Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1312: The war lasts first for the people

The three divers were quite disappointed. Li Yi was afraid that they were too excited and there was not enough oxygen, so he told them that it was not gold.

They brought two more oxygen cylinders back, and adjusted their breathing as much as possible so as not to consume too much.

Li Yi actually wants people with cameras to go ashore so that they can easily watch the surrounding situation.

He chose to stay on the person in the water for fear of insufficient oxygen supply.

Then he must exchange for new diving equipment, call someone to pick it up, and need to be positioned.

People-oriented, life is more than everything.

Li Yi stared at the screen: "When you encounter a **** fish, you don't take the initiative to attack, don't kill, and come back quickly. If you take the initiative to attack, kill it quickly, don't take it with you."

The camera-worn Yulin Feiqi gestured, and the other two understood.

Queen Wang touched her stomach behind Li Yi and watched together: "Uncle, can the dynamite bag be waterproof?"

Li Yi turned his head in surprise, and nodded vigorously: "Yes, it's easy."

"For a boat battle on the water, put on a diving suit and nail the contents of the explosive package to the bottom of the enemy ship. I think it will be good." The Queen found a good weapon.

Li Yi continued to nod his head: "Yes, put a few more explosive packs, put them in the water, and ignite the explosives pack of the bomber first, and then ignite the other explosive packs.

Then use the fastest speed to walk, the farther the better. When the enemy falls into the water, other explosives in the water will explode. "

He changed and killed people with the shock of water.

Like depth bombs, when a person is in the water, a dynamite bag explodes, and it will be destroyed hundreds of meters away.

"Good idea!" Queen Wang expressed support and should do so.

"It's mainly used in naval battles. No one dares to fight with us on the inland rivers at the moment." Li Yi's heart was not placed on land.

More and more guns are built, and there are also many new sky monkeys, plus a complete logistics system.

The land is only temporarily unwilling to destroy others. The longer the peace period, the greater the improvement of Datang's military technology.

It's best not to shoot now. For every additional month, a batch of guns will come out.

When the weather is warm in the coming year, anyone can fight.

The three divers came back first. Many fish were chasing on the way, chasing to the exit position in one breath.

Yulin Feiqi was dragged up, and the fish showed his head and panted, and then was picked up by the fish gills.

What looked like, he threw his head out of the water.

The head comes out of water, there is a pause, and then it can go down in a free fall. In this state, the fish is in a situation where there is no way to hide.

One fish was carried away, and the other fish jumped up and was carried away.

The children looked interesting and kept laughing.

The adults also smiled happily. They didn't care about black fish and other fish.

Their hearts fell completely. They used to regard this place as an ominous place.

Frighten the child, and at the same time, I am also afraid, always over-interpreting things that I don't understand.

Adults and children occasionally dream of this pond, sinking into it, and crawling out desperately.

Then he woke up and found that he was sweating.

Now Dongzhu Li took over, Dongzhu Li went down in person, and Yulin Feiqi also went down. From now on, this place became a blessed place.

The people are very superstitious, not just the people of Datang, everything is the same.

Even if Li Yi dared to go to the tomb by himself at that time, no one would be able to guard the tomb.

Many of the people in the crematorium deliberately made their eyebrows soaring.

Those who dare to go are usually tomb robbers.

Tomb robbers are equally particular about burning paper that should be burned, and worshipping the temple that should be worshipped.

Tomb robbers pay attention to worshiping temples but not temples, ghosts and immortals.

In fact, there is a small temple here. It is a temple built of stones that is no more than three feet tall and less than one meter high.

The last fragrant or something, get some more food, and get what is cheaper.

The food for worshipping the temple will not be taken home to eat, for fear of bringing home unclean things.

The ancestral temple must be taken home, and the ancestors hope that the offspring will be fed and dressed warmly.

No monks or Taoists have solved this problem.

When the people saw the arrival of Dongzhu Li, they not only solved the problem, but also turned bad things into good things.

The fish pulled up one by one, like a tug-of-war.

Li Yi's group came to see and waited for the other two to return by land.

"Dongzhu Li, you are really amazing." Some people watched the mud being cleaned up, everyone was happy, and shouted to Li Yi.

"Because I am an official, the official appointed by your majesty, your majesty is the emperor of the true dragon, blessed by heaven and blessed by heaven.

The officials appointed by him naturally possess mighty virtue, the way to the heavens, and the journey of the world. "

Without blinking Li Yi's eyes, he opened his mouth if he was sensible, and pushed his Majesty to the forefront.

Li Longji listened, nodded reservedly, good, good, very good, very good, great, good old, good thief!

After the Chinese New Year, Brother Yi will be twenty years old, and he hastened to give her daughter away. Even if the wedding is not held, he still has to live together.

At that time, he will not be Yi's brother, he will be the father-in-law.

How about it? Can this alone be discussed?

Li Longji was actually tangled when he was happy, and was eager to marry a girl.


It was almost night when the two Yulin Feiqi came back.

"Proprietor, it's not far away. It's more than six miles away. The key is to be on the cliff. If we hadn't learned rock climbing from you, we might only be able to rescue."

One of the reports in Yulin Feiqi, the exit was a cliff.

