Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1507: Technology is important

   Now that the house is still under construction, I didn’t expect to erect a lighthouse. Hundreds of people are busy.

   No, I'm not busy now, I look up at the sky.

   Flying a drone in the sky, there is movement, buzzing, even if it is a small black spot, that depends on it.

   They didn't see the yacht, it was far away, and it was off the net at a distance of more than twenty miles.

   "I thought it was a nostalgia for my hometown, but I became amorous." Li Yi chuckled and relaxed.

   has nothing to do with sadness, people live normally.

   There are a lot of materials that have not been built. It depends on the material.

   Some volcanic rocks are lighter than water, meaning they can be towed away and put on a boat.

   Don’t allow locals to think about getting more stone statues to stand in that place in Chile?

   Judging from Li Yi's analysis, it is absolutely inadequate and impossible to succeed because of ocean currents and wind direction.

   But it can be shipped to the back, this island belongs to the processing base.

  Why cut so much wood? Shipbuilding, ocean trade does not need ships?

   Why don’t you plant more? Cut while planting?

   What do you think of this tribe? Do you know how to raise silkworms? Can we burn Tang Sancai? Are there so many Chinese herbal medicines?

   shows that the technology of this ethnic group is not enough. Otherwise, how come the stone statues carved out in later years are so simple?

   The craftsmen called Datang to carve a 20-meter-high stone statue of light specific gravity, carved into the shape of Easter Island, and there are not enough craftsmen's heads to cut.

  Don't talk about craftsmen, apprentices are alive without a face like that.

   "It's a pity that they are not sculpted now, am I here early? Wen Tian, ​​remember, we Datang is enough to look down upon the world at this moment."

   Li Yi naturally put his hand on Princess Yongmu's shoulder, and Princess Yongmu tilted her head slightly.

   Xiaolan stepped to the other side of Li Yi, looking at the ocean: "I want to build a bigger ship, otherwise it will shake badly and become unstable."

   "Li Lang, you hold Xiao Lan, don't let her fall down." Princess Yongmu also looked outside at the blue sea and blue sky.

   Li Yi held his arm with the other hand, Xiao Lan shrank her neck, her eyes narrowed into a crescent moon.

   For an instant, I felt warm and filled the captain's room, quiet, heart-warming, sweet...

   "Master, after going to the island, can I get their pulse?" The crisp childish voice broke the ‘yoke’ like a mirror.

   Li Yi took a deep breath: "Qingdai, do you believe in driving you out of the teacher?"

   "Master, I just remembered that I still have one medicine that I haven't fixed, I'm leaving now!" The little girl's voice rang, and the person was gone.

   "Ha ha ha ha..." "Chuck chuck..." The three of them laughed together.

   Then Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan leaned their heads against Li Yi's chest at the same time, listening in peace.

   The natives on the island were uneasy, they found that the flying thing was getting closer and closer to them.

   Then it sounded in several languages, two of which they could hear roughly, the other fully understood.

  "We are from Tang Dynasty. My name is Feng Qingdai. I will catch fish for you. I'll go by in a while. You talk, let me know which one is right, it won't work, ah, it won't work. You don't understand this sentence.

   That, wait for me to go up and talk, then what shall I tell you? No use huh?

   Shout a few words, if you understand what I'm saying, shout a few words, shout loudly. "

   The drone approached, and a clear voice of a female doll came from it.

   "Who are you?" A person on the ground yelled, which means this in translation.

   The others yelled to overcome the drone's hum.

   "I see, we can talk, we are Datang..."

   The little girl didn't go to see the medicinal materials at all, because there were no medicinal materials to deal with.

   She snatched the remote control from the craftsman's hand, and controlled several languages ​​she learned on the road to try to communicate with the locals.

   was really found by her, she controlled the drone and fell to a, not a tree, but a rock.

   The drone came around from the tree, it is absolutely impossible to fall, and it is easy to get stuck.

   She used the battery's final capacity to communicate with each other, telling them what to do. In a while, her boat had to be near by, there were fish and prawns, many.

   The local indigenous people don’t know that the person communicating is a little girl, and they really listen.

   There is no way, just like Li Yi's people at the time saw an alien spacecraft.

   Communicate first, and then see if the other party’s request will cause harm to you, if not, you can do it first.

   The indigenous people went to find firewood to use.

   This thing is no loss to them. If others don't come, they can cook by themselves.

  "Let’s take a saw to make a large stone statue, at least ten feet high, tie the rope and use the yacht to drag it in the sea. The weight of the stone is not heavy.

   is divided into small pieces, piled up, and then carved as a whole, there is no need to be too realistic.

Hello everyone, our official account will find gold and red envelopes every day as long as you pay attention to it, you can receive the last benefit at the end of the year. Please seize the opportunity.

   In the future, if we want to build a lighthouse, we need a tower guard, sometimes one or two people.

   But we can build the lighthouse into a continuous house and ask every group on the island to maintain it together. "

   Li Yi started to think about the future, he didn't calculate small profits.

   If he only owns a wooden sailboat, he will count others in order to make more profits in the trade.

   Now he represents Datang, and his position is different, so his considerations are naturally different.

   "Are our people guarding?" Princess Yongmu was tangled. She was relieved by others, and she thought it would be cruel to leave them here.

   "Lighthouses are not just for us. We provide technology. Anyone on an island wants a lighthouse, but they don't have a clear concept of a lighthouse."

   Li Yi found out early that for every island with a human being, the locals wanted to make a conspicuous sign.

   They sail by themselves, knowing that there is an obvious thing to navigate for themselves.

   Evening is especially important, but they are not capable. U U Reading

   There is no electricity, no more grease to light the lamp, they themselves are still in the era of living with fire.

  火, not so easy to get.

   Just as many people are unwilling to bring up the question of what to wipe their buttocks in the toilet, the acquisition of fire has been selectively ignored in survival.

   In the village of Datang, some people borrowed the fire. The fire sickle in my home was not easy to use, and I didn't keep the fire, so I went to borrow it.

   There are also borrowing kitchen knives, rice noodles, salt, oil, and firewood.

   Those who live a better life will borrow the noodle fertilizer, and the noodles are used without yeast, so ask who in the village or the shop has eaten the noodles recently.

   usually leave a bit of noodles. If the fermentation is good, you can sprinkle the noodles outside for fear of over-fermentation.

   I want to steam buns at home, borrow a little, and mix it in the noodles, the fermentation speed is fast.

  The same is true for the lighthouse fire. Without kerosene, it is best to burn wood. Obviously it is not easy to use, right?

   "We provide them with kerosene, diesel, and lights. No money. The lighthouse should be built on the outermost part of the reef."

   Li Yi took the mouse and operated the keyboard in the captain's room to draw a lighthouse on the big screen, and explained while drawing.

   "Li Lang, they took the oil and swallowed it by themselves?" Princess Yongmu was worried again.


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