Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1508: Different civilizations

   "If any lighthouse is swallowed privately, the free treatment will be cancelled." Li Yi actually doesn't think the indigenous people will be greedy for ink.

   Take some oil from a kerosene lamp to cook, it won’t take long.

   The kerosene lamp is most suitable for keeping a kind of fire.

   Not in use now, Datang has a small fleet.

   In the future, I will come here frequently to shuttle back and forth by sea, and then consider where to set up a lighthouse.

   represents the territory, and at the same time tells the ships at night not to hit "me", you can't hit "me", and there are many rocks on the way.

   The little girl chatted with the local people through the drone at this time: "What you say has a hint of local accent, and the ending tone drops when you pronounce it. I will teach you Da Tang dialect later..."

   The indigenous female leader led a group of people around the drone that fell on the rock, communicating with a flying thing for the first time in her life.

   The yacht after catching the fish finally appeared in the eyes of the aboriginals. A small spot on the sea level gradually became larger.

   When the windows of the yacht can be clearly seen, the indigenous people, like people on other islands, showed expressions of surprise and awe.

   "Indigo, how many people are there on the island?" Li Yi came to the little girl who shouted "hey hey hey" to the islanders.

   "One hundred and one, so few." The little girl raised her head and gestured with her fingers.

   "I have contact with other islands, and the population is not fixed. Newborns, dead, and those who haven't returned from a long journey may also come from other islands."

   Li Yi thinks he has found the secret, that is, a person of the same race ran to various islands in the Pacific Ocean.

   has been running since many years ago, one after another islands were occupied by them, and they developed their own tribes.

   Some people in the ethnic group go to other places, meet other people, such as the Japanese, and have children with each other for a period of time.

  The Japanese government also went to the Tang and Song Dynasties to borrow seeds for a while.

   There are also women from Xinluo, some were sold to Datang, and some were specifically to make money, and then they took their children back.

   The one who sold to Datang was called the maidservant Xinluo, the maidservant of the slave maid.

   Li Yi thinks that when you curse people, you are second, stupid, and the name is not a female officer, but a maidservant.

   There is no natural port in the island. The yacht managed to escape the underwater reef amidst the concerns of the islanders and found a place to anchor.

   Kayaking down to carry the catch, the indigenous people who had communicated with each other ran over to help.

   Give them these things to eat. They know the surrounding reefs and record them when they dive to find shells.

   They have their own words and pictures. Li Yi was researched at that time, and after various comparisons, they finally figured out the general meaning.

   Li Yi checked the information, and it was nothing more than hieroglyphs. Is this stuff still so hard?

   pictures clearly show one thing, and some are a little more abstract.

   Oracle is not a picture? China can also know what it means.

   The Mayan civilization is mysterious, the Easter Island civilization is mysterious, and the people themselves are not mysterious. Some people have destroyed their civilization.

   Destroy the materials that others record things, and kill those who can understand the materials.

   turned his head to study other people's writing and history, oops, it's so mysterious.

   The development of Chinese history is not about destroying the civilization of others. Most of the things taught to China in the past, while studying and retaining the other’s things.

   includes the patterns in the splendid embroidery, embroidering the other's civilization skills and totems.

   Fusion without extinction, spread and learn from each other.

  Taishan does not reject the fine soil, so it can become its height; the river does not reject the trickle, so it can become its depth.

To exchange good books, follow the vx public account [Book Friends Base Camp]. Pay attention now to receive cash red envelopes!

   This is China!

   "Leave a few chickens in our team, two roosters plus ten hens, and teach them how to hatch them artificially, or let the hens hatch."

   Li Yi is going back, there are still a lot of chickens on the boat, I didn't eat much, I kept eating eggs.

   He regrets now, why didn't he hatch the chicks on the road, and gave someone a group of cute chicks to raise.

   When I arrived in Datang, I asked the team behind to send more pigs and poultry, as well as bees, to tell the indigenous people how to raise them.

   Mosquitoes, flies, mice, etc. are unnecessary.

   "Master, will someone come over to eat eggs in the future? You told me that eggs and fish are both protein, and the taste is too bad."

   Little girl likes to eat egg custard, which is steamed water egg, put soy sauce and sesame oil, it is better than tofu nao. Of course, the price is more expensive than tofu brain.

   "So we study medicine, we need to solve the taste problem, for example, the boiled medicine is difficult to drink, oh, it is not difficult for you, and others need to find a way."

   Li Yi didn't want to drink Chinese medicine, especially the Chinese medicine with licorice in it, because it was disgusting.

   Take Coptis chinensis soaked in water, it can be like drinking tea. The taste of Kudingcha is a bit close to Coptis chinensis, it puts too much bitterness...

   Regardless of how bitter it is, it’s acceptable to drink.

   Licorice soaked in water, I feel sick when I drink it.

   "Let's stop in Luzhou when we go back. There are Luo Han Guo and wild fruits in the local area, and they are found in medical books. Let them cultivate artificially."

   Li Yi thought of the taste of licorice, and then of bitter girl and Luo Han Guo.

   The bitterness of bitter girl soaking in water is not normal bitterness, and the sweetness of Luo Han Guo is also unusually sweet. When the two things are soaked together, the taste is adjusted.

   The easiest way to drink this is to remove the fire, and it’s good for your throat.

   "Just pinch your nose and drink, pinch the nose and pour it down, pant with your mouth, and eat a piece of rock candy. It will take a while and it will be resolved."

   The little girl has a way. She is always thinking about it. When there is no rock candy, she is probably thinking about maltose.

   Maltose is sweet. The disadvantage is that it is not easy to preserve in hot weather. The glutinous rice candy needs to be wrapped with one or two layers of glutinous rice paper.

   "It is mainly for babies. Children over three years old are a little bit more sensible. If they are sick, let them drink, but they will be obedient. The baby vomits out."

   Li Yi's most troublesome thing is to give medicine to the baby. UU reading doesn't taste good, people don't care what you are doing, vomiting.

   "Mixed with sugar water? Too much, some babies can't stand it, I wonder, can I choke the baby by pinching the baby's nose?"

   The little girl tangled up, and the baby is most likely to die from illness. The main reason is that it is not easy to administer medicine.

   Li Yi nodded: "We still have intramuscular injections. When I go back, I will think of a way to find simple antibiotics and follow the acupuncture technique when putting the needles."

   Speaking of this, Li Yi is more proud. The Zhuangzi Hospital sometimes uses the medicine he exchanged to treat diseases.

   Nurses learn acupuncture and use the theory of acupuncture to give intramuscular injections, so the pain will be less.

   There is no pain from intramuscular injection by intravenous injection. The intramuscular injection is deep and the intravenous injection is superficial.

  The pain is very small when the vein is pierced, and the more pain lies in the epidermal injury, such as directly facing the sweat pore.

   The puncture of traditional Chinese medicine is less painful than the puncture of modern medicine, and the technique is problematic.

   If every nurse learns acupuncture first and waits for the application of intramuscular and intravenous injections, it will obviously be much better.

   At that time, some people were researching, and they had actually operated it. The requirements for nurses were relatively high.

   Someone earns money for a nurse's job, you let them learn acupuncture well?


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