Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1244: Want to take more shares but lose the opportunity

"If you make less money, I have to discuss with my brothers in Hangzhou." Sapphire thought he was at a loss, and Li Yi asked him for money.

He also wanted to agree that Li Yi saved his mother.

He was going to give up his fellow and tell others to repay Li Yi's favor.

"Less? Can people who trade with me make less money? I will sell you toilet water, soap, and a small mirror, which one makes less money?"

"You stupid boy." The old lady slapped her son directly on the head.

"Dongzhu Li missed you a little money? Dongzhu Li donated money, counted as one hundred thousand yuan." The old lady hated iron for failing to make steel.

She lived in Lijiazhuangzi for so long and saw how the shopkeeper Liang and others made money.

There are also Yu Huaide and others, who went further this year to trade and exchanged a lot of things.

All of them were worth less than ten thousand yuan and were embarrassed to talk to Dongzhu Li.

How many big businessmen want to do business in partnership with Li Dongzhu, but they are not available?

"Yes, mother, I think it's bad." Sapphire hurriedly apologized.

Toilet water, soap, small mirror, these are good things he knows to make money.

If it can be sold to the country, the price will be high, and the participation of Habayashi Feiqi will ensure safety.

"This trade road, for you Lord, are you literate?"

For Li Yi to maintain the sea route, there is a familiar place that is more convenient than a strange place.

Sapphire shook his head, there is no place for him to learn to read.

"I send someone to teach you how to read, but it's not good if you don't know how to be an official." Li Yi solved the problem.

"Can Xun be an official?" Sapphire didn't understand again.

Then he slapped his head again: "Are you stupid? Xun is Xun, Guaner is Guaner, Dongzhu Li will arrange for you to be an official."

"Dongzhu Li said that let me be an official and I can...ah, I know my mother." Sapphire thought of a group of Zaifu coming over to eat crabs.

When they talked to Li Yi one by one, they seemed to take advantage of Li Yi's big advantage, but after thinking about it carefully, they understood, they were joking.

Why doesn't Jae Sook joking with himself? No, when I first saw it, I didn't talk to myself at all, but I said a few words to my mother.

Now that I know who I am, I encourage him again.

It is easy to get to know Zaifu and arrange an official.

"Dongzhu Li, I have to trouble you to talk to the Zaifu about officials." Sapphire is very embarrassed?

"Ah? Tell Zaifu? Oh! Just say it, the point is that you don't have an official now, I have to think about what official it is."

Li Yi found the problem, what official position was assigned to Sapphire?

Said it was diplomacy, he was doing business.

If it is under the control of the Ministry of Commerce, it is the Ministry of Households. The Ministry of Households is externally responsible for the situation and does not include trading.

That should be regarded as a tertiary industry expansion attempt by the administrative agency directly under the Ministry of Households in the Datang Waguo Economic Exchange Guidance Officer.

This kind of situation, he had appeared at that time.

At that time, the country vigorously promoted the tertiary industry, and then the government had cars and channels to buy things at low prices from other places.

For example, apples, a cart of big apples, are sold at the local farmer’s market.

People in government departments have all received dividends, and the dividends are different according to different levels.

Just sold it a few times, and then the big leader found out that he could make money, so why even give it to others?

As a result, things went awry. In fact, they were still operating under this name, but all the money was in...

After a while, the state ordered no, and the issue of selling apples was transferred to the leader's relatives.

Li Yi knew that the country was like that back then, with endless tigers and endless flies.

Such as the current Datang, the state capital and the counties outside, want to find clean officials, indeed there are.

For example, Zhang Jiuling has nothing wrong with him, at least he is not greedy for ink.

When building roads, I was on the front line personally, helping to see how to do it, and working as an official and a technician.

There are also local officials who have a large family and cannot eat enough to eat, so they will borrow money to buy food and wait for their salaries to be paid back.

Now I don’t have to pay it back. An extra salary has been added, and a portion of the rent will be paid out separately for 10 million yuan.

For greedy people, doubling is meaningless.

For officials who are not greedy, big problems can be solved.

Like the government officials in the two counties of Chang'an, they took three or four times the salary, and the people at home helped them find a few chickens.

"Wait for me, I'll go over and ask you how to be an official." Li Yi put down his chopsticks and moved to the private room next to him.

As soon as he entered, everyone was suddenly quiet.

"Speaking of the situation, Sapphire has opened up the business road from Hangzhou to Nantian Town in the country, and I will give him a honour officer and a real power officer.

In terms of sales, I accounted for 30%, the court accounted for 50%, and he and the people in Hangzhou accounted for 20%.

The honour officers have ready-made ones, and the real power officers, I think, belong to the Ministry of Households.

Call the Tertiary Industry Economic and Trade Exchange Guidance Office, and let him be the director, Qipin.

It is under the vertical jurisdiction of the Ministry of Households and is not subject to local restraint. "

Li Yi looked around and said that he was here.

"The old man disagrees. It will not be yours at that time? You get 30%, they get 20%, the court can only get 50%, not."

Bi Gou was the first to oppose, he did not think too much.

Li Yi looked at the other ministers, and the ministers nodded one after another. In their opinion, they shouldn't pay Sapphire dividends and pay the salary.

Li Yi nodded, "Well, it really shouldn't cause trouble to the court."

Turning his head, he said to Li Longji: "Brother Brother, set up a Datang Royal Overseas Enze Group, with Lanbao as the head of the five-rank officer.

Royal accounted for 50%, I accounted for 30%, Sapphire they accounted for 20%, do you think it will work? I promised Sapphire to give him the power officer. "

"Okay, that's it." Li Longji agreed.

Li Yi quickly turned around, his footsteps changed and flashed.

The others were still quiet, dumbfounded, and kicked if they didn't agree with each other?

"Longze, how can you act so recklessly?"

Song Jing quit, the court's money was gone, and it was replaced by your majesty's small vault private money.

He accused Bi Gou, who just said no.

"You didn't nod your head?" Bi Gouda went back.

Su Ting was also annoyed: "A matter of a seventh-rank official, now it's fine, and the 50% profit is gone. Li Yi is trading, how much money can the 50% profit make?"

"Does this money pay taxes?" When Bi Gou thought of buying and selling, he also considered taxes.

"Even if it's tax, 30% tax is more or 50% profit is more? Longze, you are wrong." Song Jing still feels distressed.

"Go to Xiao Yi and say, I made a mistake, I can't." Bi Gou turned his face aside.

"You don't need to be like this. I will explore the way first to see if I can make money. If I lose money, I will admit it."

Li Longji doesn't want Song Jing to look for it. I can only get it if you object to it. Want to regret it?

"Have you noticed? Li Yi's temper is getting up, how can anyone behave like this?" Yao Chongyu said badly about Li Yi.

"The ability to make money and the technology to benefit the country and the people have increased even more." Li Chengqi aimed at Yao Chong.

"Can the court send a fleet to trade by ourselves? Why do we have to partner with Li Yi." Liu Youqiu resented Li Yi's attitude.

A group of people bowed their heads and ate crabs. Oh, this fried crab tastes good, and there is more meat than sea crabs.

Take another sip of rice wine and feel comfortable.

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