Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1458: Key technical titles

‘Buzz hum’, ‘quack quack’, ‘dong dong dong’

After eating, all kinds of sounds rang out under the lights.

Li Yi got a full set of woodworking tools, he really didn't have time to wait.

Breaker, bench planer, press planer, trimming machine, circular grinder, tenon and tenon machine, fixer group...

Many craftsmen have never used it before, and they know how to use it at a glance, especially the tenon and tenon machine. This is convenient, so you don't need to chisel and dig by yourself.

There are wood and dry wood on the island, boat builders, they don’t need to burn fire, they use branches to burn.

Without an axe and a saw, the big tree was finally knocked down, and it took pains to decompose and burn it. The islanders were obviously not stupid enough.

Li Yi saw the traces of the big wood being broken, and the craftsman directly told how to cut it off.

Peel the bark first, wait until the big tree dies, and then slowly dry up, chisel it with a stone axe.

"Look, is this kind of life good?" Li Yi and Princess Yongmu said.

When eating, Princess Yongmu also envied the people on the island and was easily satisfied.

Princess Yongmu looked at Yulin Feiqi to help cut down the big tree and keep it in the sun.

The rough wood is turned into a plank, and the plank is turned into a wooden strip, which is mortised and spliced, with a rope hoop mixed with tung oil on the outside.

People on the island feel that their eyes are not enough and want to see everywhere, including those who cut trees with a chain saw in the forest.

They were actually frightened, knowing what else could be used to break the wood for the first time.

It is very hard to build a boat on my own island, and it has to be digged slowly.

Can wood be assembled into barrels now? Shouldn't it be used as a barrel directly in the middle?

"Proprietor, can I go back after processing it?" the craftsman in Zhuangzi shouted.

He felt that the tools were too good, and he was afraid that it would take a lot of the life of the proprietor.

Work can be done slowly. Is there such a tool that can be done? What if the proprietor is gone?

"Only this set does not cost much. Go to the next place, where the area is large and build a big house. I hope the locals will have more dry wood."

Li Yi doesn't care, the next big island is the Hawaiian Islands.

According to the information, someone came from another island in 750.

Li Yi doesn't believe it, are you so accurate? It seems that you have gone back in time to see it.

There are people in Nauru, so there will be no people on such a big island?

The craftsman was relieved: "It will be convenient for people to come over in the future. Let's call the front station. This sea route, if it weren't for the proprietor, who can come out?"

Craftsmen are proud and proud of the Lord.

Li Yi turned and went to the distance, his voice was too noisy.

Cui Liu, Huang Bo, and two Yulin Feiqi followed the little girl. She was with the female leader.

She speaks Da Tang dialect and teaches each other word by word.

In fact, the female chief wanted to watch others process wooden barrels, and believed that learning Datang's words was more important, so she had to work hard to remember.

The little girl mainly teaches vocabulary and everyday language.

For example, ‘exchange, drink water, eat, fish, shells, money, salt, fire, strong wind, heavy rain...’

"This set of tools must be very useful to bring back Zhuangzi, right?"

Princess Yongmu saw that one wooden barrel was made one after another, and she admired the tools very much.

"With a little assistance, the really useful thing is the standard scale, the screw micrometer, digital level and other standard tools that I took out.

Then there was the industrial base machine in Zhuangzi, and the accuracy of the base machine was updated from generation to generation. The current equipment only improves work efficiency.

Go back to Zhuangzi, you can make it. Of course, the saw blade steel is different, and the gap is large. "

If he didn't have the tools he took out before, Li Yi still thinks the tools for wood processing are good.

Now that's the case. The industrial machine in Zhuangzi can produce this set of furniture, but steel can't compare with it.

The arrows used by soldiers at the border are the poles from Zhuangzi's cart. The arrows are cast first and then polished with equipment.

"Take this set of equipment back to build a plow frame. Ordinary wood will do. It's cheap, but good wood will sink. It can be rented to the people for enough cost."

Li Yi remembered that the plows of the farmers were not all standard parts, and it was time-consuming and laborious to repair them if they were broken.

He wants to unify the standards in Jingzhao Mansion, rent first, and then sell accessories.

There are several specifications, some people are tall, one is used, some people are short, the other is somewhere in between, the third...

"It's almost February, the weather is warm, and there are many ships in Chang'an, don't we build ships?"

Princess Yongmu felt that time passed quickly, and soon it was summer again.

It’s very busy in winter, but in summer, you can enjoy it.

"To build bridges, build more arch bridges over the channels of the water network, made of wood."

In Li Yi's mind came the appearance of people coming and going across the bridge. With the water network, people need to find a place to cross the river.

After many bridges, it is a kind of scenery in itself.


Three days later, when the yacht began to move towards the Hawaiian Islands, the candidates in Chang'an City were entering the examination room.

This year’s exam questions have been mentioned in advance, and they are the key ten-to-current policy, involving all aspects.

There are also poems and fus, plus recitations, and interviews.

It takes four days for the test, and everyone answers slowly. There is a place to eat, not to mention a place to sleep.

There are a lot of candidates this year, and the road is good, and all places are willing to recommend places.

In addition, the imperial court does not limit the number, everyone wants to try their luck.

There are also those who have not been admitted before, and must be taken this year.

Candidates received extraordinary treatment, and due to the long examination time, they were not in a hurry.

The test time on the first day starts from Si Shi, which is the ten o'clock of the kind.

Li Yi adjusted the clock. It used to be around 23 o'clock in the morning to 1 o'clock in the morning.

Li Yi didn't think it was necessary, the time remained the same, the clock changed, and the sub-hour was zero, so naturally it was ten o'clock when it arrived.

In the past, his country would adjust the daylight saving time with other countries, but it stopped later.

It means that this time can be changed at will, and it is easy to calculate, otherwise the calculation will always start at 23 o'clock, which is disturbing.

Li Yi asked Datang to do the same as Lao Maozi, to implement daylight saving time permanently without changing it.

Candidates are required to arrive at six o'clock, and they are not allowed to eat, because they are afraid that they will not eat well when they are in a hurry, and their stomach and intestines will be affected during the exam, which will delay the national election.

The candidates' lives are not problematic, and Li Longji personally paid for them to settle their houses.

Also, they usually have no money to take the recommendation certificate to eat Lijiazhuang’s lunch in the south of the city. They don’t need money, but they need help washing the dishes.

Wash the bowls for a quarter of an Free to eat. If you don’t wash it, you’ll have to pay as much as you need to eat.

At first, some candidates thought that washing dishes was an insult to themselves and disdained it.

Later, I don’t know who passed it, saying that the people of Lijiazhuangzi are staring, and there are candidates who can’t even wash the bowls. How can they know that the people’s livelihood is suffering?

The power of these words is so powerful that even the wealthy candidates don't eat in other places, they go to the south to eat, and then wash the dishes.

Washed cleanly, chatting loudly with classmates while washing, without addressing words, but using full names.

For example, a person shouted: "Liu Changgui, an examinee in Hua County, Huazhou, you have washed the dishes too clean."

The other party called him, the same series of names, which must be praised.

If you shout: "Brother Fujiu, you wash the dishes well."

Who knows who is who? Isn't it a waste of washing?

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