting in the hut said, wanting to come out.

The man in his twenties glanced at Li Yi, followed him and knelt down, and knocked his head down with three puffs.

He stood up and knelt again.

"Just once, I suffer." Li Yi stopped.

The woman crouched and saluted, the tone was a bit biased: "Thank you Li Dongzhu for taking care of her mother, *—#¥·#¥……"

She said that she was anxious, and the Japanese language appeared.

Li Yi finally remembered the clothes. Yes, the Japanese costumes of this era are different from the kimonos of the future.

He also used the Japanese dialect he had learned from this time to talk to women.

"Dongzhu Li can also speak Japanese?" The young man was very surprised.

"Your name is Sapphire. Seven years ago, you learned art and made a fortune from the Japanese Kingdom?"

Li Yi didn't answer this kind of question, he has already said it, do you think I will?

He didn't accuse Sapphire for coming back so long. When Sapphire left, his brother was still alive and his sister-in-law was there.

Looking at the clothes that the old lady changed, and the ice cart she was riding on, it should be said that it was a small sleigh, you know that Lamborghini is filial.

The clothes were obviously not worn today, and the sledges were not bought outside of Zhuangzi.

Sapphire put his hands down in front of him, bending down slightly: "Yes, when I was studying, the master taught me to strike iron. Later I learned that the master's most powerful skill is shipbuilding.

The master had no family. When I built a ship that could go to sea two years ago, the master died.

I found a few people on the beach to go fishing with me in deep places, and the result was..."

Sapphire said about his experience, fishing and encountering strong winds, so he had to run down the wind in order not to capsize the boat.

Running and running, ran to the country of Wa.

When he arrived in the country of Japan, he could strike iron and was familiar with ore. He unexpectedly found copper ore and silver ore near the sea.

He told the fishermen about this situation. Everyone tried to get food, but mines weren’t enough, but they had to be refined.

So they looked for a local, that is, the women's village, called Nantian Town.

The two sides gestured, and the Japanese people finally figured out the identities of the seven people. Datang people and Datang people have a high status.

After the Japanese people knew about it, the Japanese people gave Sapphire food one after another, and life was not so easy, so the food could only be fruitful.

There was a blacksmith's shop in the town, and Sapphire showed up in the past, so Nantian Kazuko was also sent to him.

He took people to find ore, returned to smelt, said goodbye to everyone, and took a bunch of copper and silver ingots back on the boat.

He melted the copper to make Kaiyuan Tongbao, buy things, and the silver can be exchanged for money if it is not used as money.

He returned to the country of Japan with the things he had exchanged, and went back and forth, established a power, and a new ship was being built. He thought of his mother and brother, and brought Nantian Kazuko back to see him.

Only when I came back did I know that my brother was gone and my sister-in-law remarried. My mother couldn't see anything before, and was taken away by Bashui Lijiazhuangzi.

Now he is helping with cleaning in Zuixianju in Lantian County. After knowing that there is a sleigh, he made one himself and brought his mother and wife to see Li Yi.

"As such, you are very good in Nanta Town?"

Li Yi thought that Sapphire would pour things back and forth, Datang needed copper coins and silver, and the country needed silk.

At present, there is very little maritime trade between Datang and the Japanese Kingdom, and Sapphire has actually found a suitable route.

The silk was sent there, obviously people in Nanta Town were reluctant to use it by themselves and wanted to sell it to others.

The supply channels are in the hands of Sapphire, and the locals help Sapphire mining and smelting.

The people in Datang Village on the other side seem to be the first to look forward to the Blue BMW. This kid is a bit capable.

"We have weapons." Sapphire knew how much Lijia Zhuangzi existed, so he didn't dare to say that he was amazing.

"Use force to protect trade, and because they can't control the channels, you...very good!"

Li Yi thought for a while, recognized Sapphire's ability and knew the reason.

If the people of Datang want to make a fortune, they must be approved by Nantian Town.

People from Nantian Town want to come to Datang alone and don't know who to look for.

Nantian Town and Nantian Kazuko are in the same family. Sapphire has Nantian Kazuko as his wife. If there are no other Datang people, the relationship is far away.

Li Longji, Li Chengqi and others were listening to the audience, not feeling how powerful Sapphire was, a daughter-in-law from a small town in the country.

How much money can I make from trade? How many people can be hit with weapons?

"Have you eaten?" Li Yi went to look at the old lady.

"I ate at Qiaotou. I ate a bowl of noodle soup and two slices of meat." The old lady seemed to be more than ten years younger.

The son came back, and he came back alive with a beautiful daughter-in-law.

Sometimes I don’t understand what I say, so I’m not afraid, just talk more.

"Let's eat crabs at night. Sapphire is always crabs, right? I'll show my aunt again."

Li Yi said that he took the old lady's arm and went to the hospital.

The old lady's son died for the country, and the old lady was rich.

There are more than 20 people in the family, part of it is a compassionate, and part is a wedding gift for the eldest daughter-in-law to remarry.

The eldest daughter-in-law asked for a bride price when she remarried and left it to the old lady.

Now the old lady's house has become a hotel, earning hundreds of dollars, Li Yi didn't touch it, and kept it all.

The old lady herself didn't want to go home, so she lived in Zuixian, and she usually helped with some tasks, mainly sweeping the floor.

She doesn't need to wipe the table and serve tea and pour water. She spends her spare time raising chickens and growing vegetables for Zui Xianju.

There are hot springs there, and the price of using hot spring water to pour vegetable fields is five times higher than elsewhere.

It's not that you can eat it if you want, the quantity is limited.

After the examination, there are still old problems, such as rheumatoid arthritis, which can only be maintained, and Li Yi does not need to seal it up.

At night, when I heard that there were crabs to eat, Bi Gou and a large group of people came again.

The old lady doesn't matter, she ran to Lijiazhuang if she knew that the prime minister was fine.

Sapphire and Nantian Kazuko are terrified Zaifu, Qianzaifu, Shangshu, are they here to have a meeting?

Li Yi accompanies the old lady alone with a family of three. It is impossible to ask them to eat with other people. The pressure is too great.

The crabs were cut and fried, not steamed, and frozen dead crabs were not tasty when steamed.

"Auntie is here, don't worry, there is nothing missing, Lantian County is a long time away from Zhuangzi, and there is an imperial doctor next to Zuixianju.

As for you, you still have to keep in touch with Waguni Nanta Town. Don't stop buying and selling. I will take out three big ships to buy shares.

Give me copper ingots and silver ingots directly, without any additional processing, I will exchange them for you with the exchange voucher.

After investing in other trading products, we will be divided into 80%, 30% for me, 20% for you, and 50% for the Tang court.

I'll send you Yulin Feiqi to sit in town, do you think it will work? "

Li Yi saw a line and didn't plan to let it go. He had to control it in his own hands.

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