Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1450: Sea has a rare currency book

The first thousand four hundred and fifty chapters of the sea have a rare currency book (first more)

"The next stop is relatively close, from that island to other islands." Li Yi is finally about to come to the edge of this archipelago.

The last stop is Kosrae Island, and now it only has a number.

All the islands are full of female leaders, maintaining the matriarchal clan social model.

When I leave Kosrae Island, I will go to Nauru.

According to data records, there are people on Nauru and there are still many birds. In fact, there are also many Shanghai birds on the islands passing by elsewhere.

"Master has fresh water?" The little girl now knows what sailing needs most, fresh water.

Li Yi just marked any reefs without fresh water and did not build houses on them.

"There is fresh water, and there are many natural fertilizers turned into bird droppings. In the future, we will dig them slowly." Li Yi introduced the island situation to his disciple.

In the 1970s, the local per capita income was exchanged with Li Yi’s national currency, which exceeded 800,000. At that time, Li Yi’s national income per month...

From 1988 to 1990, the per capita income of the land was more than 10,000 U.S. dollars.

In 1991 and 1992, the exchange rate between Li Yi's national currency and the international currency was more than five points to one.

The equivalent of the local per capita income is more than 60,000 expressed in Li Yi's national currency.

At that time, there were more than 100 people in Li Yi's country a month, and there were more than 300 good people.

An income of 3,000 a year is a high income, and there are too few ten thousand yuan households.

It's a pity that selling ore is just spending hard, not thinking about the future at all. As a result, the gross national product was only more than one billion U.S. dollars in the later period.

A country has a gross national product of more than one billion.

Life was not going well, Li Yi decided to lead the locals to change their lives.

Now it can be changed at will. The locals will not target Datang for the money of other countries.

In more than half a day, the yacht arrived at Kosrae Island in the afternoon. There is no bridge and there is a small island next to the main island.

There are people living on the island, and the smoke is curling up.

When the yacht arrived, the people on the island ran out of the ‘house’ and watched from a distance.

According to the previous operation, first catch a net fish as a gift.

"We are from Datang Country, and we have given you gifts."

Li Yi used the horn on the yacht to shout, naturally using the local language, which was almost the same.

The people on the island are dressed the same as the people on the island before, and they look the same.

Li Yi yelled several times, and Yu Lin Feiqi jumped into the water in swimming trunks, wandered to the side of the fishing net, picked up the fish and threw it to the shore.

Some fish fell into shallow water, wagging their tails and ran away.

When the people on the island saw, how could they run away?

They ran over, picked up the stunned fish, and continued to throw them to the shore.

More people join in, good stuff, but it's very difficult to catch it by yourself.

A net of fish was finally brought ashore. The islanders smiled happily. Li Yi and others looked very enthusiastic.

After Li Yi took out the refined salt, the islanders reacted similarly to those on the previous islands.

They took out the shells, put them on the ground, and wanted to buy them.

They use shells as currency. Whoever has more shells will have money.

Like Li Yi fishing for shells with fishing nets, after a few nets, Li Yi became the richest man.

Li Yi waved his hand in the lingua franca, and said: "Give it to you, no shells, you keep it, let's come..."

I got used to speaking the familiar words.

The islanders are smiling brighter and brighter. They believe that people who can give themselves a lot of fish and salt cannot lie.

She was still the female leader. After learning that the Tang Dynasty people would eat with them, she greeted people to cook and burn wood.

Li Yi took over the cooking and didn't need local people to do it. It didn't taste good.

Today’s dish is octopus, which Li Yi fished specially, and I am tired of eating other fish.

Braised octopus, sea bird egg vegetable soup, asparagus kelp pickles, rice **** with rice.

People on the island don't know how to use chopsticks, try to let them be able to grasp, braised saury and rice **** dipped in soup, catch them and eat fish.

The soup is drunk in front of the mouth of the bowl, no need to take a spoon.

The female leader deliberately took out a few'bowls' made of coral and gave them to Li Yi. Li was in a daze with the bowl.

After a while, he said to Princess Yongmu and the others: "Remind me when we return, let's fish for corals, not corals here, but red corals."

"No others?" The little girl looked up at the master.

"Yes, come back and see where there are many corals. It's not bad here. When the tide goes down, there is a large coral."

Li Yi thought that coral was still medicine, so he decided to take some with him.

Princess Yongmu looked at the sea: "Coral is not easy to get, it is expensive, and it is difficult for ordinary people to obtain it. Anyone who has red coral will be served to the dignitaries."

"Others are not easy to fish, we are easy, the value of red coral is high, we can catch it, just to increase the issuance of exchange certificates."

Li Yi had this plan, and the red coral didn't say it was true. Even a short piece of it was still valuable.

He was going to fish more, just at that time, the food on the boat was consumed a lot, and it was used to hold the red coral.

"At that time, let's call some wealthy people to take a look and let them know that Lijiazhuang has treasures.

Oh, you don’t have to look at it, we know it in our own minds.

First estimate the price, and print the exchange voucher at the estimated price. In fact, the price can be up for speculation. "

Li Yi found a collateral for issuing a large amount of currency, red coral, of good quality, called blood coral.

"I know, the gloomy wood in Zhuangzi."

Xiaolan said that she understood that before Gloomy Wood collected a large amount of and later made a batch of musical instruments, the price suddenly changed.

Lijiazhuangzi has not yet issued additional redemption vouchers because of this, otherwise the money will be more.

"Yes, Xiao Lan is smart!" Li Yi praised.

Xiaolan looked delighted. In fact, she has nothing to be happy about. Who doesn't know the gloomy things?

With a pair of chopsticks in one hand, Princess Yongmu breaks down the octopus on the plate, trying to keep the fish intact and pick out the thorns.

Picked out a piece and stuffed it into the little girl's mouth: "After I go back, good seeds and money are available, and Datang will pursue a prosperous age."

"All the seeds for the first year must be reserved. We don't eat them. We will bring them back after eating the fleet.

By the second year, the seeds of the first year will be able to grow Jingzhao Mansion’s finest and finest fields.

After that, they can be distributed to various places in Datang. Sweet potatoes are better than potatoes. Although eating too much is uncomfortable for the stomach, let's make vermicelli. "

Li Yi likes the way of planting sweet potatoes, can cut and take seedlings for planting.

Potatoes are not good. Potatoes can only grow buds. One potato grows many buds. Each bud can cut a piece of potato and plant it together.

"I heard Li Lang said, I'm waiting to eat roasted sweet potatoes."

When Princess Yongmu talked about roasted sweet potatoes, she suddenly felt that the hairtail in front of her was not fragrant.

The islanders didn't think that they ate happily and grabbed the hairtail with their hands.

For them, hairtail is an extreme luxury. They can't catch it, and they can only wait for the sea to wash the hairtail on the beach.

If you soak for a long time, you can't eat it.

When it is too hard for a large number of hairtails to appear on the beach, they are not happy, but afraid.

In general, large waves will appear and the ground will shake.

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