The two of them slowly climbed down, the key is winter, summer is easy to say, there are many vines, what is there in winter?

The two untied their belts and used bayonets to cut the clothes into strips.

One person protects from above, one person goes down a certain distance first, then fixes himself, and then goes down.

It's just a little bit with the successful landing, which also includes the skills of free-hand rock climbing.

In winter, when I pick a stone in my hand, it hurts and numbs. Sometimes I lose consciousness and I have to put it under my armpit.

That is, Yulin Feiqi, change individuals, force down, and promise to fall to death.

"Extend your hand." Li Yi didn't even ask the place, but looked at the hands of the two people first.

The two hands stretched out, swollen, but not broken.

It didn't break not because the rock was not sharp enough, but because the cocoon on the hand was thick and trained.

"Put the hand-boring child on first, I'll get something." Li Yi took a look, then looked for something after he ordered.

He looked for radish and **** and chopped them up. The grated radish was roasted on the pan first, not roasting and frying, nor frying.

Then mix it with Jiang Mo, and wrap the hands of two people with medical gauze.

Give each of them two tablets of nitroglycerin to expand the blood vessels.

"When there is no medicine, you can drink some alcohol. The higher the alcohol, the better. Don't apply or wipe it with alcohol, let alone wipe it with snow."

Li Yi told the nurses who came with him that he still didn't ask where the two of them came back from.

Humanistic care is reflected in bits and pieces.

At this moment, if you ask a sentence about the content of the task, it will hurt both people.

Unless it is in a state of war and rescue of the people, then there is nothing about **** and carrots, and you have to report when you come back.

There are priorities, and the place is there, and it can’t get away.

"Proprietor, we also found a place, Hongsheshui, which looks like a cliff and can be connected to this underground lake."

When two Yulin Feiqi received treatment, one of them said the situation.

"Okay! Looking back, you two will dispense **** fish. You two will go down and catch them by yourself. There must be a lot of black fish below. In half an hour, as many as you can catch.

When the time comes, take it out and freeze it hard, and send it to your home.

The other Yulin Feiqi is the same, thinking of a way to get something, it's almost the New Year.

Bring the New Year's gifts your Majesty gave you, and send them to your family. "

Li Yi looked at the two resolute faces, gratified and sighed with infinite emotion.

This is the soldier in his mind. He always trains Yu Lin Feiqi to the PLA side.

It is also a special force in the People's Liberation Army, with absolute combat effectiveness and political and ideological clearance.

Now that it has succeeded, rider Yu Lin Fei is frozen like a carrot, still so strong.

Well, Li Yi thinks he has a real job, he didn't do the logistics well, he never thought about the U-shaped hole, let alone the cliff outside the hole.

Just this time, if you encounter the same situation again, the same result will not appear.

Li Yi blamed himself very much. He hadn't done well in logistics, so he should think of all possible emergencies.

The two Yulin Feiqi received the treatment, but they weren't brave enough. Only when their frostbite was cured can they be effective.

The hand is swollen like this, drawing a bow and shooting a gun are all affected.

As for compensation, both of them have to, the proprietor said, and then go into the water, catch the fish and take them home.

A **** fish, even if the family does not eat it, sells it, it is still a lot of money.

Snakehead fish is most suitable for fish fillet, with few spines.

"Next time when the depth is less than 50 meters, do not add nitrogen, try to leave a place for oxygen ~ longer battery life and more emergency supplies that can be carried."

Li Yi found the problem and solved it immediately.

Apologizing He does not apologize, it is meaningless, compensation is the most important, and then it is fundamental to prevent similar things from happening.

"Is it cold in the water?" Li Chengqi was a little bit more interested. He used cold water to bathe recently.

"It's much warmer than playing water polo in the bashui." Yulin Feiqi replied.

They play water polo now and like to drill into the water.

The temperature of the ice water compound is zero degrees, so the temperature in the water is absolutely higher than zero degrees.

The most feared thing in water polo now is treading on the water under the feet, and the upper body is above the water. If it is windy, it feels like a knife cut.

Water knows that under normal atmospheric pressure, it will not freeze and it is guaranteed to be greater than zero.

Li Yi smiled and nodded, yes, nothing wrong.

What he feared most in winter swimming was not in the water, but before and after entering the water.

The temperature in the water is above zero, and when the water comes out, the warmth outside is thirty degrees below zero.

What I felt on my skin was not cold, but pain, like a needle stick.

Let's put it this way, within 20 minutes, a small part of the people in the northeast were stripped off, and they were able to grit their teeth on the snow and ice ground.

You must exercise. If you don’t exercise, you will be transported to the morgue.

It is no longer a cold problem, but an injury. Cold will make the skin blisters and redness.

Li Yi had experienced all his feet, hands, and face when he was a child, just for fun.

Minus 30 degrees in the northeast of his time was normal, without air conditioning and heating, it was just Tukang.

"Living here tonight, two-thirds of the people are allowed to drink." When Li Yi took out the big jar of glycerin, he made a decision.

Whatever he says is nothing, no one opposes it.

Those who are qualified to oppose do not object, but what is the use of those who are not qualified to oppose?

The people are here to eat, not to march.

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