Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1451: Nautical has no financial worries

Latest website: The female leader is trying hard to learn to use chopsticks. Li Yi presented a large number of wooden chopsticks.

There is dry wood, processed directly into chopsticks, which is worthless.

For the islanders, chopsticks are a good gift, except that they are not easy to learn, everything else is good.

Wild vegetables and bird egg soup are fragrant. I have made them before. Open the wild vegetables and bird eggs and boil them in water. Why is the taste different from what I have eaten today?

Li Yi knew why, there was no oil and no pepper noodles.

He uses soybean oil to make soup, raw soybean oil, sprinkle chopped green onion, and boil it before adding wild vegetables.

If you put wild vegetables first, you have to fry them, and add water after the fry, the taste is not fresh enough.

Of course, to make shredded cowpea or kidney bean soup, it must be fried first, otherwise it is easy to be under-ripe and poisoned by eating.

Li Yi didn't plan to teach the islanders to cook, it was too difficult, and he had to put in the pot and seasoning.

After eating, Li Yi also gave the other three sets of flags, one of three sides, to tell the other party the meaning.

By night, the yacht leaves.

There is a zigzag line in the waterway, going to Nauru, then going diagonally northeast, to the Marshall Islands, to Kiribati a little southeast, and then Tuvalu.

Go around and waste time.

If it is not for the most secure route for the fleet behind, the yacht can directly cross the Pacific Ocean.

The Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga and other places further south will not be visited, and will not be available for the time being.

The nautical chart of the Datang Navy is marked, and some places are different, and the geological changes are always known.

In the event of a typhoon, the ship was blown off course. Through the theodolite and sextant, it was able to locate it at any time and know where it could go recently.

"After going back and forth, a clearer drawing of this route was changed. Go back in a straight line and look at the islands and reefs along the way."

Li Yi looked at the data recorded on the yacht and was very pleased.

"What if a person who can read charts tells others how to read charts for money and sells them?"

Xiaolan first considers betrayal, even if there is a possibility of one in ten thousand, she is not happy.

Not only her, everyone knows how valuable the chart is.

Li Yi is not afraid: "The key position is controlled by Yulin Feiqi, and Yulin Feiqi has no reason to betray.

Whoever buys it, they directly take the front, arrest people, and earn more.

Report it to me. I use this as an excuse to clean up the people where the other party is, and make the teacher famous. "

There are telescopes on the theodolites and sextants he made. Others want to build the telescopes. Wait, wait for many years.

There is a theodolite without a telescope, but he doesn't do it.

If Yulin Feiqi wanted to betray, he first had to consider whether Dongzhu Li would fly over and kill himself.

In addition, it is a bit difficult to teach others how to use this set of tools.

It took a lot of time for someone from the Li Yi era to grab one and let the other party learn to use the theodolite and sextant correctly at sea and understand the nautical charts.

It involves celestial bodies, as well as the accuracy of production, correction of measurement errors...


"Is there anyone going to repair the canal? Anyone? Some come to sign up. They pay 50 dollars a day for board and lodging. Lijiazhuang is responsible for logistics. Someone else is going..."

At the edge of Chang'an city, Jingzhao Mansion, and nearby state capitals, officials have prepared horse-drawn carriages.

They yelled to recruit workers, repair the canal, and build a new plank road on it.

A lot of manpower is required, and wages are directly given out for fifty dollars a day.

Going to the place and starting to work counts, not the ones on the road.

Cars rushed to Sanmenxia, ​​and everyone fiddled with their helmets.

The outermost layer of the helmet is made of iron, with bamboo woven inside, and then an elastic net made of silk and silk.

Not as good as Li Yi's helmet, but better than wearing nothing at all.

The helmets are lent to people who do work, and when they are used up, they are taken back, and then lent to people who do other projects.

"The court pays money, why are they shouting that Dongzhu Li pays money?"

Bi Gou's car was parked next to a recruitment spot, and he was unhappy when he listened to the people outside.

The so-called Lijiazhuangzi provides logistics, but Lijiazhuangzi sends dozens of people to coordinate and direct the logistics work.

Fifty dollars a day for one person, and the money for the carriage and food are paid out of the household.

When the money was paid, the people didn't approve it, and it didn't mean that Li Dongzhu gave the money.

The money is not much, fifty dollars a day per person, plus food and accommodation, sixty dollars worth the sky.

Twenty thousand people participated, 1.2 million yuan a day, fifteen days, 18 thousand yuan, enough.

The cost of gunpowder, tools, materials, carriage costs, etc.

Hundred thousand yuan stop, one hundred thousand yuan...does it count money?

When Xiao Yi comes back, he can pull it out from between his teeth.

Bi Gou was frustrated because the court spent money, but he couldn't make a difference.

The Ministry of Industry Shangshu Wei Zhigu was in the car, which belonged to the Ministry of Industry. He glanced at Bi Gou: “Tell Li Jiazhuangzi, tomorrow’s newspaper writes that the court pays money, not Lijiazhuangzi."

"Humph!" Bi Gou snorted and turned his head away.

He didn't do it, he looked petty.

When Xiao Yi comes back, knowing this, can't you laugh at it as a joke for a year or a half?

I can't afford to lose that person, my toothache!

"This year the Ministry of Industry has handed over memorials from many places. I have sent people to the localities to check on water conservancy and road construction."

Wei Zhigu said that the work of each part of Datang was clear.

In the past, the Changzhou government would send a letter to the prime minister, unless the state government joined the army to the ministries, the governor, the governor, etc.

The imperial court had no money, most of which belonged to the last memorial, and the locals raised their own money, mainly using the people's time to work for free.

The imperial court allowed, and local construction was started, and there was no expectation of additional funding.

Unless it encounters a disaster, it will apply for the use of constant liquidation and rent reduction or exemption.

Now that the local government knows that the court has a lot of money, they have begun to write letters to the ministries directly, asking for a few thousand yuan, without having to trouble Zaifu.

Bi Gou lowered his head slightly and thought, Li Yi helped spend last year's money, this year's...

"Xiao Yi never made a financial plan for this year. We can't figure out the pre-income. First, we will allocate 300,000 yuan to you. Do you think that is enough?"

Bi Gou's voice is relatively low, and it sounds like a guilty conscience.

He is in charge of the household department, but he will not, and he will not estimate how much income he will have this year.

God knows what else will suddenly increase Seeing Xiaoyi come back, maybe he brings a lot of money.

"If he doesn't come back, Datang..." Wei Zhigu squeezed Bi Gou.

Before finishing talking, Bi Gou reached out and lifted Wei Zhigu's chin: "Don't tell me, I can come back. If this word spreads, the people know that I can kill you."

"Hmm!" Wei Zhigu said from his nose, expressing his understanding.

Bi Gou let go: "I waited until Zhuangzi saw your Majesty the day before, when I suddenly heard the news of the return of the pigeon, Haoxuan was scared to death, and Xiao Yi can't have an accident."

Bi Gou didn't feel ashamed, a lot of things were being rolled out, and he was counting on Xiao Yi to co-ordinate. He was gone, who would take care of all the things?

The situation is too big for no one to straighten out.

Xiao Yi can't come back, it's really falling!

Wei Zhigu looked at Bi Gou sympathetically: "300,000 yuan is used first. The local government is through the Ministry of Industry. So far, there is no more money."

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