Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1674: Don't make sensational words now

"This is called sunflower seeds? Why don't you urge it when you eat it? Isn't it about dried fruits? They are very good at dealing with them."

The yacht has reached its destination, Mexico when Li Yi.

When he met a local, Li Yi specially built a large wooden ‘tower’ on the peninsula. There was no space inside, just a pile of wood.

The national flag of Datang was planted on the top, and then his yacht continued eastward, reaching a position on the Mexican side.

The distance was more than six hundred miles, not far away, but Li Yi still raised his flag on the peninsula.

Six hundred li can sometimes defeat the will of an army, no, not six hundred, sixty li is not even needed.

When I got there, I met the locals right away.

The locals were standing on the beach, catching fish, and staring at a yacht.

They don't know that this is called a yacht. In their eyes, it belongs to a ship. They also have it. It's nothing more than a small...smaller one.

Such a big ship, with several floors, is really beautiful.

The people who got off the boat, oops, why do you wear so many clothes? Also wrap it on? We are all exposed above.

What clothes made of hemp and tree leaves? The color changes as soon as it moves, like a rainbow in the water.

These people have no tattoos on their faces, are they holding weapons? It's not a spear, an arrow, or a bow.

There is a rope hanging around your neck, and a hole made by a thin piece of wood in front?

Oh, what did they bring? It's like white sand, oh, it's salt. Can salt be so fine?

The white and big one is edible, taste it, there are other things in it, it's really fragrant.

The meaning of exchanging with us, understand, exchange, you can't suffer, such a delicious thing, you can only exchange a bag of seeds.

This is how the aboriginal people felt and thought when Li Yi first came into contact with the locals. They ate buns stuffed with pork and green onions.

The weapons they guessed were indeed weapons, assault rifles and shotguns.

Mexico’s temperature is high, and now it’s not very planned to grow things. They grow in a mess. Anyway, they eat whenever they can.

This is the advantage of the tropics. You can plant it anytime. If you don't focus on planting, you can eat any kind of crops throughout the year.

Everyone is exchanging, the little girl is holding a tablet to communicate with others, who makes her high in language talent? No, she has high talent in everything.

She was so talented that she had congenital heart disease. She died at a young age. She had never made it to the top, so there is no record in history.

She was not like Xiao Nie, who wrote the national anthem of Li Yi at that time. She was not sick, and after writing the tune, she insisted on going to the country to swim, but in the end he was said to have drowned himself.

Did he drown himself? There was no monitoring at the time. Anyway, let’s look at the virtues of the Japanese people...

Princess Yongmu was holding a large plate of mature sunflowers and took out a seed from it to eat, feeling that the taste was not good.

"This is called a sunflower. It's very interesting. Its disk will rotate. When the sun rises early, it will always face the sun.

When it was ripe, he couldn't turn his head, and then he lowered his head, and the fruit was full.

Like many people, they were full of ambition when they were young.

The soil may not be good enough, and the rain may not be sufficient, but the world is rough and sunny.

Then they got married, had a daughter-in-law and a child, and gradually lost their dreams and bowed their heads to reality.

So its seeds are sweet, because there have been dreams and pursuits.

The moment it bowed its head, it was the moment when he was about to grow old and dedicate all of it to future generations. "

Li Yi talked to Princess Yongmu in a literary manner, and the voice was gentle and soft, without the slightest anger, and no waves.

"Li Lang, I'm so sad, is it the mother's contribution? Once my mother was young, beautiful, and chasing the sun, but in the end... Li Lang, what are you] Get some cash currency!

Princess Yongmu's eyes were red, and she felt that she had realized the true meaning of life.

As a result, he saw Li Yi split the plate of sunflowers and rubbed each other, and the sunflower seeds fell down.

"Hurry up, come with me. Let's rub the seeds down and they are all ripe. Go back and plant them so that the people can eat more.

This stuff is delicious when fried, let's go back and give it to our mother. If you have time to hurt the spring and the autumn, it is better to do more.

I'm busy now, don't delay things, when I return, I will play romance with you again. Still stunned? Faster. "

Li Yi broke the second plate of sunflower seeds apart, then rubbed them in pairs, and said as he rubbed them.

Xiaolan wiped her tears next to her: "Li Lang, you are too bad! Some monks say that it is forbidden to eat meat. You don't even eat vegetarian food. Are eggplants and cucumbers also very pitiful?"

"This thing is delicious, like hazelnuts, pine nuts, melon seeds, eaten as dried fruit snacks, and can also squeeze oil.

Isn't soybean oil always fishy when raw? It must be fried. This oil is pressed, not fried.

Quickly rub it, stop rubbing, let me get a machine, let's eat tomatoes, they brought it. "

Li Yi rubbed it and saw that the aboriginals had brought another new thing, tomatoes.

Nourished by the tropical climate, the tomatoes here are relatively large and red.

Li Yi knew without eating it, it wouldn't be the same taste as the bite on the plastic sheet.

When he was a child, he grew up at home and loved eating. When he grew up, he discovered that tomatoes had no taste and texture for the sake of yield and preservation time.

There is also coriander, which looks like celery and can't bite.

When I was young, cucumbers, whether they were dry cucumbers or water cucumbers, had the flavor of cucumbers, but later they didn’t taste like The aboriginals took advantage and picked tomatoes. The big ones are ten centimeters in diameter. Look at the skin. Color, you know the sand.

"You two rest, the craftsman will go with me, I will draw you a picture, the equipment for harvesting sunflower seeds, it's quite simple."

Li Yi does not want to exchange, the technical threshold is too low.

"Proprietor, we don't need you, we know how to do it. It's just a thresher, which is better than rice."

The craftsman stopped Li Yi, rubbed a seed, and did you worry about it?

"Let's eat tomatoes, learn from me, and be careful."

Li Yi didn't care. He took three large tomatoes and gave them to Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan.

He wiped it with his hands, took a bite, sucked hard, it was too sweet, and the taste was similar to what he had eaten when he was a child.

After inhaling for a while, he stopped: "Isn't it delicious?"

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan sucked their heads, and they had no time to deal with Li Yi.

Li Yi smiled and waited with the tomatoes he had just sucked in a big mouthful.

He felt full in one bite, too big.

"It's delicious, Li Lang has been waiting for a long time." Princess Yong Mu drank the tomato juice and smiled sweetly at Li Yi.

"This thing can be made into sauce, sweet and sour, we can't eat it now, it's already ripe, it can only be eaten as fruit.

Xiaolan, stop, you bury your face, you have to wash it later, and then apply skin cream.

Otherwise it hurts. If this thing touches your face, it will crack if you don't take care of it. "

Li Yi talked to Princess Yongmu, and found Xiaolan eating with a face, the first thing he felt was pain.

Yes, eat tomatoes, so big, when you touch your face, make sure to crack.

In the past, children in rural areas grew their own homes, and they knew how to wash them or wipe them with their sleeves.

Eating large tomatoes has no less side effects than eating pineapple.

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