Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1452: The history of labor and imperial examination

The latest website: Sanmenxia of the Yellow River, the sky is getting dark, and the torches are up early.

The local people who are temporarily fine are watching the excitement. Since the construction began the day before yesterday, they have watched it every day.

When I watched it, I asked the people at Lijiazhuangzi if they would like eggs or chickens. Buy more and cheaper. The chickens have been raised for a winter, but they are fat.

People in Lijiazhuangzi usually buy it, and when construction is done locally, the people nearby should enjoy welfare.

The coal and firewood used for cooking are even delivered by locals.

"Pay attention to safety, don't move out of shape, the injury affects the life of the family, there are still the last two quarters of an hour..."

Experienced craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry and Water are under the command, and they are not easy to get started.

The commander always runs to the front to dig trenches, obviously incompetent.

The working people are tired, wheezing, and working hard.

Hold on for a while and start to change shifts, and the aroma in the big pot next to it floats out, smelling hungry.

They need to work four hours, two hours when they are on duty, and two quarters of an hour to eat, usually buns.

Eat in rotation, half of the people eat first, and the other half after two quarters.

After waiting for four hours, I have time to eat slowly, and there is still more than 20 to 30 degrees of white wine, which is hot.

Half an hour after eating, he was not allowed to work, digest food, and go back to the tent to sleep.

According to Lijiazhuangzi, two shifts, six hours per shift, the workers will have no strength to do it, and accidents will easily occur.

Work hard, muscles continue to tense, and the efficiency is lower.

Those who are going to take over get up half an hour ago, have finished their meal, and move their bodies slowly so as not to suffer from sickness due to eating too much.

When the time came, the people in this class put the tool codes on their hands, and washed their hands with a tired look.

After seven and a half hours, they squeezed out their physical energy and no one was lazy.

The people waiting next to them came over and put on their coats. In the early spring, they worked shirtlessly.

Moisture in the excavated soil rose, so I was given a couple of wines.

The successor signs in first, picks up tools and works under the torch.

All shovel, iron pickaxe, iron hammer, iron drill, only the basket is a bamboo basket, fill up two baskets, pick up the pole and leave.

There are some people waiting nearby, they don't work, they stay.

Those who repair the plank road above have to drill holes and charge explosives, usually one batch at a time.

In case any one or a few people who did not explode and did not work go up, they are death row prisoners.

"First, some more soup, I will make some rice to eat, and then I will have some steamed buns after drinking."

A person who only wears an outer coat and washes his hands brought his enamel jar to the person who sold vegetables.

He went to beat the rice first, and the rice and millet cooked together.

The food seller brought two pieces of chicken to make up three spoons of soup.

Others are almost the same, they all make rice first, the soup of the old hen is big, and the rice is fragrant.

In another place, they would never ask for soup first. When the soup is finished, the dishes are all eaten.

Lijiazhuangzi is responsible for the logistics, eat it, whatever, as long as you feel good, you can eat chicken all you can eat.

No one is staring at the meat. The staple food is the only one to have strength, but also to eat the dipping sauce of wild vegetables.

Those who work read the newspaper and understand that the nutrition must be balanced, and only meat is not enough.

After a round of fighting, there was still a lot of meat in the pot, and the pot next to it was still stewing vegetables.

Another person was changing the dressing, accidentally injured, skin wounded, five nurses from Lijiazhuangzi led apprentices to practice hands, wrong, they were in charge of the treatment.

Clean up the wound, apply medicine, and bandage.

It has been three days, and no one has died. Everyone is very happy.

In the past, people died from work, some died from injuries, some died from exhaustion, and some died from eating unclean food.

Including lack of sleep, cold or hot weather.

Since Li Yi asked to do the project, as long as he didn't dig tunnels, there was basically no danger. The ones who were at risk were the dumb gunners.

They are dead people in everyone's eyes, and it doesn't matter whether they die or not.

People who platoon dumb guns have also learned some survival skills. They wear helmets and thick clothes when they go to platoons.

And bring a water bag, and spray water into it when you get to the place.

Because some gunpowder twisters burn slowly, they burn quickly when encountering wind, and then boom.

They spray the water first, whatever you are dumb, if it gets wet, I will take it out.

The idea came from the craftsman of Lijiazhuang. The craftsman cherishes the people who can arbitrate dumb guns. They can help as soon as they can. They are all killed. Who will platoon?

"In two days, the imperial examination should have been a few days in advance. It was too busy." The officials of the Ministry of Water chatted with the people of Lijiazhuangzi.

The banker is off work and changes to a new banker.

He also drank and took a sip: "The proprietor's new festival, the second day of February, the dragon raised his head."

The dealer said casually, adding a festival, the proprietor added, this year Jingzhao Mansion will be over, and then Datang will be over.

The imperial examinations were released on the last day, which happened to be the second day of February.

After four days of the test, there were ten policies on current affairs and very strict requirements.

There are also poems. In the past, either poems or fus were written, and it is the same today.

It’s the easiest to post sutras. It’s just a small range for memorizing things in advance.

However, in the Jinshi course, arithmetic was added, and the mathematics course was clearly added.

Those who require Jinshi can calculate, understand a little Tang law, memorize some content, and have a good grasp of national affairs.

"It's too difficult. I didn't pass the Jinshi exam twice at the beginning. It was because of the current affairs policy. How many courses were there at the time? Now there are ten."

The people from the Ministry of Water sighed that he didn't pass the Jinshi course twice, and the third time was clear, and it passed, so he was assigned to work in the Ministry of Engineering.

The dealer smiled: "Your Majesty and Zaifu are reducing according to my proprietor's ability. They are used to evaluate others. They can't be judged by my proprietor's ability, right?"

"Master Li? Master Li should take all the subjects at once. There is one that is not well written and can't be given."

An official from the Ministry of Water gave Li Yi a position as a general subject and the content must be correct.

Then don't say the words are wrong, even if the strokes look uncomfortable.

Pursue perfection, or why do the four Zaifu work for you all day? Do you want to save face?

"Writing current affairs policies like that is prone to problems. Don't the content of the announcement? Once announced..." The dealer winked, you know.

"Yeah, after Li Dongzhu finished writing, the current affairs policy immediately became a national policy. You can't test it. Let others know when you carefully calculate others."

The officials of the Ministry of Water responded quickly, and Li Yi could not answer the questions.

The farmer took another sip of the wine and picked up a chicken head, not stewed, but marinated: "The proprietor can deceive people with the current affairs policy of the imperial examination."

"Huh?" The official was stunned, and then nodded: "Yes, yes, no, no, it's not a lie, soldiers, tricks!"

"Therefore, it is able to show that it cannot be used, it is used to show it is not used, it is near to show far, and it is far to show near." The Zhuanghu continued.

"You have learned so much now? You are the banker, so it turned out to be..." The official was surprised.

"In fact, I don't want to mention the past now everyone is learning, I am a slave.

When I was in the previous house, I was always beaten, not having enough food and clothes.

The host didn't teach me to read, but the host was unlucky, I was sold, and the host bought me.

I have no relatives anymore, and the Li family Zhuangzi is my home. If I don’t study hard, I will hold back this family. "

The dealer said calmly, not caring about his identity.

"Then have you thought about getting out of slavery?" The official considered from the perspective of a slave.

"There is a difference? I can leave Zhuangzi if I am not a slave? I will die." The Zhuanghu was also surprised.

"I mean you will have a child in the future. If the child is because of your native place..." the official said from the perspective of the child.

Before he finished speaking, the dealer said again: ‘is there a difference? "

"No!" The official shook his head.

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