Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1256: Make things happen according to the situation

"Adjust measures to local conditions, time conditions, and individual conditions, with overall development as the framework, technical support as the backbone, and implementation at the grassroots level as the details.

   Starting from the actual situation, we should consolidate the idea of ​​working for the people, actively coordinate the functions of various departments, and pay close attention to lazy governance and do not relax.

  Consolidate the local industrial foundation, comprehensively investigate the industrial situation, strengthen publicity and education, boldly imagine, carefully verify..."

   Li Yi continued to talk, teaching a group of officials in Weinan County.

   If there is no what he asked and said before, only the present words will sound very empty.

   After contacting the previous matter, if you listen to it again, you will find that this is the Taoist initiation and the high-rise building.

   That's right, it's not just for fun.

   Li Yi faced the county official, but when he was replaced by a village official, he said something different, more specific.

   Replaced with a certain common people, he is alone giving an idea, what do the common people do? To raise insects is to grow dates.

   "Don't be afraid of hardships, the grass and trees still have their ambitions, let alone people! When the year is cold, and then the pine and cypress will wither. Wen Tian, ​​are you right?"

   When Li Yi was talking, Princess Yongmu came over.

  Princess Yongmu nodded gently: "Well, yes! We are determined, confident, and capable. Those who know are not confused, those who are benevolent are not worried, and those who are brave are not afraid."

   "Look, every ordinary beauty understands." Li Yi said to Cao Yunbin and others.

   Cao Yunbin: "……"

   He knows where these words come from, and he recognizes, but he definitely doesn't say anything about an ordinary beauty.

   The princess of Tang Dynasty is unusual? There is a princess in the royal family. How is she ordinary?

   Do you Li Yi have any misunderstandings about the word ordinary?

   "Yes, that's right!" Cao Yunbin didn't care what he thought, but the answer met the requirements.

   "Have you eaten?" Li Yi looked at Princess Yongmu.

   "We have to wait for half an hour, but... they want to eat fried lamb and drink hot white wine to be warm."

   Princess Yongmu said she was here and asked Li Yi to cook.

   "What do you want to eat?" Li Yi asked Princess Yongmu first regardless of others.

   "Twice-cooked pork, scallion fried lamb." Princess Yongmu likes to eat fat and thin meat.

   Twice-cooked pork must be five-layered three-layered meat. Of course, scallion-fried lamb is also fat, otherwise, why should you use scallions?

   "Okay, let them stir-fry lamb chops first, and then give them a liver tip. When they have it, we will eat twice-cooked pork and scallion fried lamb."

   Li Yi winked at Princess Yongmu, as if we were eating secretly.

   Princess Yongmu pursed her lips and nodded in support.

   Then the two left hand in hand, Li Yi stopped giving lectures.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Ming Mansion, what did the proprietor just say? I didn't understand." A clan elder listening to him asked Cao Yunbin.

   "It is very difficult to say that our officials have to help everyone get things done, but we have to persevere, and there is already a way."

   Cao Yunbin said the content in the most straightforward words.

   You don’t need to talk to the clan elder for specifics.

   The people don’t worry about this. The children are happier. The candied haws are made, and they run around holding a bunch of them.

   It doesn’t matter to the adults, no one shouts, ‘be careful, don’t prick’.

   The children know it by themselves, and none of the children who eat candied haws under normal circumstances can pierce themselves.

   Unless you have been spoiled since childhood, and then you are not familiar with that bamboo stick.

   When children eat candied haws, they don’t need to remove the tip of the stick in advance.

   When the children ate the first hawthorn, they found that eating the second one was strenuous, and the corners of their mouths were uncomfortable. They would bite the stick with their teeth and break.

   cut off a section, the next one is still the first one.

   Anything that is left sideways and a whole lot is left will not be eaten.

   The children in the north ate candied haws and processed the lottery.

  Because of the small mouth, biting sideways, I can't eat it in one bite, and I can't bear the sugar. What if I don't bite well, what about the sugar?

   "How?" Li Longji ate the fried lamb and asked Li Yi, who continued to cook there.

   "All I want is to serve the people, but the methods need to be improved. I am willing to follow the rules and have my own ideas, which is not bad."

   Li Yi gave Cao Yunbin a positive comment.

   He saw that Cao Yunbin really wanted to profit for the people, not for political achievements.

   "Where is Sun Guan?" Li Longji called out Sun Guan's name, a student in Zhuangzi.

   Two hundred and twenty people plus forty-two people, he wrote down every one of them.

   "Steady!" Li Yi gave a one-word evaluation.

   He knew that Sun Guan had an idea, but he felt that the timing was wrong, and he kept waiting.

   After the development of Weinan has formed a virtuous circle, other things will be mentioned, starting with small changes and ending with big changes.

   Li Yi said, and brought a box with sand from the side.

   Twenty bean worms were taken out, and the bamboo sticks were put through, and they were fried in a frying pan, fried and served on a plate, and served with chili sauce and jam.

   There is less jam, only enough to dip two bean worms, for the little guy.

   The little guy is feeding Guo Ziyi candied haws. Guo Ziyi is standing next to him with a machine gun in one hand, his head turning around.

   Li Yidu doubted that the arm that carried the gun could react quickly in an emergency.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  Heavy machine gun, it’s heavy, it’s always held, the muscles are not stiff?

   Guo Ziyi ate a hawthorn, and the little guy went to feed others.

   Wu Jieyu looked at the bag in the warm stroller, and found that there was a road that was not only rugged, but rather impassable.

   The little guy was born different from other children. At such a young age, he actually knows how to "crow in people's hearts".

   Including myself eating candied hawthorn hawthorn from a little guy, the little guy's innocent appearance makes people want to take care of him.

   If this were the only situation, I wouldn’t worry about it. An imperial concubine who always wanted to please others would be very weak in the future.

   The scary thing is that the little guy's hands were red with cold, and then he untied his clothes and put his hands inside the clothes to warm him.

   In this situation, he still smiles at others.

   This kind of perseverance and sunshine will inspire people.

  How old is he? When he gets will Li Yi teach him?

   "Look, the timing of the local people's choice is very good, now there is a large amount of green garlic, which is suitable for twice-cooked pork."

   Li Yi glanced at the green garlic covered with grass curtains, which were sent by the local people.

   Princess Yongmu knows that twice-cooked pork is delicious with green garlic, which is different from garlic and garlic sprouts.

   "Li Lang, what does that mean?" she asked.

"  " means that our Douban is selling well, the salty and spicy Douban made from broad beans.

  Use any opportunity available to help the local development and create a brand by the way.

   For example, the pickled mustard in the Shu area, when you don’t need to use peppers to make money alone in the future, peppers will also prevail in the Shu area and the area around the Yangtze River in Dongting Lake.

   Now, the dry product of wild garlic and the wet pickles are the most spicy. "

   Li Yi said while cooking, in fact, there was Douban when there were no chili peppers.

   People in other places are willing to use Douchi, and Shudi use Douban, just adding salt.

   Douchi is soybeans, and Douban is broad beans.

The sauce of    tempeh is salty and contains sodium glutamate.

   Broad bean watercress is fresh and salty, and there is sodium glutamate in it.

  The kimchi in Shudi is mainly soaked, and the kimchi in Northeast is mainly pickled.

   So Dongbei never said that he is kimchi, but more of Jicai.

   If Li Yi was in Yunnan at that time, it was mainly salted, but the salted meat was meat.

   The pork is chopped, salted, sealed in a jar, fermented naturally, and then taken out and eaten directly.

   "Hmm!" Princess Yongmu nodded.

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