Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1515: Attaching to the strong is not black and white

Li Yi returned to the original position and took off his mask. The aboriginal people all stood up, and they looked at Li Yi.

   "Sit down and eat, the baby is okay, I am here." Li Yi said in the local language, pressing down with both hands.

   "Li! Dong! Lord!" The female chief said in a Datang dialect, and at the same time, she learned from the Tang Dynasty clasped fists.

   "Lee! Dong! Lord!" The others followed with a non-standard pronunciation, clasping their fists.

   "It's easy to talk and talk!" Li Yi replied.

   "Leader Li!" The female leader took out a banner, the dragon flag in Tang characters, unfolded it, and showed it to Li Yi.

  ‘Wow! Wow! Amidst the chaotic sound, all the Datang people all stood up and stood still, with solemn expressions.

   The indigenous people were taken aback, and quickly learned to stand. They had never discovered that this cloth was so powerful.

   On the forty big ships, the torches were lit one after another, and people stood beside the torches, and the shadows were faint.

   The aboriginals were scared again, why?

   "We...want...your people." The female chief tried hard to organize the vocabulary, but she was not proficient enough.

   "Confirm?" Li Yi asked seriously.

   "Ah! Acknowledge!" The female leader's hands trembled.

   "Change the official uniform!" Li Yi ordered, and Yu Lin Feiqi dived to swim in the water and went to fetch the clothes.

   In less than a quarter of an hour, Li Yi and others' clothes changed back to the way they were on Yakushima.

   The little girl wore her official uniform to talk about etiquette with the indigenous people. This one has to kneel.

   Li Yi wrote the imperial decree and put his seal, as well as the seal of the princess Yongmu who witnessed, he wants to canonize it on behalf of the sky.

   He was sitting with Princess Yongmu, and the other party knelt down three times and nine times. He presented the official uniform of the governor, as well as the official seal and private seal that had just been engraved, pen, ink, paper, inkstone, goldfish bag, and so on.

   The female leader put on clothes and bowed down again. After the end, Li Yi smiled and said, "From now on, you and I will be officials in the same court, and the people of Tang Dynasty should support each other. Be careful."

   He gave out a bunch of glass beads, they were pretty.

   The chili sauce was also taken out, and I was willing to add a small tribe at once, and they still occupy a key position.

   Either you destroy them and replace them with Datang’s people guarding the island, or you can only benefit others.

   Princess Yongmu also gave a gift, a makeup box, with a mirror.

   People in the Datang team smile more sincerely, and the other party belongs to the official of Datang.

   The official of the governor is not white, and he pays salaries and other things every year.

   The money earned by a captain is enough to support a tribe with less than three hundred people.

   The aboriginal people never thought it would be like this, they were just willing to surrender.

   took the banner of Datang and became a member of Datang, and his status was still very low.

   Because Datang is so kind to him, and who can fly.

   There are only a few people on his side, not enough for others to fight.

   They also help the child to see a doctor. I don’t understand that cover at all. The child slept soundly in it anyway.

   The most powerful person flew back to make beautiful little clothes and promised to save the child.

   If you don't show your surrender anymore, they will leave, and I don't know when they will come again.

   I surrendered, why is it different? Give yourself more good things.

   The other party gave two of the same flags again, saying that they should be hung up every day.

   Why is this flag so important? When the banner is lighted, the expressions of a group of people change. What does the banner represent?

   The people in the Datang team became enthusiastic, and they will be their own people in the future.

What? Regret it? Damn it! In front of Dongzhu Li and Princess Yongmu, you confessed to submit to Datang. The benefits are taken. Do you think you can withstand the anger of Dongzhu Li?

   Dongzhu Li and Princess Yongmu are not the two of them. The majesty of Datang cannot be violated.

   If you don’t believe me, take a look at Tubo, what happened to Li Dongzhu? Oh! You don’t understand yet.

   Li Dongzhu sits in Bashui Zhuangzi, Chang'an, and the world is moving because of him.

   What you see now is what he looked like when he saved people. You have never seen how harsh he was when he killed people.

   Of course the aborigines don’t know, they are in a good mood and have found a backer! Don’t be afraid anymore!

   Everyone danced, danced in circles, hand in hand, around the bonfire.

   Li Yi and others changed their clothes back, dancing in official clothes is absolutely impossible.

   Even in the Tang Dynasty, whether it is the Dachaohui in the Hanyuan Hall or the Liyuan in the Fanglin Garden, who dares to dance in official clothes?

   Even if Li Longji is happy, if he wants to play an instrument and participate in it, he has to change into a regular service.

   After all the fun, the moon is almost empty and round.

   "Li Lang, I'm a bit homesick, you sing me a homesick song!"

  Princess Yongmu acted like a baby. Just now Li Yi took the hand of the female leader and jumped.

   "I'll play the pipa." Li Yi understands, just such a thing, coaxing.

   If I change to a man who is incomprehensible, he will shout: What can I do if I hold a hand? I didn't do anything.

   Of course, it’s the saddest thing for people who are incomprehensible and can’t even make out what a woman means.

   Someone kayaked to pick up the pipa. When he came back, Li Yi tuned and sang: "There is a moon in the sky, a moon in the water, the moon in the sky..."

   "Oh~~~" The aboriginal people discovered the New World, this man who knows everything, can still play an instrument, what is an instrument?

   Li Yi doesn't care about the aboriginal people, he plays and sings for Princess Yongmu.

   Princess Yongmu smiled foolishly like a child, Xiao Lan was anxious.

   She whispered to Princess Yongmu: "Princess, you can't always do this, the more the frequency, the man will get bored. Li Lang has nothing to do with others, you have to find something.

   Li Lang belongs to the place that represents the court to appease, and if you do this in the middle, you are creating obstacles for Li Lang.

  In the case of dealing with national affairs, he has to separate his mind to deal with you, you can't help, and you are holding back..."

   "Is that so?" Princess Yongmu turned pale with fright.

   "If I were like you, I would have died a long time ago. I can't stay with you till now." Xiaolan nodded vigorously.

   "Then what should I do?" Princess Yongmu was anxious, she didn't think about that.

  "Take the female leader of the other party to sing. If she can't sing, she just hum Xiaolan immediately gives a way.

   Princess Yongmu looked at Xiaolan: "Good sister!"

   She went out, looking for the female chief, Xiao Lan exhaled and followed.

   Li Yi played and sang, seeing Princess Yongmu's movements, forced a smile, maintaining his affectionate look towards his hometown.

   He could see that Xiaolan is powerful, and Princess Yongmu is relatively innocent.

   Princess Yongmu will only become smart at critical moments, such as the royal fight.

   He doesn't want to say anything, isn't life like this! If everything is in accordance with rules and procedures, including crying and laughing, what is the meaning of life?

   He does not think that Xiaolan's city is deep because of Xiaolan's behavior, nor will he be bored with Princess Yongmu's behavior today.

   If the individuals in an ethnic group are all the same, the next step for this ethnic group is to die out and cannot exist.

   The same is true for the Chinese nation. There are always all kinds of people appearing, not black or white.

   Including the one with the surname Wang, the one who writes the yindao quickly and lives up to his youth. When he was faced with a lot of pressure, he leaked the content of the agreement, and then the people scolded him and said he was traitorous.

   Then he said to Waguo, "Look, I can't do it. They all know it. If I sign, I'll be over. Change it, change the agreement again, right?"

   Like Zeng Guofan’s son, he speaks many foreign languages, signs a peace agreement, and is scolded.

   In fact, he was admired by others when he signed this when others were strong and himself weak.

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