Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1514: Hanging bottle for lunch again

The yacht parked there, and the sailors took turns to visit the boat, which belonged to the owner of Li.

   In case you need to fight a naval battle, Li Dongzhu’s ship is considered the flagship. Just now, he just watched it, as if flying on the sea.

   "If you want to fight this ship, you need to choose narrow waters, limit its speed and flexibility, and then use a large ship bed crossbow to fire a dense crossbow, choose hundreds of dead men, launch the ship, and the surface ship to connect the ship."

   A young navy general stood on the deck and stomped lightly, analyzing how to hit the yacht.

   will look at the young admiral from the side: "Dong Master Li is on the boat, it is useful to choose the waters? We have 40 ships at the moment, not enough for Li Dong."

   "It's always going to be hard work. The windows of the ship are really beautiful. I want to go out to sea around this ship and promote my great power." The teenager didn't argue, only sighed.

   "First run more of the sea, learn to deal with the danger, and then consider coming out with Li Dongzhu." He will walk towards the cabin.

   Many doors in the cabin are wide open. You can stroll around, including the captain’s cab, but you are not allowed to move the contents.

   "The swimming pool, there is no water, there are many bags, what's in it?" The seaman went up and found the swimming pool.

   "What's the cross in the middle?" Another seaman looked at the helicopter's take-off and landing point and wondered.

   "The place where they sleep is a few laps larger than ours, oh, there are piles of things."

   "The bath room?"

   "You don't need to take a bucket when you go to the toilet?"

   "I don't know what to do with a bunch of things in the kitchen."

   "This door can't be opened, ah! Operating room, I see."

   "This door is also not allowed to enter. Looking from the window, there are rows of fixed shelves inside, with things on them, what about growing things?"

   The sailors were surprised to see everything, and some people stretched their hands into the washbasin and almost cried. If they didn't take them out, the faucet kept running out of water, and the more they got out of the water, the more they picked it up.

   At dusk, most of the seafarers have visited the yacht, but Habayashi Feiqi didn't go there, and waited for Zhuangzi to see it later.

   Others prepare meals, and Li Yi teaches Ruan Jin, Liu Tingguang and a few clever people how to use tablet computers.

   "Turn on the solar panel when there is sun. If there is no sun, charge it by hand. Even if it is broken, you must bring it back to me, and you are not allowed to lose it."

   Li Yi first emphasizes discipline, what if someone sneaks away and throws in the enemy?

   "Don't worry, the proprietor, we are on guard 24 hours a day." Ruan Jin looked at the tablet computer and it was no different from the indigenous people. It was magical.

   When I have a meal, a few people will learn.

   Li Yi opened some of the permissions and locked the others. Don't delete the data by mistake.

   "Sacred tool." Wrapped things up, surrounded by a circle of Yulin Feiqi, they take turns to eat, other times their eyes are fixed.

   "I'm here, eat as long as I can."

   Li Yi, wearing a white coat and a stethoscope around his neck, feeds an indigenous child with fish jelly. The child is four years old and a girl.

   was sick, hanging a bottle, lacking energy, unable to eat, only Li Yi fed, she could open her mouth.

  Small problem, one injection of antibiotics is inserted, and then the antibiotics for the pills are left a few times, and it is guaranteed to be good after taking it.

   Try to add protein as much as possible, without water, a large bottle of glucose injection.

   The child was hidden before. The aboriginal people were afraid that the sick child would upset the Datang people and waited for the child to die.

   was discovered by the little girl. The little girl chatted with other indigenous children who were digging wild vegetables together. They chatted about a child who was sick.

   The aboriginals did the right thing. They changed the team from another place, they were worried about being infected with diseases.

   is just a team of Datang, not afraid of this, especially Li Yi.

   The child has a fever, 38 degrees Celsius, and tonsils are inflamed.

   The little girl used acupuncture and massage. Li Yi put a cold compress on the child’s neck and put on a mask. This thing is indeed contagious.

   "I'll leave tomorrow night and chase two needles." Li Yi gave another bite of fish jelly. The fish jelly was cold, and his throat didn't hurt so much.

   "What if tomorrow is not good?" Princess Yongmu worried about the Tang Seed.

   "Take it away and leave it to die. They don't have good medical conditions."

   Li Yi can't just watch the child die, it's not a serious illness.

  Seriously ill, you have to take it away. When you go back, you should study and study with the nurses. If you live, your child will die. Isn’t that normal?

   The child has his eyes wide open and eats one bite at a time. He is very strong. She thinks she can live.

   Li Yi's temperament has changed again, he has become a doctor, he is gentle when he sees a doctor, don't irritate the patient.

   When he is treating someone, he is cold and arrogant, and his strong self-confidence is shown in his behavior. Minor illness, don't worry.

   The curse forbidden department of the Imperial Medical Office of the Tang Dynasty played this, psychotherapy.

   The aboriginal people took a look at the lineup of the children and Li Yi from time to time, including the nurses in the team later, wearing white lab coats together.

   They surrounded Li Yi's body, and their aura appeared.

   The natives looked at it, somehow there was trust, and the child promised to live.

   Feeding a few more mouthfuls, the child's eyelids began to close, sleepy, there is stability in the bottle, the least painful way is to let the child sleep.

   Li Yi carried the child into the thermostat: "Push it to the side, where the sound is small, don't turn off the light on it, you may sweat during the fever, so remember to wipe it off.

   I made two cotton clothes and put on her. I used my cardiopulmonary monitoring, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, waking her up, having a nightmare, and then pushing her to my side.

   If swallowing is seen in the throat, raise your head, give oxygen, and apply cold compresses. "

   After Li Yi confessed to the nurse, he stepped on the aircraft and flew to the yacht in a harsh sound.

   He makes the clothes, draws lines, cuts them, and the sewing machine chuckles and it's done.

   Wash, dry, put it in the cake room and heat the cream to make the clothes smell like cream. UU Reading

   Li Yi doesn't like to eat cream, the fresh milk can barely eat two bites, the little girl loves it, and the ladies of the palace and the Princess Yongmu also like to eat it.

   "Sweet!" Li Yi smelled his clothes and smiled.

  The warm pink color of the clothes, plus the creamy flavor, is standard for children.

   With the harsh movement, he flew back again, showing two small clothes.

   The direct senses that clothes give people are close-fitting, softness, and warmth.

   "Master!" The little girl looked up at her clothes and shouted.

   "I will make it for you tomorrow, and I will embroider Smurfs on the clothes." Li Yi knows what the big disciple thinks.

   "Sister Blue." The little girl was happy.

   Li Yi sent the clothes over: "What's your body temperature?"

   "Thirty-eight degrees." The guarding nurse reported immediately.

   "Gently massage your head, what do you two want to eat? I will do it when you change shifts." Li Yi knew that the two nurses had not eaten.

   "Grilled sausages." Two nurses, a man and a woman, said at the same time.

   "Okay! Why don't I like to eat?" Li Yi put down his clothes and muttered back.

   He used to eat only a few slices of sausages. He still didn't eat the kind of sausages that were fed to dogs in plastic packaging. It must be sausages with casings.

   But he loves the stew made from the scraps used to make sausages in the northeast. The milky white one is not black.

   "Tomorrow I will make stew, deep-fry, brush with hot sauce, no chili oil." Li Yi thought about the stew, greedy.

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