Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1513: Advanced version of fire technology

In Lantian County, Li Yi had seen it, no, when he first arrived in Lijiazhuangzi, there was something to make fire by drilling wood.

   Small bow, wood, velvet grass, common velvet uses mugwort.

   The same as other wormwood, such as Artemisia spp.

   Weave into a rope, and put the rope in the gap when drilling wood to get fire.

   As long as it is not humid, under normal circumstances, half an hour is not needed.

   What kind of sulphur, saltpeter, no need to put it.

   can be fast, hush hush, the rope of wormwood is set on fire.

   Use mugwort to make mosquito-repellent incense, just hang on a rope, don’t blow it, it burns a little by itself.

   Once you blow it, it turns into a flame.

   Even so, the people of Datang are still unwilling to always make fires.

   Need a lot of wormwood to braid the rope, and find the right wood to make a similar shape.

   People in Chang'an and the counties governed by the state capital prefer to eat outside. They have a stove at home. In Datang, it was only after Li Yi arrived that the chimneys were built.

   Otherwise, all set up a stove outside and burn wood.

   When Li Yi was a child, all the stoves in the countryside in the northeast were connected to the kang with built-in chimneys.

   Put a slate or tile in summer to block the place where the fire is connected.

   Pick it up in winter, and the fire walks along the Kangdao.

  Other places are all outside stoves. Who wants to burn fire in the house?

   The government of Datang must always have fire, and if the people want to borrow it, it won’t work.

   Generally large families in the village provide fire to people in the same village. If there is a family village, it is more convenient.

   What do you use to shave your **** when you go to the toilet? How to make a fire when you cook is the daily life of Datang.

   Flint is not available in all places. The flaming requires metal, but iron and copper are obviously not good.

   How many years ago Li Yi was smoking a dry pipe, stuffed tobacco in the pipe pot, flint in one hand and fire sickle in the other, slapped.

The sparks that    knocked out fell into the pipe pot, lit the tobacco, smoked vigorously, smoked a few times, and then pressed it with his hand.

   Then there was a match. If you light the match, you still have to press it, and you have to press it once you draw it.

   Have you ever seen two pipe poles against fire? Smoking cigarettes can take other people's cigarettes and check them.

   Smoking dry pipes can be exchanged as well. With two pipes and pot horizontally, one blows and the other smokes, so that it is too hot.

   Li Yi is thinking about making fire fast, important islands on the nautical line, in case of heavy rain, it will rain for several days.

   The wood is damp, so obviously it won’t catch fire. You can drill it, can it come out? Yes, guaranteed. Wet wood can get out of the fire.

   It’s just that the time consumed is different, the weather is good, things are dry, dozens of breaths are not available, and the fire is out.

   Is the weather bad? Thousands of breath drills and drills, but still no fire.

   I need a lighter, I don’t usually put so much kerosene, it volatilizes too fast.

   is packed in a glass bottle or a sealed iron box.

   Pour a little when it needs to start a fire, rub your thumb a few times, and the flame appears.

  Princess Yongmu blinked her big eyes: "Li Lang is talking about building a lighthouse in the future, so you don’t need to keep a kind of fire during the day and give a lighter to save fuel?"

  "Yes, let's solve the fire problem first, build a lighthouse, and then use it to promote it.

  The indigenous people on every island hope that outsiders will come to communicate and trade.

   From their point of view, the lighthouse is an important tool for connecting to the outside world. The more Datang ships, the more they value it. "

   Li Yi knows the advantages of Datang at this time. In the great voyage era, in fact, many people wanted to go to China during the Ming Dynasty.

   "Go back, do you want to have lighters in all places in Datang?"

   Princess Yongmu doesn't know the importance of fire. Even if she could not eat braised pork before, she still has a distinguished status.

   Xiaolan knew that when Princess Yongmu needed fire when she was a child, she was responsible for solving it.

   She has a tool for drilling wood to make fire, and a scythe.

   "Li Lang, lighters are too expensive."

   Xiaolan took the bow in the female leader's hand, took a look, and shook her head, the design was not reasonable enough.

   "To make matches, I will get a set of equipment that can be manufactured with the current technology. It is the technical reserve in the Zhuangzi, not me.

   The red phosphorus and other things are made, and then made into matches, in one step, there is no difficulty in technology, only the sealing during processing. "

   He doesn't want to use white phosphorus. The white phosphorus matches are really good, and they can be worn on his clothes.

   The red phosphorous ones will not work, the red phosphorous matches... can be scratched on the glass blackboard.

   He did this before. He took a match to the classroom and had to draw on the glass blackboard.

   He has also done another kind of wickedness. In the previous school, it was scratching, not paint.

   spit on the wall and scrape the white cream from the back of the match. After scraping, the **** of the match is glued with the white cream.

   I lit it, and threw it on top. There was a shed on it. A large white paste was glued on. The match burned and a **** circle was burned out.

   There are the most sheds in the toilet, and everyone is playing like that.

   Later, when he grew up, he finally understood that what he used to do was not in human affairs.

   Are you free? What is the burning shed? How did you want to drop it?

   "It's useless to regret the things in the past. We make matches to protect the health of the maker.

   In fact, white phosphorus is also okay. It is nothing more than toxic. It is normal and the temperature does not reach the critical point of nature.

   It's just a little extra process to make it into red phosphorus, which is safer. The production cost in the village is a bit high, take it slow. "

   Li Yi told myself, what should I do if I made mistakes when I was young? Can't you die?

   Even if someone called the police, the police couldn’t tell you what to do and give you class! You are not allowed to play like this in the future, and find a parent.

   If you can choose, you can help to scrape the whites by yourself. Don't ask your parents. It hurts too much to be beaten.

   Princess Yongmu didn't know that her Li Lang had experienced so many things, she looked at the bow that made fire through wood: "Li Lang, how can I improve it?"

   "Ah? Ah!" Li Yi returned to his No need to change, this is a new tool! It is more labor-saving to process the wood used for drilling logs for fire. I let them do it. "

   Li Yi knows how to make it more convenient. Cut the wood into small pieces according to the texture, and then punch out the gaps and holes.

   The head of the drill is processed with a cutting knife, and in conjunction with the upper bow, it is an ‘advanced’ thing that can be drilled out of fire with less than twenty breaths.

   He found the tool, clicked a few times, after finishing the modification, he signaled the female head to lead the drill.

   The female chief doesn’t have wormwood. She uses hay, which doesn’t smell as good as wormwood.

   She shook her bow, the smoke rose, and then she blew it carefully, and the flame appeared in the smoke.

   Throwing away the fire, she raised her head and smiled. It really worked.

   Xiaolan curled her lips next to her, she really fell behind, even drilling wood to make fire is more difficult than Datang, and Datang still uses metal mirrors to make fire.

   Now Lijiazhuangzi specializes in manufacturing solar furnaces for ships and military use.

  What is a match? More convenient than fire sickle? Better than a lighter?

   "Our industrial foundation is too poor. When I go back this time, I have to think of a way to continue teaching." Li Yi was not proud.

   Is there anything comparable with the indigenous people? Compared to my own time, a pack of ten boxes of matches is worth more than 30 cents in wholesale.

   Make a pack of matches with the current technology of Lijiazhuangzi, can it be enough?

  To make, a lot of white phosphorus must be extracted at once, and then white phosphorus is used to make red phosphorus. The equipment is not difficult.

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