Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1313: Raising fish does not eat Tubo

It was dark and lost its light underwater.

People eat fish, not only black fish, but also other big fish.

Fathead fish and carp are caught.

They are big and eat small fish and shrimps, which is not conducive to fish breeding in underground lakes.

The opening of the hole was enlarged, and the large hole dragged the net, the light was a little bright, the fish swam over, and the thick rope was tied to the net with a winch.

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This is winter catching, except that the rod has never been worn, and the rod is worn with a hanging net.

Every time a net is collected, the people happily pick out the big fish and throw it aside.

Someone cleaned up, and the fish entrails and scales were not thrown away.

The position where the light enters is determined, and the water outlet of the lake is also known.

The rest is related to breeding. Li Yi wants to build a fish pond next to the pond.

Small fish fry are cultivated in fish ponds and placed in the pond before winter, when it is cold, into the underground lake.

"You need to raise bloodworms in large quantities, raise them with feces, and then throw them in to feed the fish. The water contains minerals and no additional fertilizer is needed."

Li Yi is weighing human drinking and fish breeding, and finally chooses the latter.

The people can drink other water, either boiled river water or well water.

Fish meat has similarities and differences with other meats, and also contains protein and fat.

Red worms refer to the larvae of the midges, which are harmful to plants but do not **** blood.

Li Chengqi was eating sashimi, thinly sliced.

He saw that Li Yi didn't eat it, and he said impolitely, "In the future, the local people will have a lot of fish to eat."

Li Yi was eating braised carp and put a new thing, beer.

Hops, or hops, were brought and planted from the Anxi Jiedu. Now there are enough, and they are now being used to make beer.

The bitterness of hops can suppress the fishy smell, which is better than yellow wine.

Swallowing the fish in his mouth, Li Yi said: "The local ordinary people can't eat it, the local people can make a lot of transportation tools, such as..."

Li Yi said that his arrangement was to raise fish in spring water, and to publicize it, specifically for rich people...Chapter 1313 Fish Raising Doesn’t Eat Tubo The First Update ( Page 1/4),. eat.

Changan can be transported there, Da Mutong, put fish food, and then artificially pumped in.

Is it expensive for a three-pound carp to sell for a hundred dollars? To maintain a good brand.

"After earning money, I will come back to provide infrastructure construction for the local people. The pond belongs to Hongnong County, and I intend to cooperate with the people of Hongnong's birthplace."

Li Yi talks about another model. He does not cooperate with the Hongnong County Yamen.

Changed to the people, the people get dividends, and the people usually help maintain and work.

The fish and shrimp are sold for the money, part of the profit goes to Lijiazhuangzi, and part of the profit is used for public works on the public account.

The remaining money is divided among the people, according to the head, even for babies.

"Li Lang, the door-to-door son-in-law and the women who are willing to marry Hongnong will definitely increase." Princess Yongmu thought of the impact on the place from the cooperation of fish farming and selling fish.

She believes that within a few years, the local people can get a lot of money.

Then everyone worked hard to give birth to children, and the children counted as heads.

Give one child a dividend, if you can give birth to six or seven at a time, you will be rich.

Li Yi nodded: "The subsidy for childbirth should belong to Datang's welfare category. Datang is still poor at the moment. I will figure out the model first."

Li Yi needs a population. Datang currently has tens of millions of people, with few men and many women.

Affected by the war, a slightly wealthier family will have wives and concubines.

At the thought of having a child, Li Yi frowned slightly: "After the Chinese New Year, a 16-year-old girl can become a biological child. I will continue to emphasize in the newspaper how to carry out pre-birth exercises and precautions during pregnancy."

Due to the war, Datang was in urgent need of population, so 13 or 14-year-old girls got married and gave birth to children.

The risk of having a baby is too high if he has not developed well.

Li Yi wants to allow all married women to be able to perform horizontal and vertical cross training.

This was actually used at that time. Generally, starting from elementary school, male and female elementary school students are required to sit up and exercise their abdominal muscles.

Afterwards, the male students will perform push-ups, and the female students will perform shoulder and elbow handstand training and examinations.

In junior high school, girls practice one-leg hanging on the horizontal bar, and boys...Chapter 1313 Fish Farming Doesn’t Eat Tubo The First Update (Page 2/4), . The sub is a vertical leg upturn that requires high pull-ups and abdominal muscles.

It shows that girls are always training flexibility, and boys are practicing muscle strength.

When you think about it, you can understand the purpose of these physical education classes for the sake of having children in the future.

The postures of men and women and the postures of sports training are exactly coordinated, and Li Yi thinks that the country will not say clearly.

Like Queen Wang, why is it so easy to give birth to babies, she is usually too active.

"At present, war is not a problem. Datang wants to improve the quality of births and minimize the probability of death during the production process."

Li Yi wants to change the childbearing age. For a child between 13 and 14 years old, Li Yi has a child in his mind.

Isn't Jincheng Princess married at the age of thirteen? For Datang.

She had never been to the plateau before, so if a general helped her ask for the Jiuqu of the Yellow River, Datang gave it.

It's a pity that Tubo is too indifferent, so he took the land of Jiuqu and used it as a springboard to attack Datang.

If they couldn't beat them, they asked Princess Jincheng to write a letter to ask for peace, still in the name of the country against the country.

Historically, Tubo continued to seek peace next year, and Li Longji refused to agree with the courtesy of the enemy.

In winter, he asked for peace again, talking about his uncle, but asked to sign a letter from the prime minister.

Signed the Prime Minister's letter, do you still have anything to do with your uncle? Li Longji refused.

By 719, Li Longji continued to veto the letter of credential that still required the signing of the oath.

"Send some beer to Princess Jincheng, I will inactivate it first, otherwise the shelf life will not be enough." Li Yi's heart has drifted to Tubo.

... Princess Jincheng is looking in the mirror. It's not dark yet.

Zamp ruler brought Zhu Dan to help Princess Jincheng comb her hair, and Princess Jincheng was pregnant.

The medicine Li Yi gave worked. There was no celebrity last month, not this month.

He went to Tubo's imperial physician with Jincheng Princess Li Nunu to check his pulse, and he found it was a happy pulse.

The status of Jincheng princess was instantly elevated, and she was treated better than the queen.

The other ruler belt Zhudan women are not pregnant yet. According to historical records, the ruler belt Zhudan only had a son at the age of thirty-nine.

But this son is...Chapter 1313 Fish Farming Doesn’t Eat Tubo Xi's First Update (page 3/4). There are many controversies about who gave birth.

It is said that Princess Jincheng died at the wrong time, but important local documents record that Princess Jincheng was born.

Theoretically speaking, that son is not the son of the ruler belt Zhudan.

Before the age of thirty-nine, none of so many women can get pregnant.

Princess Jincheng said that she died a few years earlier, not her son.

Why is it recorded as hers? Can you conceal the true situation of the ruler belt Zhudan infertility?

It doesn't matter who is who in history, but now Princess Jincheng is pregnant with a child through drugs.

She hopes to be a boy, and the ruler belt Zhudan is also looking forward to it.

Therefore, with more than 150,000 soldiers in the Datang Kingdom seizing the source of the Yellow River and staring at it, the entire Tubo felt that the status of the Jincheng princess should be higher.

She eats meals by her own people now, and she doesn't want any tonics.

She wants to guard her child, once she is a son, hum!

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