Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1470: Talking about sharks comes true

"Whale!" Princess Yongmu, who was eating, saw through the window there was more than one jet of water jetting out of the sea.

Li Yi turned his head: "A group of gray whales sprays a small jet of water, and look carefully at the bifurcation, with two air outlets. It is three feet long to five feet long. Compared with blue whales, the gap is huge."

"How much meat is there?" Princess Yongmu couldn't estimate the whale's weight between three feet and five feet.

"There are more than 20,000 catties in three feet long, and the rate of meat production is not clear, unless you kill a few more heads and collect data."

Li Yi did not consider protecting whales at this time, and if conditions permit, he would let people catch large amounts of whales, dolphins and other marine life.

It is obviously not worth killing whales and dolphins for the purpose of obtaining oil.

For the meat industry, the premise is that it can’t take more time, otherwise, wouldn’t it be better to go to the bottom of the net and go to the net for more herring and cod?

"Killing one head is enough for 10,000 people to eat for a day, just to go back and forth. The fishing boats on our beach are still too small."

Princess Yongmu also considered eating. Datang sometimes encountered whales and stranded.

Where a whale is stranded, the local people report it to the government, and the government will take care of it. The skin is peeled off as completely as possible, and the meat is cut.

Whale oil is a good thing, and the place intercepts it layer by layer, and the last part is given to the emperor.

"When the number of large ships increases, when they go fishing in the open sea, they can hunt whales when they encounter them.

There are also sharks. I fish for sharks when I find time. The skin and meat of the sharks are good. There are also fins, called shark fins. You don’t need to eat only the skin and lips. "

Li Yi said, licking his lips, a little nostalgic.

Princess Yongmu looked forward to her eyes: "I haven't eaten anything. Is the meat of whales and sharks delicious?"

"It's not tasty and fishy, ​​but it depends on how it is made. I will handle it. The taste will be good and the nutritional value will be high."

Li Yi is not very picky about the raw materials of the food, and the fiber of fish is thick, and it is hard to eat.

Will it be loose before production? Of course it takes a lot of effort to fry it.

In addition, the meat of sharks has a nasty smell and the smell of urea, which can be soaked out.

Dried salted fish is harder to chew, isn't it made into a mixed dish?

Princess Yongmu nodded: "If you return, do business first. It doesn't matter if I eat a few bites. It is important for the people to eat more food."

"After landing, I went to collect things and fished at the same time. I have automatic shark fishing.

The speed of the ship is too fast now, the shark will not chase, otherwise the speed is slow, there is a chance to see the dolphins following behind.

In the last two or three years, I will build an aquarium in Zhuangzi to raise smaller fishes. Dolphins and penguins can be raised at a cost. "

Li Yi thinks long-term, now there are red pandas, giant pandas, parrots and other animals for people to watch.

In Datang, not only animals were watched, but also people, short people, were regarded as things to watch.

"Don't be too much, just take it back and give it to others to taste, otherwise it will take up space."

Princess Yongmu wanted to give her family a bite, but the dealer didn't care about it.


When Li Yi said about shark fishing, Haizhou still had a group of Yulin Feiqi who didn't know the situation and was waiting for him to come back.

Yulin Feiqi is not idle, fishing in the sea, some are for the people, some are sold, and some are sent to Chang'an.

The leader is Fan Fan. He ran around all day long. He was in Tubo before and led the team back from the land.

Now command the team to go to sea, and the money earned from selling things is distributed to the brothers of Yulin Feiqi, and they are sent directly to their respective homes.

The people will come to get fish every day, and don't need too many fish. For the big fish, one for several households, and one for the small ones.

A few days ago they wanted so much, they were poor and wanted to eat meat.

After eating, I found that eating less is fine.

In addition to work, there is no time to wait, and it may not be when the ship will return.

At first, Yulin Fei rode down to swim and catch fish, strenuously.

This isn't a net weaving. By the way, I ordered three navy ships, and those who didn't go to sea threw the nets on the seashore.

Either help the people build houses, build walls with stones, or have widows help carry water.

"Commander Fan, when will Dongzhu Li come back?" Fan Fan has just swam ashore from the sea, which is a daily exercise.

During the rest, the local clan elder came over and sat next to him.

"Confidentiality." Fan Fan refused to disclose when Li Yi came back, but he didn't actually know.

"Yes, yes, it's old and abrupt, I'm afraid someone knows it, and wanting to be bad for Li Dongzhu." The old man is sensible.

After apologizing, I asked: "When will you leave?"

"Didn't you ask the same question?" Fan Fan looked at each other as if you were thinking of me as a fool.

"Captain Fan did not know that 16 people were eaten by sharks last year. It was also about this time.

I am afraid that there will be another group of sharks coming this year. I wait for the people, how dare I fight the sharks in the sea?

It's okay to be alone. There are young brave members of the clan who go into the water to kill, and if they fall in droves, they will die. "

The old man finally said his purpose. He didn't care when Li Yi would return. He wanted Yulin Feiqi to help clean up the sharks.

In case the shark does not come, Li Yi comes back, and Yu Lin flies back to Beijing, the shark is still a threat.

"Oh!" Fan Fan suddenly said, "This matter is easy to say. Even if the proprietor comes back and explains the situation, I will keep someone else."

"Isn't Li Dongzhu's safety..." The old man worried that there would be few people protecting Li Yi.

"Safety? We are responsible for moving things for ceremonies. The proprietor doesn't care about others' assassinations." Fan Fan smiled.

The ambulance was parked on the shore, and there were hundreds of people around. Who can do to Li Yi?

Dig a pit more than ten feet deep? If others and the car can't fall, can the ambulance fall?

Run on the mountain on the side of the road to prepare a big rock, aiming at the ambulance to smash it? Habayashi doesn't explore on the road?

Find someone to pretend to be sick and lie down on the road, waiting for Li Yi to go down in person? It's impossible for this trick to work, and it's not easy for real patients.

"So that's it, the old man is relieved." The old man is afraid of becoming a sinner through the ages, and now feels at ease.

He followed the suggestion: "I heard that sharks like to eat living creatures, and every family in the clan should prepare a chicken and throw it in the sea to attract the sharks to show up."

"No need, the fishermen come back and clean up the fish at the beach. When the blood is bleeding into the sea, sharks will come over naturally."

Fan Fan learned this from Li Yi. He asked, and Li Yi said something casually.

"Is that so?" The old man obviously didn't understand.

"Sharks, sharks, sharks, groups of sharks, and small flags on the sea..."

The two were talking, and someone ran over yelling.

"Come, go." Fan Fan was excited when he heard it.

He had long been thinking about catching sharks. Li Yi said that he might encounter sharks here. After seeing them, he would kill them under the premise of ensuring safety.

He dropped the old man and ran over, greeted others as he ran.

The Yulin Feiqi swimming in the sea have already come ashore, and they have a saber in their hands, which is more dangerous.

There are spears on the shore. Use this to pick up sharks, as well as boats and fishing nets.

Yulin Feiqi is the closest, picking the fish from the spinning net, cutting a hole and throwing it into the water.

There are other brothers who have not come up yet and must be covered.

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