Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1483: Indigenous Goods Smoking

Watching Li Yi and others eat, the indigenous people are actually greedy, how can they find that what they usually eat is so delicious?

The chief had already eaten it, admitting that the same things, these people who said that they came from Datang did indeed differ from his own.

They are all spicy foods, but others have other spicy foods. How do you make them?

When processing the meat, some things are put in. Why do you put it in?

At the moment, the chief has 100,000 why he wants to ask clearly, but it is a pity that language communication is still strenuous.

The little girl ate half-full and learned from each other with the tablet computer. Both sides wanted to be fluent in each other's words.

It was dark and the place was a bit cold, and the indigenous people were still reluctant to leave.

They took their own straw mats and hunting fur to the campfire.

Then arrange for someone to be responsible for adding wood to the fire before falling asleep steadily.

Li Yi asked for a bunch of dried corn and went back to the boat to rest together.

When it was dark, he got up, grind the corn into noodles, and slowly boiled it in a few large pots.

Then use the kneading machine to mix the cornmeal with a bit of white flour and bean flour, and put water in the other steamer to boil.

When it was almost time, he woke up the court lady **** and came over to help make the wotou.

"Put a pit in it with your thumb while the tuan is deep, otherwise you don’t like it cooked. You can put pickles in this pit and hold it upside down when you eat it."

Teach them how to do it. Li Yi cut the mustard and pickles, cut them into pieces, and just rinse them with water.

The sun rose, everyone took a bath and got off the boat.

The Indian also got up, looking for a place to go to the bathroom, and preparing to cook.

Seeing that the ship was still there, they felt relieved that they hadn't discussed a good thing yet, don't leave.

Li Yi came down with the porridge, a spoon, kelp and green onions.

The indigenous people are happy and don't have to cook by themselves.

"So take the wotou, stuff the pickles in the back, drink the porridge, and bite." Li Yi picked up the wotou and demonstrated.

Everyone took a look, it was all, simple.

"Li Lang, the corn is really delicious, take it back and plant it for the people of Datang."

Princess Yongmu liked the texture and taste of Baomi Noodle Wotou.

"The equipment I use can grind the noodles very finely, but the people of Datang can't, and they are mixed with white noodles and bean noodles, otherwise they will eat the residue."

Li Yi didn't think corn flour was delicious, so he drank corn paste directly, his stomach was sore.

"It's better than being hungry. Let people eat first. Feed the animals and pigs. Let's eat braised pork." Princess Yongmu was worried about the yield per mu.

The maize cultivated by the Indians from generation to generation has a higher yield per mu, which is higher than that of wheat and rice.

The Indians are the most powerful in planting, but they are relatively poor in domestication, especially meat eating. The tribes here have not seen alpaca.

Wild boars are not domesticated as domestic pigs, nor do they raise chickens, ducks and geese, so they go hunting if they want to eat them.

Li Yi estimated that it has something to do with food production. Alpacas eat grass and pigs and poultry eat corn. The indigenous people don't have enough food.

Regardless of the Indians growing corn and sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, and potatoes, they are still in short supply of food, which is similar to the people in many parts of Datang.

The level of civilization of the Tang Dynasty is obviously higher than that of the Indians. In the face of natural disasters, don't you have to escape from famine? Hunger and perish all over the wild, and eat for children.

However, if the same corn and potatoes are brought to Datang, the people of Datang will have a better life.

"Wow..." The leader used chopsticks to pick up the green onion and seaweed and put it into his mouth. After swallowing it, he said to Li Yi.

"Green onion, right?" Li Yi easily picked a green onion among those silks.

The leader nodded, yes, that's it, where did you get it?

"Tablet." Li Yi stretched out his hand, and the little girl handed the tablet computer on the table in front of her.

Li Yi demonstrated to the leader the planting and harvesting of green onions. In the first year, there were no seeds. In the second year, they continued to plant them. After the winter, there would be seeds.

What spring onions are grown and harvested in spring, and how are they arranged in summer and autumn.

The leader frowned and looked at Li Yi three times, pointing at the green onion seeds.

He has learned to plant, but he has no seeds.

Li Yi nodded, yes, you can’t just take your seeds, and it’s inconvenient for people who come in the future to bring green onions on the boat, as well as **** and garlic.

You plant them and our people come to eat.

There are so many things that can be traded, so you don’t have to use onion, ginger, and garlic. .

The key is not trading. Trade is the stepping stone. After that, we must teach the locals how to do better.

Then, the population and the land were put together in the Tang Dynasty and accepted the laws of the Tang Dynasty.

If the operation is done well, there is no need for war. As long as Datang's technology develops fast enough, others will naturally become Datang people.

The chief didn't know what this kind-hearted man was thinking about, he could grow delicious green onions when he saw that he yelled at his own people.

Many aboriginal people yelled in excitement. For a time, the rice smelled several times better than before.

The leader looked at Li Yi, turned around and ran, returning soon afterwards, he had a small clay pot in his hand.

He took out some dry yellow leaves from the clay pot and put them aside, made some, and then took a burning stick from the campfire where the fire was deliberately kept.

Put the fire in and burn it, smoke came out, his nose took a deep breath into the jar, his face was intoxicated.

After sucking it twice, he put a little leaf in it and handed it to Li Yi.

Li Yi: "..."

"Quit, I have quit, your cigarette, have you used dew? If you don't use dew, you have a bitter, spicy throat and a bad smell."

Li Yi muttered, and reluctantly took it. He knew this was the highest etiquette of the other party, smoking.

He inhales lightly, a little confused, he hasn't smoked for a long time, the key is that the cigarette is not easy to smoke.

He used to smoke dry cigarettes, and all smoked in Phoenix. The tobacco in Fenghuang County, Hunan, Datang called Weiyang County.

But when he smoked, he couldn't get the Phoenix Sun in Fenghuang County, he could only smoke the Phoenix Sun in the next county, which was the same.

The tobacco grown in Fenghuang County is provided to the tobacco factory. The management is very strict, and it is not allowed to go out. Occasionally, it is sold secretly, but it can't reach him.

Good phoenix sun, not bitter, not smelly, not spicy.

The cigarettes processed by the indigenous people are too difficult to smoke. They are not mellow at all, and the drying and fermentation have not been properly done.

After taking a sip, Li Yi went back, stopped smoking, choked and broke the cigarette.

"Li Lang, what is this?" Princess Yongmu was curious, and the smoking is incense?

"Similar to poppy, it's a medicine. It can be used for medicine. However, it is addictive, so it is not allowed to appear in Datang."

Li Yi decided long ago not to contact Datang people, and those who come over are not allowed to smoke anymore, and talk to the natives.

"What about medicinal use?" The little girl was more concerned when she heard that she could be used as medicine.

"The medicinal use is basically external application. I am worried that some people will smoke, and then more people will smoke. Everyone will smoke all the time."

Li Yi thought about the contents of the medical book and gave a prescription.

"I know, Master's medical book has it, so that's it. Master, we don't let others grow it, we grow it ourselves, and sell it to pharmacies everywhere.

Don’t you let poppies be eaten? Arsenic is still medicine, and most people don’t eat it for fun. "

The little girl persuades, get it back, and limit the use. If you don't say smoking is good, who will smoke?

"Look at it and talk about it." Li Yi still couldn't make a decision for a while.


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