Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1457: Appearance happy lack of fresh water

Princess Yongmu picked up the shellfish to eat, stopped after eating a few, and asked Li Yi with her head tilted to see how happy the surrounding islanders were.

"Li Lang, give them money directly and tell them to use this money to buy our things?"

"No, that is self-deception. They must pay a corresponding price before they can get our money." Li Yi waved his hand.

"Do you use money to buy their shells? Then they are used to using our money, just like Chang'an people are used to using exchange coupons?"

Princess Yongmu believes that the same model can be adopted.

Li Yi still waved his hand: "Let them grow land and vegetables. They only grow rice. There are few other grains. Vegetables are digging wild vegetables and then eating things from the sea.

Let's set aside a piece of land, give them money, and hire them to work.

Adzuki beans, soybeans, cabbage, spinach, etc., our people come here to eat delicious.

The more they are at sea, the more fresh vegetables are needed, and then they will be taught how to make soy products. "

Li Yi had planned to turn the surrounding islands into vegetable planting bases.

He immediately added: "At that time, if there are seafarers who are willing to do anything with them, I will not stop it. I have a child and slowly teach Datang's words and language."

Li Yi can think well, and his matriarchal clan society does not need a man's help to raise children.

When the population increases and exchanges increase, the place will be directly included in the territory of Datang.

With the abundance of materials, the differences in human labor force manifest themselves, and the classification is serious.

Slowly, the local area became a feudal society model.

Before long, Datang, with its military, economic, cultural, and technological advantages, is what everyone wants.

People in these places still live in tribal groups, so where are there any patriotic ideas.

As long as others are strong enough and guarantee that they can get their own benefits, they are willing to rely on them.

Not to mention the era of Datang, Li Yi thought of another time and space.

Isn't it the same? Whoever is strong will listen to whoever is strong, and even drag the family to run there.

A small country, looking at its own sovereignty, actually has to listen to others.

Princess Yongmu took a shellfish and fed it to Li Yi: "At that time, there are too many people on the island, and what should I do if I can't live?"

"It's early. I want the population to increase dozens or hundreds of times. For many years, I don't worry about it for the time being." Li Yi didn't think about the faraway issue.

He wants to make Datang's national strength many times the previous one in a short period of time, and the rest will be easy to handle.

Princess Yongmu thought for a while, and said: "The world is too big, I want to see it."

"Simple, when Datang stabilizes a little bit, we can go wherever we want." Li Yi remembered, there are resources elsewhere.

"In other places, there are a lot of fruits that we haven't eaten, but they are delicious. Most of them will be grown in Qiongzhou."

Li Yi remembered the fruits of Africa. There are places in Africa where the environment is unique, not the location of the desert.

"Transportation must be inconvenient, and it will be bad when it is transported to Changsha." Princess Yongmu clicked, she wanted to eat fruit.

I used to eat fruit plates, but I could only eat canned food when I went to sea.

Except for canned hawthorn, no other fresh fruit seems to be delicious. Is hawthorn considered a fruit?

"Yacht, drive the yacht to eat, pack after eating, then drive back to Chang'an, and give others a taste." Li Yi pointed to the yacht parked at sea.

The yacht is fast, and you can also build a gas store with fruits, which can be stored for a long time.

As long as the temperature is controlled, and as long as there is an air storage, all fruits can be preserved, at least it is no problem to eat relatively fresh ones.

What cherry, mangosteen, bayberry, lychee...

As long as Li Yi wants to save it, it will be fine, and the cost is high or low.

"This summer, I will fly over melons from Hami area and bring them back for you to eat."

Li Yi thought of cantaloupe, which I can't eat in Chang'an.

Princess Yongmu shook her head vigorously: "Don't eat, I have a sweet toothache."

"Or I will get fresh water and add a box with ice to cool down. When the melons in Hami are about to mature, soak them in fresh water, put them in the box, and send them here quickly."

Li Yi thought of a way to save life. A set of methods can be saved for a month without any problem.

The road is iced, making up the ice at the inn, money matters.

"I want to eat, I am not afraid of teeth, Li Lang, you can treat teeth." Princess Yongmu quickly agreed when she heard that her life was no longer needed.

"We have to talk to the rich and ask them if they want to eat? They eat, and they just send more people to pick up melons to earn back the travel expenses."

Li Yi didn't even want to pay the horse money, labor costs, and ice money by himself.

Princess Yongmu smiled like a crescent moon: "In Wen Tianlan Xiangge, I said... I said eating this beauty and beauty treatment."

"You are right, it is indeed a medicine, the seeds are also good, the results are preserved, and the fresh ones are better." Li Yixian gave Princess Yongmu a compliment.

The beauty of women, the functions of men, the life span of the elderly, and the intelligence of children are all sales points.

Princess Yongmu was even happier. When she saw the islanders suddenly, she said with emotion: "It's still easy for them to live a life, and they are very happy if they have fish to eat."

"Then you haven't seen them when they have no food to eat, or when they are sick.

When the typhoon came, the waves swept people in, making the island humid and hot.

The life span of the locals is short, much shorter than that of Datang. "

Li Yi didn't want to live such a simple life, he still had to enjoy it.

The indigenous people who were talked about by two people were really happy.

Get a lot of shells, delicious dips, and fish just to eat.

There is also salt, so that the fish is marinated and dried. When the weather is bad, there is nothing to eat before eating.

The most important thing is to tell from the child's mouth that more Datang ships will come over in the future and exchange things for what they need.

It is not easy for them to change things once, especially when a woman goes to another place, or another man or woman comes over.

It is too risky to get the boat out by yourself. Normally, you wait for others to come.

With the big shells, you can wait for it to catch water when it rains.

The female chief's thoughts were not on the shells and fish, and she glanced at the yacht from time to time.

After watching the yacht, I will look at Li Yi, Feng Qingdai introduced to her.

Da Chuan belongs to Li Yi, her master, who taught her.

The main team must stop her master's words, her master is very good in Datang.

The female chief was chatting and listening, and suddenly said a few words to the little girl.

"Master, UU reading, she asked me, how do we get water on the boat? She said that there is too little water on the island, and some people will die in danger because they go to the forest to fetch water from the leaves."

The little girl stood up and shouted to Li Yi.

"Tell her that we will make a lot of wooden vats for them and help them collect rainwater."

Li Yi is not going to exchange things for people on the island, water storage equipment, he can exchange something very useful.

It is not worth wasting life to make wooden utensils.

There are tools for breaking wood, making wooden barrels simple, just use hemp rope hoop soaked in tung oil.

There are also iron wires on the yacht, drawn by wire, and glue.

Habayashi Feiqi can do it without a craftsman.

Fresh water is not only for local people. When future ships come and need to replenish fresh water, there is no need to worry.

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